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Favourite War Movies

Well all, just marking time i n my last 15mins here in the CP. Sure, I have afew fav movies, The Wild Geese is one of many, but another is Kelly's Heroes. so, a quick KH special effects story for ya....

I had bought a box set of pirated Clint Eastwood movies, 30 in all for $14US at one of the local Iraqi market shops here in the FOB. Nicely boxed.

On the 11th of this month at about 2300h, I had just started watching, it was a bit late, the lads were sleeping, the lights out, so I had on my earphones as you would.

At the beginning of the movie, a series of either mortar or arty bombardment commences, I was reliving the last time I saw this movie, back in Australia, and wishing I was there, you know.

So, as the movie bombardment began, I heard what I thought was a series of doors slamming. It got closer and louder, and then dust and old Iraqi wiring clips began falling from the thick concrete ceiling of our accn blk, a former Republican Guard accn blk. For we were under an indirect fire attack, and some nasty things fell uncomfortaly close. Enough for the doors to open and close from the concusion. Anyways, the movie was postponed until later, ha!

Anyways, this went on for some time, and finally we went to sleep when it ended some 2hrs later, but I won't forget those special effects, although not timed to the movie that well. Next time I see that movie, i won't forget 'that time in Baghdad'.


Wes: they start off as Mulligan's 81s, but at one point Telly Savalas says "Those ain't Mulligan's mortars firing anymore.  Those are German 88s!"
Glad to hear you're fine over there.  Next time you watch a war flick in a war zone, have someone near you be "on guard" ;)

Hey Wes: Sounds like the special effects in that bootleg copy were a little too good. Keep that flak jacket and your pot close by!
CanadaPhil said:
These are flicks in my own collection. Noted in no particular order.

Saving Private Ryan
Black Hawk Down
A Bridge Too Far
Apocalypse Now
Battle of Britain
The Longest Day
Lawrence of Arabia
The Alamo (1960)
Sahara (1941) (Great wartime flick with Bogart in an M3 Tank)
Sands of Iwo Jima
Twelve O’clock High
Memphis Belle
Gettysburg   (at least the Little Round Top scenes)
The 300 Spartans                     (need at least one old sandal epic)
March or Die       (best Foreign Legion flick ever)
Gladiator                                 (Hey..the opening scenes count as a battle right?...I cant help it… I love this movie)

Honourable Mentions for most “Over the Top” NONSENSE:

Pearl Harbour
The Patriot

And if we were to include future sci-fi type wars:

Aliens   ;D

Wow, CanadaPhil..some REALLY good movies listed....Saving Private Ryan..the opening scenes omg...from what I have been told from survivors..some of the most realistic scenes...good taste in movies  ;)

Oh, yeah..I liked Gladiator, too !
EisermanFrederick A. Major 

War on Film: Military History Education,Video Tapes, Motion Pictures,and Related Audiovisual Aids


Eleven chapters and brief descrition of each moive, film etc. Let the marathon begin.
An excellent movie from !956 that doesn't seem to have been mentioned, in fact seems to have been forgotten generally (a most unusual American war movie for the time, showing a cowardly US Army officer, political pull at the front, and severe dissension within the unit):

"'Attack' (1956)

Directed by
Robert Aldrich

Writing credits
Norman Brooks (play)
James Poe (screenplay)

Genre:Drama / War / Action more
Tagline:It rips open the hot hell behind the glory!
Plot Summary:During the closing days of WWII, a National Guard Infantry Company is assigned the task of setting up artillery observation posts in a strategic area... more
User Comments:Impressive War Drama more

(Cast overview, first billed only)

Jack Palance ...  Lt. Joe Costa, Fox Co.
Eddie Albert ...  Capt. Erskine Cooney, CO, Fox Co.

Lee Marvin ...  Lt. Col. Clyde Bartlett, CO, White Battalion
Robert Strauss ...  Pfc. Bernstein
Richard Jaeckel ...  Pvt. Snowden

Buddy Ebsen ...  Sfc. Tolliver, Fox Co..."

Also from 1956:

"Away All Boats"

And "Command Decision" (1948)

Good grief! One US Army, one USN, one USAAF!


i wanna know whats everybody`s all time top 10 war movies. if you can`t come up with 10 then just think of as many as you can. 
mine are
1. Saving Private Ryan
2.Band of brothers box set
3.Black Hawk Down
6.Full Metal Jacket
7.Enemy at the Gates
8.We were Soldiers
9.The Patriot/Braveheart
10. Gladiator/three kings

i got many more that could probably fit in my top ten like Ghettysburgh, Last of the Mohican's, behind enemy lines, U-571, Pearl Harbor,and Platoon just to name a few.
A Bridge Too Far
The Longest Day
Battle of Britain
The Guns of Navarone
The Cruel Sea
The Sands of Iwo Jima
Full Metal Jacket
The Great Escape
The Green Berets
(Young guys!!!!!!!!!!! Jeesh)
I think this has been done before but what the hell, I'm bored.

In no particular order: (And yes, I know there are more than 10.)
Das Boot
Full Metal Jacket
Platoon Leader
Das Untergang (Downfall)
Saving Private Ryan
The Enemy Below
Crimson Tide
Hunt for Red October
Hamburger Hill
Blackhawk Down
The Day After
Thirteen Days
Path to War
Apocalypse Now
Behind Enemy Lines

...Yeah, I think that's enough for one sitting.
U 571?  Where the US singlehandedly saved the world & got enigma?
soo much BS, soo much BS

Now, "das Boot" - That's a submarine movie!
geo said:
U 571?  Where the US singlehandedly saved the world & got enigma?
soo much BS, soo much BS

Now, "das Boot" - That's a submarine movie!

Have you ever seen the 6-hour "unedited" version? (Also known as the "miniseries") A masterpiece, although you have to be dedicated if you want to watch it all at once.
In no particular order

Saving private ryan
Full metal Jacket
We were soldier
hunt for red october
Crimson tide
Black hawk down
Gladiator (which is not totally a war movie)
Brave heart
Top gun
US navy seal

And I could continue on and on and on and on and on....
Gladiator has one of the better war scenes of that time in it, and that makes it enough to classify it a war show in my books haha
Definitely Saving Private Ryan as number one, and Das Boot in my top ten.

I'd also add:

Ran or the Seven Samurai (Japanese - not really all war - but wickedly good battle scenes)
Gallipoli (went there last year)
All Quiet on the Western Front
Bridge on the River Kwai
The Killing Fields

I'd just about give my left nut to see And No Bird's Sang, Red Storm Rising, or Team Yankee made into movies!
Like I said...

Not totally yes the war part is very good, hte movie is excellent.... but not totally a war movie...
Full Metal Jacket
Saving Private Ryan
Band of Brothers (series I know, but I had to mention it)
Black Hawk Down
84 Charlie Mopic
Enemy at the Gates
We Were Soldiers
Apocalypse Now
mysteriousmind said:
Like I said...

Not totally yes the war part is very good, the movie is excellent.... but not totally a war movie...

Oh i know, i agree with you i was just pointing out that the war scene is one of my favourites
but no i do agree not all about war