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Freedom Convoy protests [Split from All things 2019-nCoV]

I’ve explained why meeting those people will yield nothing and isn’t a good idea.
Being a leader means doing the hard, distasteful stuff before the easy shit. It is amateurish to demean and label people as racist, misogynous, etc, without even looking them in the eye. No matter how much he despises them. He is supposed to be the leader of all Canadians. A simple meeting behind closed doors may have saved a lot of angst and conflict. Whether they agreed or not. He holds meetings with terrorists (kahdr) and wife beaters (boyle) but can't make time for concerned Canadians. I think he made a big mistake vilifiing and disenfranchising his fellow countrymen. No good will come of it. It may end the convoy in Ottawa, but it is not going to end people's resolve. It probably hardened it.
Being a leader means doing the hard, distasteful stuff before the easy shit. It is amateurish to demean and label people as racist, misogynous, etc, without even looking them in the eye. No matter how much he despises them. He is supposed to be the leader of all Canadians. A simple meeting behind closed doors may have saved a lot of angst and conflict. Whether they agreed or not. He holds meetings with terrorists (kahdr) and wife beaters (boyle) but can't make time for concerned Canadians. I think he made a big mistake vilifiing and disenfranchising his fellow countrymen. No good will come of it. It may end the convoy in Ottawa, but it is not going to end people's resolve. It probably hardened it.
Have any Conservatives met with any of the organisers? Lich and company?

They haven’t. And they won’t either.
It reminds all CAF members of their requirement under the DAOD on Conflict of Interest to remain politically neutral.
I got an email saying go into work in civilians because of potential conflict with the protestors, to not engage with protestors and to basically mind my own business.

This was framed however not as political but entirely as ensuring that CAF members are safe, don't get antagonized, and don't get caught in the crossfire between law enforcement, protestors and/or counter protests.

So the only solution I see was to just work from home!
Rightly or wrongly there is going to be $9,000,000 worth of people that are going to feel their donations were stolen by the system.

If they stick to the original plan, the only ones that are going to come out of this unscathed are the Veteran's groups that receive the donations.
People can get their money back. If they don’t then it goes to charity.
So Gerald Butts just called this an insurrection on Twitter, saying “you shouldn’t be able to anonymously crowdsource an insurrection in democracies.”
That's one of my questions, too -- are they going to make the feds tell all the provinces & territories, "hey, no more measures - even though it's your call"? Oh, wait - that would be dictatorial telling provinces what to do ...

There's a page earmarked there, but just getting this as of this post ...
View attachment 68509
Probably crashing.

edit: it worked. Already at 169,000. Goal is 16M
Have any Conservatives met with any of the organisers? Lich and company?

They haven’t. And they won’t either.
Nope, but they met with protesters, and they even managed to call out the racist, and violent elements without smearing the whole group of protesters.

It was covered a few pages back if you wish to refresh your memory.
Elon Musk pointing out the double standard of GoFundMe handling the funds for CHOP, Capital Hill Occupied Protest.

Capitol Hill Occupied Protest. That's the one that stormed a police station, occupied it and trashed it? And set up a defensive position and occupied a few city blocks?

Sounds peaceful to me.
Some interesting arguments made then and now.

I was all for enforcement. But apparently strict application is not how things are done, and there are some compelling reasons why. So we have less confrontational customary practices. But did I miss a collective Canadian 180 at some point? Talk and some tolerance are no longer in fashion, and we're going to have strict enforcement now?
Be a shame if occupation is no longer permitted. All those wonderful traditions like sit-ins and occupying administration buildings...
I was all for enforcement. But apparently strict application is not how things are done, and there are some compelling reasons why. So we have less confrontational customary practices. But did I miss a collective Canadian 180 at some point? Talk and some tolerance are no longer in fashion, and we're going to have strict enforcement now?
If enforcement was strict, this current protest turned occupation would have been ended before it started.

Day 1. No permit. Set up illegally in a variety of places.
Day 2. Still allowed to remain despite being set up illegally
Days 3 to 5. Same thing. Despite being set up illegally and evolving from protest to occupation.

Seems pretty tolerant.

In 2020 the OPS ended a BLM sit in protest blocking a key public intersection. They arrested them at 3:30 am. That was after 3 days.

So this is hardly strict enforcement and some move to a police state.

As stated by many, when it becomes an occupation it’s time to end it.
A "Christian" crowdfunding site. Why am I not surprised.

Because you believe everyone deserves the right to be afforded a decent legal defense.

In 2020 the OPS ended a BLM sit in protest blocking a key public intersection. They arrested them at 3:30 am. That was after 3 days.
Great example.

As stated by many, when it becomes an occupation it’s time to end it.
What's the criteria for a protest to become an occupation? Who decides when that legally protected activity is no longer protected?