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georgeharper: thinks Iraq = Afghanistan

Tweety was banned but she is back as georgeharper. She will deny it, and give her time she will claim to be veteran who lost a leg, and is now a urinal cleaner....seriously. She also goes by "Ontario" on the Canoe site.
Wow, some people sure know how to twist things around.
The fact remains GW BUSH invited terrorists into Iraq.
People in Baghdad were not getting blown up in vegetable markets by suicide bombers prior to the occupation of Iraq.
Taliban members were not blowing themselves up in markets in Afghanistan prior to the current United States/Canada occupation of that country.
And to somehow try to compare Saddam using U.S. supplied chemical weapons on civilians to suicide bomber4s is being not too bright

You have no knowledge of "helpless people have been killed by the Americans ... dropping bombs on them" but you type it because it sounds good.

Well yes we all have knowledge of American bombs being dropped on innocent civilians.
And no, it doesnt sound good

Lets not forget GW invited terrorists to come to Iraq

How so?


Even GW himself admits that saying that was one of the biggest mistakes he made during his first term.
I guess he doesnt consider all the lies he told about Iraq and WMD which has created a disaster not likely to be fixed in a long time, and the death of 4000 American soldiers because of those lies, a mistake

Ever set foot in Iraq -- pretty much everyone here is glad Sadam is gone.  yes mistakes have been made - but by and large the country and region will be stronger when a secure and stable democratic Iraq emerges.

typed from Iraq BTW
georgeharper said:
People in Baghdad were not getting blown up in vegetable markets by suicide bombers prior to the occupation of Iraq.
Taliban members were not blowing themselves up in markets in Afghanistan prior to the current United States/Canada occupation of that country.

Your right.
Public markets where people shopped were previously not very popular targets for bombings.
They used to simply target buses, Churches, Embassy's, national buildings of commerce etc...
Whats the difference between a church (mosque/temple... place of religious worship...) and a market?
georgeharper said:
Well in reality, terrorists were not doing " these unspeakable acts on innocent poor helpless people." before the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan began.

Are you contending that this justifies their doing it now?

I would think you should be just as outraged when terrorists kill civilians as when the military does. The difference being of course that the military seeks to minimize civilian casualties, where the terrorists do not.
georgeharper said:
Well in reality, terrorists were not doing " these unspeakable acts on innocent poor helpless people." before the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan began.
Lets not forget GW invited terrorists to come to Iraq
And lets look at just how many innocent poor helpless people have been killed by the Americans by thie brave military people dropping bombs on them


Just what do you REALLY know GH?

All I see is anti Bush and anti US crap spewing out of your .... ah mouth.

An audience seeker who gets a laugh from the reaction of real people. You're about as plastic as one can get, shy of a doll.

I've seen the US in action, and there were no innocents kiiled, as you are fighting men in civvies, once killed, take away their wpns and ammo, you have civvies.

Secondly sure innocent ones do ge caught up in it, thats a fact, like in all wars, but if you want to get technical, how many innocent people did the RCAF deliberatly kill bombing Germany, when the target was the people.

Your time is running out on here, and thats real, but cheap entertainment for me.

Keep feeding the flames.
Oooooh, I sense a great disturbance in the Force.

We could almost start betting pools on how many messages a Troll can get before their banning....

georgeharper - up your meds, they ain't working no more.
georgeharper said:
Wow, some people sure know how to twist things around.

No twisting, just being factually correct. Something you apparently have some great difficulty with.
Wow, some people sure know how to twist things around.
The fact remains GW BUSH invited terrorists into Iraq.
So you are admitting that the terrorist existed before the Invasion of Iraq, and that the invasion had nothing to do with their existence?

People in Baghdad were not getting blown up in vegetable markets by suicide bombers prior to the occupation of Iraq.

No they were being executed in Abu Ghiab prison or being raped, shot or fed through chippers while alive.  

Taliban members were not blowing themselves up in markets in Afghanistan prior to the current United States/Canada occupation of that country

The Taliban swept through a disorganized resistance to take most of the country, where they brutalized everyone, executed many, denied woman of any human right, increased the infant mortality rate tremendously, attempted to destroy the historical and cultural mosaic of the country and remake it into a hardcore fundamentalist Islamic state (Where people like yourself would have been hung on a telephone pole I might add)  

And to somehow try to compare Saddam using U.S. supplied chemical weapons on civilians to suicide bomber4s is being not too bright

Both the chemical and biological agents imported were dual use items, and in fairly small quantities. They were used to kickstart their own homegrown WMD programs. You really should read the UNSC reports.

Well yes we all have knowledge of American bombs being dropped on innocent civilians.
And no, it doesnt sound good

Considering the opposing side happily uses human shields, no uniforms, hospitals, mosques and schools as operating points and firing positions, one would expect the toll to be higher. The US is not carpet bombing Iraq like it did Germany in WWII, anyone who says they are going to war and no civilians won’t get hurt is lying. The difference is that the US really does not want to hurt civilians, as opposed to the AQ that uses terror on the local population as a matter of policy  

Even GW himself admits that saying that was one of the biggest mistakes he made during his first term.

I will agree that GWB did a terrible job selling the real need to deal with Saddam, but overthrowing a dictator bent on murdering his own people just does not sell in this world, look at Rwanda, Dafur, the average Western Liberal has not lifted a finger and were not willing to risk anything to save those people.

I guess he doesnt consider all the lies he told about Iraq and WMD which has created a disaster not likely to be fixed in a long time, and the death of 4000 American soldiers because of those lies, a mistake

You mean Iraq is a bigger disaster than a 10 year brutal war with Iraq, an Invasion of a another country that could not pose a threat to Iraq, the brutal suppression of the Kurds and Shiites, the environmental disaster Saddam caused by draining the Salt marshes or the 1,000 year+ impact of destroying the Kuwaiti oilfields? (Both of these environmental impacts which happened to be addressed only thanks to US intervention I might add)
We know what side of the tracks georgeharper is from. The troll side, and as human beings, many of us who have been deployed (and not), and many of us who are truly streetwise, mature and realistic about current affairs, know the truth and facts. I am sure Trollboy does too, but his mission is to disrupt us, and cause a scene, create contraversy, etc. We know it, and so does he.

The georgeharpers out there, are simply seeking a reaction from us for entertainment, and therefore he ( our GH)  should either be ignored or better, punted from here in the balls with hobnailed boots (after all he thinks we're all baby killing nazis anyways). I am sure the latter will happen to our georgeharper soon enough.

We are giving him what he wants.

Generally we tend to agree with you, but in practice to Ban the ill-informed twits from this site, just because they are ill-informed twits only adds fuel to their faulty reasoning.  When it is absolutely, without a doubt, blatant Trolling on their part we will Ban them as such.  Unlike their sites, where those of opposing views are censored or Banned outright, we would like to be able to have meaningful and informed dialogue here, no matter the views.  Usually the ill-informed can not provide the required informed opinions necessary for such discussion and provide a wide range of entertainment for members and nonmembers visiting the site.  It is through the means of dissecting their faulty "Sound Bites" that we also inform many others of the true facts.  When others see that these people really don't have a grasp on reality, they loose support.  When we can cause the less informed to do some research and expose the "Fifth Columnists" for what they are, we assist the general public understand what really is going on.  In that course, we also inform members of the Press and the odd Politician who may frequent this site.

georgeharper and whatever other pseudonyms he/she may post under, is a useful tool that we can use against their own ilk.  Their airs of superior intellect only adds to the comedy.
Public markets where people shopped were previously not very popular targets for bombings.
They used to simply target buses, Churches, Embassy's, national buildings of commerce

No, suicide bombers were not blowing themselves up in Baghdad before the occupation began

Balls in your court, harper

How so?

I've seen the US in action, and there were no innocents kiiled

Surely that was a joke.Please tell me it was

Ever set foot in Iraq -- pretty much everyone here is glad Sadam is gone

Thats funny.I remember Rumnsfeld saying the Iraqis would be throwing roses at the American soldiers.When none were dead.Now 4000 are dead.

But the same thing will apply when Bush is gone
pretty much everyone will be glad when he is gone

Are you contending that this justifies their doing it now

No.But if not for the occupation of two countries they would not be doing it in those countries, like they were not before

Just what do you REALLY know GH?

Apparently a lot more than most on here.Who seem to know only one thing


So you are admitting that the terrorist existed before the Invasion of Iraq, and that the invasion had nothing to do with their existence?


Of course there were terrorist before the US invaded and now occupy Iraq.

And yea,of course I am "ADMITTING"??? the invasion of Iraq had nothing to do with terrorism existence, especially nothing to do with 9/11 as I am sure mosyt sane people on this forum even will admit to

The Taliban swept through a disorganized resistance to take most of the country, where they brutalized everyone, executed many, denied woman of any human right,

That sounds like Saudi Arabia, who have one of the worst human rights record on the planet
Of course they basically control America.
I guess you have no concern for the right of woman and peoples heads in that country?

We know what side of the tracks georgeharper is from. The troll side,

Thats so funny.Disagree with the majority of people on a forum who happen to be rightwingers, that makes you a troll and a candidate for banning

You arnt interested in discussion.
Just interested in people all agreeing with each other.

georgeharper said:
Apparently a lot more than most on here.Who seem to know only one thing

Careful sunshine,......the one thing I won't let you do is mock our soldiers. Tread very lightly on THAT topic.
georgeharper said:
Surely that was a joke.Please tell me it was

Hiapha Street assault Jan-Feb 2007. The enemy was deliberatly targeted (as were Coalition Forces by the insurgents), no civvies were in the open (they were warned to vacate the area in advance of the battle - most did, those that stayed remained indoors), and like I said in the next sentance, innocents do get caught up in it (that means killed and injured - unfortunatly a fact of war - Russia lost 20 million civilans in WW2, About 40,000 Londoners were killed in WW2 also). Hummm Dresden, Hamburg, berlin, etc. Sadly shit happens, buty you seem to think its some type of a FFZ, well it aint. With modern warfare and technology, non military casualties are  low, and I wish there was noen, but that just will never happen.

If you are going to quote me, quote me proper, and not try to mislead anyone or yourself for that matter.

Its so obvious what you are trying to do. Keep going Mr Titanic, you're taking on some water, and listing starbord.
georgeharper said:
You arnt interested in discussion.

They (CF soldiers) are interested in discussion, otherwise, you would have been banned a long time ago.

But for them, discussion imply mostly facts base on valids sources, not of hearsay and opinions.

They don't agree between them on everything, so how could they be 
Just interested in people all agreeing with each other.
georgeharper said:
No, suicide bombers were not blowing themselves up in Baghdad before the occupation began

Um, there is more to terrorism then just suicide bombers... Like beautiful, yellow mustard gas (Iraq, Saddam's gassing of the Kurds)! Or perhaps in Afghanistan, where the Taliban is responsible for the murder of thousands upon thousands of Hazara, and making Hindus, Christians and others wear yellow identifiers!

Thats funny.I remember Rumnsfeld saying the Iraqis would be throwing roses at the American soldiers.When none were dead.Now 4000 are dead.

I can't speak for Iraq, but in Afghanistan, I know we are getting a warmer welcome from Afghans then the Taliban are. Something about Afghans having a dislike for Arab terrorists... They like the Chechnians even less.
No.But if not for the occupation of two countries they would not be doing it in those countries, like they were not before

Again, can not speak for Iraq, but you are right partially... In fact there would be peace, because on the path the Taliban were, the Hazaras would all be dead now. And folks would be asking "Where did all those yellow symbols go?".

Apparently a lot more than most on here.Who seem to know only one thing


If you are going to claim to be more knowledgeable, it would help improve your credibility if you knew how to employ the Queen's English properly.

Thats so funny.Disagree with the majority of people on a forum who happen to be rightwingers, that makes you a troll and a candidate for banning

You arnt interested in discussion.
Just interested in people all agreeing with each other.

That's funny, you are still here... However, if you keep behaving like a troll, I have my doubts your stay will be long, however,  I personally would like to see you stay. I find you entertaining in your ignorance. It's also curious to note your choice to go down that path of "...banning...". It's been my expereince that left wing boards wouldn't let one of us stick around for long then a couple of hours. Something about facts getting in the way of a good ole fashion BS fest. Oh, and heaven forbid you take umberage with a regular on a lefty board celebrating openly the deaths of Canadian soldiers (like I had on rabble.ca/babble) you'll get tarred feathered and tossed. Granted, they keep it under better control now days, but on occasion, you get one or two wishing for more of our deaths.

There is a difference between debate/discussion/discourse and trolling, it is pretty clear to this casual reader, that you purposely choose to conflate the two.
Im with Wes, KevB and the majority here as well....
GeorgeHarper is out of his lanes... and as a troll really should just be sent back to where he came from....

think about this one... While he is posting here, Billy Goats Roam freely across his bridge unharassed......

And in my opinion.. all he has done is spewed all the typical Anti-war, anti bush BS and Doublespeak that we hear oh so often... all we're missing now is, "9/11 was an inside job" and something about the "illuminati" or another secret society.....

I didnt go through my various near death experiences over there, nor do I pay for a membership to this great site to listen to some... well Im not going to start listing the Adjective you fall under... but lets just say that they arnt the most flattering....

You argue like my father when he knows he's lost.... you put up the same old Tired and True Left wing BS "Facts" and political Double talk.... I see through it, youre just stirring the pot... Now go away.... this is a private board, and we dont need to hear this argument over and over again....

And when you do Inevitably get banned, please feel free to use your newfound free time to take off the rose coloured glasses and venture out into the real world...

Tommy, Out.
georgeharper said:
No, suicide bombers were not blowing themselves up in Baghdad before the occupation began

You know that this is a Red Herring.  Whether there were suicide bombers in Baghdad before is really not important.

georgeharper said:
No.But if not for the occupation of two countries they would not be doing it in those countries, like they were not before

Again, a statement by someone who has had their head in the sand for too long.  Suicide bombers have been a staple in the Middle East and Southwest Asia for a long time.  How many suicide bombers have blown themselves up on buses and in restaurants in Israel over the last fifty or so years?  How many suicide bombers have blown themselves up in Lebanon and Saudi Arabia?  You obviously don't know as much as many here and just can't admit it.

georgeharper said:
Thats funny.I remember Rumnsfeld saying the Iraqis would be throwing roses at the American soldiers.When none were dead.Now 4000 are dead.

They weren't welcomed with roses when they landed at Normandy either, and they lost more than 4000 dead in less time.  How long did it take to bring Peace to Europes "Western Civilization" and "Christian" values?  Funny how after 60 years the final Allied troops are still there.  What do you think is a reasonable time for Iraq and Afghanistan with totally different cultures and religions?  This isn't Mcdonald's.  We can't just go in, have a Saddam for take out with fries and walk away expecting Peace to miraculously appear overnight.  Only a fool would not have thought these things out.  It is surprising how many fools there are, and how many elect our politicians to office.

georgeharper said:
Apparently a lot more than most on here.Who seem to know only one thingThat sounds like Saudi Arabia, who have one of the worst human rights record on the planet
Of course they basically control America.
I guess you have no concern for the right of woman and peoples heads in that country?

You can't even get this right.  I thought Amerika was controlled by the Jews?  ::)  Obviously you don't give two hoots about human rights with your poorly worded sound bites.

georgeharper said:
Thats so funny.Disagree with the majority of people on a forum who happen to be rightwingers, that makes you a troll and a candidate for banning

You arnt interested in discussion.
Just interested in people all agreeing with each other.

Seems you are too.  See your post


Joined: 15 Nov 2006
Posts: 7
Location: Ontario
Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 7:57 pm    Post subject:   


It's about time, that's all I can say.

If you starve the troll, it goes away. Keep feeding it and you'll still be posting to it's soundbites ten pages from now. ::)