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georgeharper: thinks Iraq = Afghanistan

Teeps74 said:
Oh, and heaven forbid you take umberage with a regular on a lefty board celebrating openly the deaths of Canadian soldiers (like I had on rabble.ca/babble) you'll get tarred feathered and tossed.

I lasted a grand total of 2 posts on rabble. Made the mistake of disagreeing with their lies and innuendo while presenting facts. Another site found me banned just trying to join. :eek: I find the left wing sites are the most narrow minded I have come across. On those sites free speech only applies to those who follow the herd mentality, and no dissenting opinion will be condoned.
Hey 2 Cdo you lasted 2 more posts than I did there. I was banned as soon as I registered. Nothing like the free exchange od ideas amongst our "progressive" friends and fellow citizens eh.  ::)

Oh Yeah Georgie your village called.........
Danjanou said:
Hey 2 Cdo you lasted 2 more posts than I did there. I was banned as soon as I registered. Nothing like the free exchange od ideas amongst our "progressive" friends and fellow citizens eh.  ::)

Oh Yeah Georgie your village called.........
Well my first post was a pretty vanilla hello-type post it was the second where I exposed some granola-munchers lies and found myself banned.(I say granola-muncher because if I recall that was actually part of his name, no disrespect meant to those who may eat granola ;D)
georgeharper said:
Wow, some people sure know how to twist things around.
And you ignore counter arguments that are too deep for your shallow rehtoric to deal with.  Like this one:

georgeharper said:
People in Baghdad were not getting blown up in vegetable markets by suicide bombers prior to the occupation of Iraq.
You keep presenting this like it is the universal and solitary argument on the matter of Iraq.  You ignore the observations that the Iraqi government was doing the killing and torture previously.  Things are bad now as they were before (though differently bad).  At least now the institutional effort is working to stop the violence. (and don’t try playing the “I’m only responding to other posts” card as you introduced the terrorism in Iraq as an argument against military operations)

georgeharper said:
Taliban members were not blowing themselves up in markets in Afghanistan prior to the current United States/Canada occupation of that country.
Afghanistan & Iraq are not the same country & certainly not the same debate.  Using one to obfuscate the other seems a crutch for a weak argument.  In any case, I’d like to take issue with our “United States/Canada occupation” theory.  NATO (not the US) is the leading organization for internationally organized military efforts.  This force (ISAF) is United Nations mandated.  I know you are probably too closed-minded to drop the term “occupation” so at the very least, could you talk of the “United Nations Occupation.”

georgeharper said:
That sounds like Saudi Arabia, who have one of the worst human rights record on the planet
Maybe you are right, and something should be done to improve rights in Saudi Arabia.  However, a plea to hypocrisy does not make a logical argument.  Just because the US has taken two different approaches in two different countries, it does not mean that approach A proves B to be wrong because A is different that B.  However, maybe you want to argue that doing absolutely nothing in Saudi Arabia is the right thing & that is the approach that should have been taken in Iraq.  Of course, that argument ignores other issues related to Iraq such as its repeated violations of UN restrictions on its military and weapons capabilities.

Once again, you are all rhetoric and no content.  Come back with complete logical arguments (and references for them) or do not bother coming back.  More lonely sound-bites and unexplained thoughts will confirm your status as a troll.
From our friend Hans Blix

The document indicates that 13,000 chemical bombs were dropped by the Iraqi Air Force between 1983 and 1988, while Iraq has declared that 19,500 bombs were consumed during this period. Thus, there is a discrepancy of 6,500 bombs. The amount of chemical agent in these bombs would be in the order of about 1,000 tonnes. In the absence of evidence to the contrary, we must assume that these quantities are now unaccounted for.
The discovery of a number of 122mm chemical rocket warheads in a bunker at a storage depot 170km southwest of Baghdad was much publicized. This was a relatively new bunker and therefore the rockets must have been moved there in the past few years, at a time when Iraq should not have had such munitions.

Biological weapons
I have mentioned the issue of anthrax to the Council on previous occasions and I come back to it as it is an important one.
Iraq has declared that it produced about 8,500 litres of this biological warfare agent, which it states it unilaterally destroyed in the summer of 1991. Iraq has provided little evidence for this production and no convincing evidence for its destruction.
There are strong indications that Iraq produced more anthrax than it declared, and that at least some of this was retained after the declared destruction date. It might still exist. Either it should be found and be destroyed under UNMOVIC supervision or else convincing evidence should be produced to show that it was, indeed, destroyed in 1991.
As I reported to the Council on 19 December last year, Iraq did not declare a significant quantity, some 650 kg, of bacterial growth media, which was acknowledged as imported in Iraq's submission to the Amorim panel in February 1999. As part of its 7 December 2002 declaration, Iraq resubmitted the Amorim panel document, but the table showing this particular import of media was not included. The absence of this table would appear to be deliberate as the pages of the resubmitted document were renumbered.
In the letter of 24 January to the President of the Council, Iraq's Foreign Minister stated that "all imported quantities of growth media were declared". This is not evidence. I note that the quantity of media involved would suffice to produce, for example, about 5,000 litres of concentrated anthrax.

Two projects in particular stand out. They are the development of a liquid-fuelled missile named the Al Samoud 2, and a solid propellant missile, called the Al Fatah. Both missiles have been tested to a range in excess of the permitted range of 150 km, with the Al Samoud 2 being tested to a maximum of 183 km and the Al Fatah to 161 km. Some of both types of missiles have already been provided to the Iraqi Armed Forces even though it is stated that they are still undergoing development.
The Al Samoud's diameter was increased from an earlier verrsion to the present 760 mm. This modification was made despite a 1994 letter from the Executive Chairman of UNSCOM directing Iraq to limit its missile diameters to less than 600 mm. Furthermore, a November 1997 letter from the Executive Chairman of UNSCOM to Iraq prohibited the use of engines from certain surface-to-air missiles for the use in ballistic missiles.
For our promilitary friend george harper:

OTTAWA -- NDP Leader Jack Layton says the Taliban cannot be defeated by international troops and there's no point continuing to fight an unwinnable war in Afghanistan.

He is absoloutly correct

At the end of the day, when we are done, we get to come home to a safe and secure country half a world away.

Well in reality Canada being in Afghanistan for the Americans has made Canada a more dangerous place for Canadians.

Where we do succeed is making life a little better for the Afghans

People in Saudi Arabia, the real breeding ground for terrorism, are as worse off, if not more worse off,and brutalized by an American supported dictatorship than Afghans are.
Why are Canadian soldiers not making life better for them?
georgeharper said:
People in Saudi Arabia, the real breeding ground for terrorism, are as worse off, if not more worse off,and brutalized by an American supported dictatorship than Afghans are.
Why are Canadian soldiers not making life better for them?

Probably because there isn't a NATO run, UN-approved Chapter 7 mission for Saudi Arabia???
George, he, and you, are both absoloutly (sic) ignorant of the realities on the ground.  Why don't you get your ass over here and talk to an Afghan and see for yourself instead of sitting there reading a bunch of agenda-driven insurgent sympathizing websites?

In reality Canada is here for a whole host of reasons, some of them, admittedly, having something to do with the Americans, but most having a hell of a lot to do with the interests of Canadians around the world.

I'd love to try to educate you further, but since you seem fairly set in your misguided ideas of how the world operates you'll have to excuse me so I can go wash the blood of a bunch of Afghans off my boots before it sets.
georgeharper said:
He is absoloutly correct
You are absolutely 100% incorrect.

Well in reality Canada being in Afghanistan for the Americans has made Canada a more dangerous place for Canadians.
No ducky, the world was a dangerous place that saw innocents suffer from the effects of terrorism long before Canada entered Afghanistan. Munich '72 anyone? Northern Ireland anyone? Spain anyone? Diplomat dead in trunk of car in Quebec anyone?

September 11th 2001 saw terrorist attacks upon innocents which took thousands of lives (including Canadians -- you seem to have conveniently forgotten); and occured before Canada went into Afghanistan -- not FOR the Americans as you erroneously state -- but at the REQUEST of, and with the approval of, the United Nations.

People in Saudi Arabia, the real breeding ground for terrorism, are as worse off, if not more worse off,and brutalized by an American supported dictatorship than Afghans are.
An Amercian supported dicatatorship? The breeding ground for terrorism?? While you do have a nationality correct in your looney musings, you need to check your nearest Atlas forthwith. While Osama himself is a Saudi (as are many other terrorists, also Syrian, Morrocan, Egyptian, Jordanian ... etc etc etc), the breeding ground is not limited to Saudi Arabia -- and their sanctioned training ground was Afghanistan; that being exactly the reason we find ourselves engaged there today. Simply put, the Taliban 'government' of Afghanistan was asked by the International community and the United Nations to deal with those responsible for the terrorist attacks which occured on 9/11 and which killed "thousands of innocents". The Taliban instead chose to ignore requests to do so, and harboured those terrorists within their borders in full support of their terroristic activities. Some nations, with balls, just said "no -- you can not allow mass murders who've killed thousands to roam free". A lovely benefit of that decision, was the freeing up of human rights for the opressed Afhganis themselves who were forced to live under the Taliban regime, who went on to find themselves being afford the right and opportunity to vote in elections. I don't know about being worse-off in Saudi Arabia either, given that women are actively involved in banking, retail trades, etc. Sure, they don't drive cars (but that's currently being looked at), but they can and do certainly go out in public alone (hard to find that in the western media); they even have access to the internet. Just do a googlesearch and you're sure to find lots of posts and blogs by Saudi women living there that will sort out some of the myths you seem overwhelmed by. Times are changing in Saudi Arabia -- slowly but surely.

Why are Canadian soldiers not making life better for them?
Canadian soldiers serve where their government tells them to. You don't like that, then cast your vote appropriately -- just like those Afghanis who now enjoy their childrens ability to obtain an education, those women who are finding themselves with the opportunity to work and vote, to sing and to play music in public without fear of being dragged to the nearest soccer stadium and shot. I guess you'll be limited to the Green Party or the NDP here ... seeing as it were the Liberals who sent us in in the first place and that the Tories are continuing with this just and noble mission.
georgeharper said:
He is absoloutly correct

Well in reality Canada being in Afghanistan for the Americans has made Canada a more dangerous place for Canadians.

People in Saudi Arabia, the real breeding ground for terrorism, are as worse off, if not more worse off,and brutalized by an American supported dictatorship than Afghans are.
Why are Canadian soldiers not making life better for them?

Name:  georgeharper

Last Active:  Today at 12:12:50

I really hate drive-by shootings  postings.

No wonder this character can't argue to save his/her life.  They don't participate in, nor contribute to, a conversation, other than to burst in out of the blue, deposit a worthless sound bite, and then immediately leave.
Hey Vern!
You missed something!
- just like those Afghans who now enjoy their childrens ability to obtain an education, those women who are finding themselves with the opportunity to work and vote, to sing and to play music in public without fear of being dragged to the nearest soccer stadium and shot.

Afghans are free to go and fly a kite ( which was a crime under the Taliban ).

I wonder if George likes kites? ;)
georgeharper said:
He is absoloutly correct

The right dishonourable Jack 'Taliban' Layton has not been correct about a damned thing since, he let a portion of his party slander us a while back in BC, by attempting to table a motion at the National NDP caucus meeting that would label all members of the CF as terrorists. At one point in time, I foolishly thought his party was growing up, and would be worthy of a vote... I was wrong, just as he is wrong on all counts of his assertion.

Well in reality Canada being in Afghanistan for the Americans has made Canada a more dangerous place for Canadians.

Huh? The Afghan Canadians I know, and some I work with, are thankful for our contribution, and support the mission. Further, The ONLY Afghan organisation to be against the mission (aside from the Taliban and various drug/warlords) is RAWA... Afghans in Canada, the US and else where are strangely absent from protests against the mission in Afghanistan, but show up for protests against the Iraq mission...

People in Saudi Arabia, the real breeding ground for terrorism, are as worse off, if not more worse off,and brutalized by an American supported dictatorship than Afghans are.
Why are Canadian soldiers not making life better for them?

You know the answer to that, you have been told several time before... Now, if your arguments are worth your efforts to post them here, why are you conducting drive bys, and not defending your stance? I know the reason... You lack morals. You are a coward and an ignorant.

If you are going to bring up the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, I highly recommend doing a lot of homework, as it is not difficult to make you look very foolish on that front.
For the FACEBOOK crowd, found on Enmasse:

For those of us on Facebook, there is now a group called: "Don't Extend It. End It. (Canada's War in Afghanistan)". I encourage everyone with a Facebook account to sign up, since there have been a number of trolls by lately with the usual "cut and run" and "but, but, but TERRORISM!!" type stuff going on.

Seems the Lefties have the same problems with "Trolls" who "cut and run". 

With the Security issues of having a Facebook Account, it isn't worth registering, but it could still make good reading entertainment, unless you have a short fuze.    ;D

That Facebook's account's main picture is of American Soldiers with a Canadian heading...  ??? I don't get it, these people are so far gone that they can't even recognize who defends their right to say this s***?
George Wallace said:
For the FACEBOOK crowd, found on Enmasse:

Seems the Lefties have the same problems with "Trolls" who "cut and run". 
Oh am I going to have fun in the coming days ;D
There's a message on that sites wall where a person actually states that all the evil in the world is George Bush's doing 'bar none'. I bet you he's a Holocaust denier as well because if George Bush wasn't around the Holocaust couldn't have possible happened... ::)
Boater said:
There's a message on that sites wall where a person actually states that all the evil in the world is George Bush's doing 'bar none'. I bet you he's a Holocaust denier as well because if George Bush wasn't around the Holocaust couldn't have possible happened... ::)

The causes of most of the world's current problems date back to well before GW. Only people who are ignorant of history use him as a cause.
Well, their photo proclaiming that 911 was an inside job says it all to me.

I also see a repetition of RAWA as the official site they support. The very vocal minority viewpoint once again.

No thanks. I'll go with the vast majority of the Afghan citizens who thank us personally each day as we help them achieve a truely democratic freedom; a freedom which certainly will not hold should we pull out now before they have had a chance for those roots they have planted to grow into a mature and properous tree.

Enmasse can go fuck themselves -- I believe the people of Afghanistan are entitled to the same freedoms that enmasse themselves are able to enjoy by posting bullshit like this. Try doing that in Afghanistan pre-Canadian and Allied action there. What a bunch of dipshits.
MCG said:
Once again, you are all rhetoric and no content.  Come back with complete logical arguments (and references for them) or do not bother coming back.  More lonely sound-bites and unexplained thoughts will confirm your status as a troll.
georgeharper, you have ignored my warning at your peril.  However,I like to give people the benefit of the doubt, so maybe you just missed my post.  I will give you until Tuesday morning to come back and substantiate your drive-by spamming with real arguments.  This warning will also be PM'ed to you so that you will not miss it.  Failure to comply will result in an elevation of your warning.

The Staff

georgeharper said:
Well in reality Canada being in Afghanistan for the Americans has ....
Canada is in Afghanistan at the request of NATO, the United Nations, and the democratically elected government of Afghanistan.  Sort yourself out on the facts.

georgeharper said:
People in Saudi Arabia, the real breeding ground for terrorism, are as worse off, if not more worse off,and brutalized by an American supported dictatorship than Afghans are.
Why are Canadian soldiers not making life better for them?
Are you recommending that Canada invade Saudi Arabia, or is this a red herring to waste our time?