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georgeharper: thinks Iraq = Afghanistan

George Wallace said:
Check out what I posted to that:

So, if you want us to pull out of Afghanistan, then you are saying that you support the Taliban and Al Qaeda, who HAVE killed thousands of people, unlike NATO Forces.

Not only that, but now in Afghanistan, women can be aloud to go out in public, and have jobs and go to school. Do you like to go outside, have a job and education? I sure as hell do. I like to live in a free Country like Canada.

Kids couldn't even fly kits when the Taliban were in power. I like kits.

People were killed, by the hundreds, if they even uttered any statement againts the Government. Do you like the fact that you can choose your Government? I do.

Did you know that all of the terrorists that committed 9/11 were trained in Afghanistan? And that if we pull out now that Afghanistan will go back to what they once were? And more terrorists will train there, and then, one day, attack us? I sure as hell don't want another 9/11.

But, if it do happen, and all you anti-American people get in power(God forbid), that will not stop them, and if they do attack then, you will all be saying "Oh, why didn't we stay in Afghanistan?? Why didn't we listen??"

Then you might finally be able to get your heads out of your asses, but then again, I know what you are like.

I know that you will probably delete this, but even if one person reads it, I'll be happy.

I'd be writing more, but I'm tired.
CDN Aviator said:
Only people who are ignorant of history use him as a cause.

Isn't that most people ? I know that I don't know a lot about history, but I'm sometimes speechless
about how much I know more the regular "Joe" or Jane".

Don't read the following article if you still have some illusions on human beings. It is on Americans, but could be, in my view, apply to a lot of country...

Dumb and Dumber: Are Americans Hostile to Knowledge?

I believe the people of Afghanistan are entitled to the same freedoms that enmasse themselves are able to enjoy by posting bullshit like this.

They would deny it, and deny denying it. I had a conversation with a friend this week. He lost his cool when I told him that American-Cuban anti-castro
have the right to vote whichever way they feel. I was watching a francophone show about Cuba, with the daughter of Castro on. I thought he could be interested
about watching it, and he flabbergast me by calling her "THAT PUTE ?!?". He was saying that Bush had been able to steal (voler, litterally) the last election
because all the American-cubano anti-castro had vote for him in Florida. I don't remember enough about that election to argue about it, so I though
that going the democratic way (it's democracy, they can vote has they want) would be a better way to go for me. He lost his control so much that
I couldn't help myself after a few minutes and start laughing. Sigh.

Édith : I've add a "he" (seems easier for comprehension)
Got to laugh.
People can come on here and say whatever nonsense they want and call Mr Layton names and refer to him as Bin Layton, but yet, you come on here and say truthful things like Canada is now a more dangerous place due to Canada being involved in the occupation of Afghanistan, and a post like that is removed.
Is this a discussion forum where a person supposedly is allowed to express an opinion, or is it a place where you say what is expected of you to say, or it will be removed?
An opposite opinion  it seems is refered to as spamming

And then you see a silly thing like this..

Simply put, the Taliban 'government' of Afghanistan was asked by the International community and the United Nations to deal with those responsible for the terrorist attacks


So because the people or whoever in Saudi Arabia are not asking for Americas help to make life better for those people the Americans are not obliged to make life good for the women and children in that country?

Again, what a laugh

Now unless someone tells me who told and asked the U.S.to invade Afghanistan and then proceed to occupy it on October 7, 2001, I expect a complete apology for my post being removed

No ducky, the world was a dangerous place that saw innocents suffer from the effects of terrorism long before Canada entered Afghanistan


No one said the world wasnt dangerous before the occupation of Afghanistan began (lieing is also allowed by regular posters?)

By the Americans own admission terrorist attacks have increased dramatically since the invasion of both Iraq and Afghanistan


Canada is in Afghanistan at the request of NATO, the United Nations, and the democratically elected government of Afghanistan

If you want to believe that the government is anything but an American installed government, then fine,but the reason Canada is in Afghanistan is because Canada, thankfully because of Chretien is not in Iraq, and going to Afghanistan was just a way of making the Americans think Canada cared about America created wars

I bet all the posters on this forum wish they were in Iraq, because after all, the reason for that invasion and occupation was to make life better for those people also

We have been very patient with you.  We have even PM'ed you specific questions you have failed to answer in the Topics you have posted in.  You have failed to answer any of the questions, nor carry on a legitimate discussion, preferring instead to do "Post 'N Runs".

Consider your time here over.


Join the ranks at bannedbymilnet.lookse.org

Not just a troll... But a lying troll.

People can come on here and say whatever nonsense they want and call Mr Layton names and refer to him as Bin Layton, but yet, you come on here and say truthful things like Canada is now a more dangerous place due to Canada being involved in the occupation of Afghanistan, and a post like that is removed.

No posts have been deleted. I have been tracking this for days, with email warnings for every post received. None removed, at all... From any thread this troll posts in.
georgeharper said:
Got to laugh.

You are the joke.
georgeharper said:
People can come on here and say whatever nonsense they want and call Mr Layton names and refer to him as Bin Layton, but yet, you come on here and say truthful things like Canada is now a more dangerous place due to Canada being involved in the occupation of Afghanistan, and a post like that is removed.

Your posts are proof that you are not telling the whole truth, but now you are gone.

georgeharper said:
Is this a discussion forum where a person supposedly is allowed to express an opinion, or is it a place where you say what is expected of you to say, or it will be removed?
An opposite opinion  it seems is refered to as spamming

If you don't want to discuss, then you are spamming.

georgeharper said:

So because the people or whoever in Saudi Arabia are not asking for Americas help to make life better for those people the Americans are not obliged to make life good for the women and children in that country?

That is how Democracy works on the World Stage.  The Americans are not the "Imperialists" you seem to claim they are.

georgeharper said:
Again, what a laugh

Yes! What a laugh.  We are laughing at you.

georgeharper said:
Now unless someone tells me who told and asked the U.S.to invade Afghanistan and then proceed to occupy it on October 7, 2001, I expect a complete apology for my post being removed

Pretty demanding for a person who has failed to answer any questions.  A person who has not backed up his claims with any legitimate proof.  

georgeharper said:

No one said the world wasnt dangerous before the occupation of Afghanistan began (lieing is also allowed by regular posters?)

By the Americans own admission terrorist attacks have increased dramatically since the invasion of both Iraq and Afghanistan

Your point?........if you get it in before you are banned?

georgeharper said:

Whatever!  You are showing us your posting style.

georgeharper said:
If you want to believe that the government is anything but an American installed government, then fine,but the reason Canada is in Afghanistan is because Canada, thankfully because of Chretien is not in Iraq, and going to Afghanistan was just a way of making the Americans think Canada cared about America created wars

Some on this site were witnesses on the ground of the election.  Were you?  Do you have proof contrary to their eyewitness accounts to back up your claims?

georgeharper said:
I bet all the posters on this forum wish they were in Iraq, because after all, the reason for that invasion and occupation was to make life better for those people also

The only thing funny, and that is funny in a very sad way, is that you really have no grasp of what is going on outside of Lotus Land.
georgeharper said:
He is absoloutly correct

Well in reality Canada being in Afghanistan for the Americans has made Canada a more dangerous place for Canadians.

People in Saudi Arabia, the real breeding ground for terrorism, are as worse off, if not more worse off,and brutalized by an American supported dictatorship than Afghans are.
Why are Canadian soldiers not making life better for them?

GH is trolling and we all are pandering to his whims. Time to frog march him off! I've had enough of his games.
georgeharper said:
I bet all the posters on this forum wish they were in Iraq, because after all, the reason for that invasion and occupation was to make life better for those people also

There is no other definition of socialism valid for us than that of the abolition of the exploitation of man by man.  - Ernesto Che Guevara


You nailed it jane.....oops....I mean Georgey.


Some on this site were witnesses on the ground of the election.  Were you?  Do you have proof contrary to their eyewitness accounts to back up your claims?

Ah yep...  For instance, I was one of the main planners for election security support for the Presidential Election in late 2004...  The election had its problems, but was judged fair by most impartial observers.  The International Community went to enormous lengths to insure impartiality and proper elections security.  The entire election security process was a joint Afghan/United Nations project, staffed entirely by Afghans and the International Community (ie: not the US).  Great angst went into ballot security, ballot box security and prohibition of voter fraud.  Candidate lists were incredibly difficult to produce (since much of the population is illiterate) and the UN went to enormous lengths to guarantee female participation in the process - meeting traditional resistance in doing so.

Afghans across the country sacrificed hugely to cast their ballots, with boxes literally being moved by donkey in some parts of the country.  Each polling station required trained observers - again a problem with limited literacy.

Was it perfect?  Certainly not.  There were issues with the voter marking system, some ballot boxes and transportation.  However, the 2004 Presidential election was undoubtedly the 70 - 80% solution and was certified as such by the United Nations and by the Joint Commitee of Observers.  Karzai is, without equivocation, a democratically elected President - whether "GeorgeHarper" and his/her ilk like it or not.
Teddy Ruxpin: Mere inconvenient facts.  No attention need be paid  ::) when one has an ideology.

I think this forum, especially the political discussions, would benefit from the citation of sources.  If you make a claim or an argument, back it up with a reputable link or source.  Just a thought.  Continue on with the discussion.       
Wesley  Down Under said:
GH is trolling and we all are pandering to his whims. Time to frog march him off! I've had enough of his games.

And, he's been given a verbal warning IAW this site's Guidelines.

He's now been given a further warning here in the thread and via PM to start posting factual links (citations etc) to back up his claims. He now has the opportunity to engage in actual debate (instead of troll) by posting links to credible sources which back up his claims.

Many here have posted facts in response to his posts, and the mandate under which we serve in Afghanistan has been provided to debunk his claim that we are there FOR George Bush.

Should he choose to ignore, or to further troll with drive-by unsubstantiated claims, he will receive that which is due him IAW the warning system.

The next step is up to him. It's really quite that simple. He can contribute in a worthwhile manner to a debate -- or not. His choice.

This is not enmasse.ca, we do not arbitrarily ban those with opposing viewpoints simply because they are idiots and piss us off, such as the likes of georgeharper and his friend janebella witness over in their regular enmasse haunt. We are not the enmasse Facebook Group either, which outright states that their group is meant for those holding their viewpoint and their viewpoint only.

Our standards are just better than that. He's been given his fair warning. It's his to take it or leave it.

The Milnet.ca Staff
stegner said:
I think this forum, especially the political discussions, would benefit from the citation of sources.  If you make a claim or an argument, back it up with a reputable link or source.  Just a thought.  Continue on with the discussion.       

Welcome to the discussion there captain Obvious  ::)
Some on this site were witnesses on the ground of the election. 

Yea OK.

Were these same people witness to the Americans to the famous handshake with Saddam and the very freindly exchanges the Americans had with Bin Laden?
Funny, also how when an election goes contrary to what the Americans want, they claim it was a fruadulant

So many question never answered by those who believe the election was somehow rigged or invalid.  If Karzai didn't have the votes to win, who did?  How would this other person better represent the Afghans than Karzai.  How was such a fraud carried out with the international community watching so close?  Why does poll after poll show Karzai which such a high approval rating?  It seems to me anyone making these accusations should have this information available to backup such claims.

Teeps74 said:
Not just a troll... But a lying troll.

No posts have been deleted. I have been tracking this for days, with email warnings for every post received. None removed, at all... From any thread this troll po

Now you see.
Lets talk about lying.

One person quoted me saying..

"Well in reality Canada being in Afghanistan for the Americans has made Canada a more dangerous place for Canadians."
But yet that quote is no where to be seen


Again, you people are allowed to refer to a respectable man like Mr Jack Layton as Taliban Jack, and all the other disrespectful names you call him, but if a person dares to critcize the occupation of Afghanistan, you are banned
georgeharper said:
Yea OK.

Were these same people witness to the Americans to the famous handshake with Saddam and the very freindly exchanges the Americans had with Bin Laden?
Funny, also how when an election goes contrary to what the Americans want, they claim it was a fruadulant

Are you at all cognisant to the world you live in?  Stick to the topic.  Answer questions put to you.  The clock it ticking.  You expect us to believe your second or third hand sound bites, but you refuse to listen to people who have actually been there.  Your hero, Jack Layton wasn't, yet you put more faith in his words than you do in an actual participant.  Please tell me you don't sell Real Estate.  I'm sure Jack can sell you a bridge in Manhattan.

I am sure the U of Vic has some programs that can teach people how to use Spell Check simply by clicking on the little black box (the one on the right side, of the three below the text box, when you post) at the bottom.
Everytime I check in on threads GH is part of, I am surprised they are still here.

They have had a LONG leash, especially when compared to the sites that we often associate their type with.  I WANT them to provide sources and take part in a discussion, so that a proper exchange of points and opinions can take place.  So to GH:  Why will you not step up, and start a meaningful, proper discussion?   Because you have no sources?  ANYTHING is almost better than nothing.

I am not a true regular to this site, posting wise, so I do cruise the net looking at other forums and regardless of what you think this website is one of the more accomodating out there.  So shove your drivel about deleted posts and bannings up your ***.   Sideways.  Repeatedly.

Answer the questions that have been posed to you in a proper intelligible manner with sources when required and you may stand a chance of changing a few opinions on some things (Not a lot...but some).  Individual points, if you will.

*edited due to a wrong lower case "I"*
georgeharper said:
Yea OK.

Were these same people witness to the Americans to the famous handshake with Saddam and the very freindly exchanges the Americans had with Bin Laden?
Funny, also how when an election goes contrary to what the Americans want, they claim it was a fruadulant


You are way out of line!