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Griffons in Toronto


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Hey, does anyone know if 32 Brigade or anyone is doing exercises involving Griffon's flying over the DVP today? Just noticed them going back and forth in front of my apartment that faces the DVP and was just curious to see if there was any cool training going on. I'm in 33 so I thought maybe some from 32 on here might know. Been kinda cool to see though. Maybe it has something to do with the DVP being closed this weekend?
I'm pretty sure the DVP is closed for construction, save for the repatriation of Maj Mendes. Perhaps the tac hel has some involvement with it...but that's just my uninformed speculation.

"According to Toronto police, the procession received permission to continue south along the Don Valley Parkway, even though the highway has been closed for maintenance all weekend. 

The procession is scheduled to arrive downtown Toronto at around 5 p.m."


No longer in 32 CBG so I can't help you with the rest of your question...sorry.
popnfresh said:
I'm pretty sure the DVP is closed for construction, save for the repatriation of Maj Mendes. Perhaps the tac hel has some involvement with it...but that's just my uninformed speculation.

Yeah I know it was closed because of construction and cleaning, I was just wondering if they doing the low flyover's for training since it was empty and the wouldn't cause the visual distraction for drivers.

Could have been for the repatriation and they were just practicing.

I'll see if my buddy at work who is in 32 knows anything about it.
Whos to say anything?

Yesterday, there was a HUGE investigation going on downtown involving TPS officers and ETF. Maybe since TPS doesn't have their own helicopters...they asked the Army pretty pretty please...

Who knows. lol