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Hmmmm Waste of time? World of Warcraft (WoW)

use to be totaly addicted...but...with strong conceling from  my wife...I gave it up...and well I feel much more happy about it.
mysteriousmind said:
use to be totaly addicted...but...with strong conceling from  my wife...I gave it up...and well I feel much more happy about it.
Did you play long? What did you have?

I have a 48 Pally atm

had a dward hunter level 52,
human paladin 30 ish

a few low level one...

played on deathwing

started to play 1 month after WOW got out, and stopped 1 year and a half after
OMFG....another one of those threads.......

Please people...go outside, have a beer.....maybe even get some ***......
Where's the link to that southpark episode...  ;D
Yes.....there is world out there full of people with LIVES!!!!!!  ;D
Yes, yes very interesting.  Now give me your lunch money!  ;D
I'm not addicted to World of Warcraft really. I think it's a great game and you can never really get bored of it unless you play too much for a long time. I could never see myself being an addict. I started playing about a year ago, then i stopped for no apparent reason. I've started to play again, and alot of my friends from school play, so we all joined the same guild, Ante Meridian (im not sure of the correct spelling because it is in Latin). I now play as a level 27 Paladin named Cedana on the "Stormrage" server.
cdnaviator said:
OMFG....another one of those threads.......

Please people...go outside, have a beer.....maybe even get some ***......

:rofl:  I've said it before, and I'll say it again..... You are my Hero!
Pea said:
:rofl:  I've said it before, and I'll say it again..... You are my Hero!

Beleive it or not...i had to restrain myself to come up with that !!!
I unbderstand what you are saying...

I used to lost an incredible amount of time on WOW....now that im trough with it...and one of my colleague is passing over 30 hours per week on it (plus a 40 hours job) and he is always proud to talk about it... I just realise that it is plain dum stupid.
