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Hmmmm Waste of time? World of Warcraft (WoW)

7 million people play this game. I really didn't like it, I found it extremely boring. I really can't get intrested in pixel gold. Online games take a game with a story that should take about 12 hours and make it a boring grind of 100's of hours and 15$ a month. No thanks. I like RTS(real time strategy) games online. I like outsmarting a human opponent.
Ouch, Pat, that stung.
Then I just thought of you and that ridiculous wannabe-mustache and all-of-a-sudden I don't feel so insulted anymore.  ;D
No offense to any of you, but...


I only play War rock, its a cheaper version of BF2, with some Counterstrike mixed in. Oh yeah, its free too. Lots of people play, including the speech writer/advisor for a liberal leadership candidate.   :eek:

I play for maybe 2 hours a week. Where do people find time to play so much WoW? I only have 3 classes, one of which is gym, yet I still don't have enough time to get "hardcore" with games.

Anyways, its 2am and I have to cut down a christmas tree early tommorow...


Hey, I thought the chicks might dig it (never happened haha)
Ah well its coming off on my 18th, then I wont need it anymore  ;)
I'm a level 5067 Red Mage with a bow of kick-arse.

World of Warcrack
Well got addicted oance again...started last thursday...and yes...it is easy to become addict to this game...

I started a new character and im now level 12 night elf preist in shaddowsong.

Here.  If you want a game that is kind of addictive, but also FREE, try this:

All my friends went out and bought the new expansion for WoW. I am never going back to playing that game again, ever.

...unless of course I find myself unoccupied and full of money for about 4 months. I'd play if it wasn't for that stupid pay-per-month junk!
My 9 year old grandson is also addicted....I think he's at level 32 or 33 now.
I wont buy the expansion...for now...not worth it.
I bought the expansion :) ..about the monthy fee.. it's practiclly nothing.. it's alot cheaper to play a game then spend money on other entertainment.
I thought the game was a joke when I played it, so boring. I prefer strategy games like the other folks who posted. I know people who are addicts/play a lot, and it is somewhat saddening watch them get so excited over some new quest or something. ;D
kleobee said:
I bought the expansion :) ..about the monthy fee.. it's practiclly nothing.. it's alot cheaper to play a game then spend money on other entertainment.

I totally disagree. There are so many other diversions out there that are not nearly as expensive. Including, but not limited to: Games that are not pay-per-month; tv shows; movies; about a jillion different forms of PT, most of which cost nothing; and all sort of other stuff.

If WoW was not pay-per-month I would definitely get back to it, but I'm not one to put much faith into a game that costs about $20/month for x-number of months until I decide to stop. It just isn't worth it to me.
Yea i was once addicted to Ulitma Online. Wow did i waste a lot of time after my free month i had enough... One months time was to much for a video game spending 3+ hours a day on it. Personally i avoid all video games pretty much. Although i did have an incident with Counterstrike because of the strategy playing in tournaments haha... i almost pity myself back then. OUTSIDE IS MORE FUN  ;D
...So yeah, started playing again last week, since I found out that I have until April until I start BMQ (approximately, paperwork's done, but no job available)

I'm on Mug'thol, lvl 18 (as of this posting) BE Pally.
I am a wow Addict ;)

65 Rogue on Skullcrusher
And as many alts as you can have. I haven't playued in a a couple of weeks though. Starting to get bored!
Rice0031 said:
I totally disagree. There are so many other diversions out there that are not nearly as expensive. Including, but not limited to: Games that are not pay-per-month; tv shows; movies; about a jillion different forms of PT, most of which cost nothing; and all sort of other stuff.
All of the things you listed do cost money, tv shows- well there's your cable bill (i personally don't bother with cable) movies- you have to rent or pay a theatre to view and only entertain you for an average of 2hrs per movie. PT can also cost money depending on your gym or what kind of sport you like to play... also not everyone can workout nonstop just to save $20 lol
Other games are cool too, but I prefer on-line games and most good ones have either a monthly fee like WoW or EQ... or they put out a million expansions which cost like $60 each time, such as Guildwars.