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I'm a Canadian... hey


We are the worlds largest nation. Since the USSR broke up.
St. Micheals Medical Team said:

We are the worlds largest nation. Since the USSR broke up.

Interesting SMMT a quick search on google produces this list, http://www.cftech.com/BrainBank/GEOGRAPHY/LargeNations.html.

Nation Area sq km sq mi
1 Russian Federation  178075400  6591100
2  Canada  9971500  3848900



Prior to its dissolution in 1991, the Soviet Union had an area of 22,402,200 km².
Here is some different Canadian dialects to pratice.Even got MP3 files.

Enjoy by'

Got it !... Bound to get on the bus now, eh? got my travel mug... hockey puck and shirt... I'll flash him my passport and say good enough ferya, put your foot to the floor and giv'er.

But this'll be the edge... I'll photocopy the front of a Canadian passport and tape it onto mine...

Cheers for all the help,-  Chris

It must have become apparent that you must figure out what type of "Canadian" you are trying to impersonate...
...more specifically where in Canada your faux personality calls home.
I would recommend being from the west "wet" coast.
The dialect is a mix of all the above advice with a stiff dose of "California surfer"

Q - Dude... you catch the hockey game?
A - Yup... brutal eh?

Note the blatant use of "Dude"... also acceptable are the words "Man" and "Bro"... don't forget your "ehs" though

Also be sure to get some Cdn flags for your luggage.
All good Canadian impersonators do this. Even folks with southern drawls
Nfld Sapper said:
Interesting SMMT a quick search on google produces this list, http://www.cftech.com/BrainBank/GEOGRAPHY/LargeNations.html.
Nation Area sq km sq mi
1 Russian Federation  178075400  6591100
2  Canada  9971500  3848900

I stand corrected.
I think if he really wants to be considered a canuck (in additional to the above suggestions), he'll have to have had his luggage lost by Air Canuck at least 10 times, been stuck in a parking lot err traffic jam on the 401 (or trying to get on Hwy 20 in Montreal), of course he'll have to eat cod cheeks or bumgut (depending on whether he wants to be an easterner or a northerner - west coaster is more the yogurt and granola trial by fire), he needs at least 3 tourist pics of him standing in front of either the Wawa Goose, the Sudbury Nickle, the Vegreville Pysanka or the Haines Junction Muffin, he has to have his first sugar high from too much maple sugar fudge/candy/syrup, he has to have at least one dead animal's body part hanging in either his home/cottage or car, he needs to be able to say, "rrrrrollll up the rrrrrrim", and know what it means, he has to know the difference between a mosquito and blackfly and have the scars to prove he did a summer at band camp and got his bites, he has to have proof of at least one May two four weekend in a provincial park (scars from blackflies are additional proof), and finally he has to have either read a Farely Mowat or Margaret Atwood novel.  (oh and he has to be able to hum Hockey Night in Canada's old theme)
I guess I don't qualify, niner....my tacky tourist picture is in front of the St Paul UFO Landing Pad and Info Centre.
Kat: get thee front and centre with the requsite big 32 grin to a Canadian tacky tourist site before we revoke your canuckness. 
CdnArtyWife said:
"Oh the year was 1778, how I wish I was in Sherbrook nooooow"

Oh NOOOOO you didn't...

Oh, the year was 1778, HOW I WISH I WAS IN SHERBROOKE NOW!
A letter of marque come from the king,
To the scummiest vessel I'd ever seen,

God damn them all!
I was told we'd cruise the seas for American gold
We'd fire no guns-shed no tears
Now I'm a broken man on a Halifax pier
The last of Barrett's Privateers.

Oh, Elcid Barrett cried the town, HOW I WISH I WAS . . .
For twenty brave men all fishermen who
would make for him the Antelope's crew


The Antelope sloop was a sickening sight,
She'd a list to the port and and her sails in rags
And the cook in scuppers with the staggers and the jags


On the King's birthday we put to sea,
We were 91 days to Montego Bay
Pumping like madmen all the way


On the 96th day we sailed again,
When a bloody great Yankee hove in sight
With our cracked four pounders we made to fight


The Yankee lay low down with gold,
She was broad and fat and loose in the stays
But to catch her took the Antelope two whole days


Then at length we stood two cables away,
Our cracked four pounders made an awful din
But with one fat ball the Yank stove us in


The Antelope shook and pitched on her side,
Barrett was smashed like a bowl of eggs
And the Maintruck carried off both me legs


So here I lay in my 23rd year,
It's been 6 years since we sailed away
And I just made Halifax yesterday



Meaning to it all..


For your and my enjoyment... those who like it... like it a lot.
Stop it!  Stop it!     stop it!

you're bringing back waaayy too many blurred memories of the Split.

The Best Keith's ads were with Angus!  Idiot for getting arrested!  >:(
NEVER.....!!!  Blasphemy...I'd lick it off the floor...waste of good beer.. :crybaby:

aaannd..to get back on topic here.  BB, has any of this helped?  hopefully the Belgique driver doesn't know the difference?!! 

......................silly drivers... ;)
Hey TN2IC I posted the lyrics to Barrett's Privateers one page back ;D