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I'm a Canadian... hey

Okay I am done...

I"ll just sit here and watch my comrade in arms.

BTW, not all of us west coasters are dope smoking, hemp wearing, mushroom hallucinating, tree hugging, yoghurt eating, long haired, sandal wearing hippy friends of Jesus freaks - some of us are rather more uptight, little fingie waving, tea drinking, year round golf playing, English accent speaking, school uniform wearing, cricketeering, SNOBS.  And yes, a liberal use of "dude" and "eh" often in the same phrase or sentence, is part of our vocabulary.  Unless of course you're from Hong, ooops, Vancouver...

medicineman said:
BTW, not all of us west coasters are dope smoking, hemp wearing, mushroom hallucinating, tree hugging, yoghurt eating, long haired, sandal wearing hippy friends of Jesus freaks - some of us are rather more uptight, little fingie waving, tea drinking, year round golf playing, English accent speaking, school uniform wearing, cricketeering, SNOBS.  And yes, a liberal use of "dude" and "eh" often in the same phrase or sentence, is part of our vocabulary.  Unless of course you're from Hong, ooops, Vancouver...


What he said.

Only, I'm a "Northerner".

Roy - from Terrace, BC
Bah, you're all southerners...

and from where I come from, you're all pretty much easterners too...LOL
niner domestic said:
Bah, you're all southerners...

and from where I come from, you're all pretty much easterners too...LOL

I'm trying to remember how much farther north Yellowknife is of Whitehorse ?

hahaha, I'm not from Whitehorse...lol

Yellowknife is at  62 degrees27'05.75"N 114 degrees 23'44.13"W

Where I'm from is at 63 degrees N and 135 W...approx

You can't go much farther West on the mainland from my home town without getting your hat wet.
niner domestic said:
hahaha, I'm not from Whitehorse...lol

Yellowknife is at  62 degrees27'05.75"N 114 degrees 23'44.13"W

Where I'm from is at 63 degrees N and 135 W...approx

Uh....isn't that smack dab in the middle of the growth stunt area?
OK 9D - you almost win, but this Westerner still lived up there.  Then became a flatlander, then finally an Islander.  The North does grow on you - unlike the GTA for instance, which grows on you too - like foot fungus.  >:D

niner domestic said:
hahaha, I'm not from Whitehorse...lol

Yellowknife is at  62 degrees27'05.75"N 114 degrees 23'44.13"W

Where I'm from is at 63 degrees N and 135 W...approx

All I'm reading from that is that your so far north that you have to use a latitude and longitude to find it!
Thanks for that Alexander Keith's link too, ah how i miss the sweet taste of Keith's.
I'm a Victorian, Queenslanders and New South Walers call us Mexicans coz we're south of the border!

Baldrick, get yourself a cowboy hat, a bit of straw, douse yourself in crude oil and tell everyone your from Alberta. Go on about how your really run the country and that Alberta is better then everyone else. If you do that then no one, not even the Canadians will talk to you, thus your story will be in no doubt! Either that or speak really bad french and pretend that how they talk in Quebec.
Kat Stevens said:
You can't go much farther West on the mainland from my home town without getting your hat wet.

Take ferry to Nanimo. Drive north 45 minutes. Turn left drive, 2 to 3 hours depending on the number of 'Winnebago's' clogging the road. Come to T junction turn left. Follow road till it ends at light house parking lot. Walk two minutes down trail to beach. Pick up rock and throw, with a real good arm either Japan or China will get hit. That is the west, every where else is just in between from the east. ;D
"You can't go much farther West on the mainland from my home town without getting your hat wet."

The Island is a suburb of Tokyo.
Banff is a suburb of Tokyo - the Island is a combined suburb of Bejing, London, and some hippy commune from California.

The easiest way for a Brit to pretend to be Canadian?  In every sentence you would have ended in "yeah?",  insert the "eh?" instead.  Easy-peasy.
Well i've been a canuck for 46 years, i came out of my mother with a Molsen Canadian beer in one hand a hockey stick in the other, My favorite movie is "Strange Brew" with the Mackenzie brothers , Bob and Doug. Tim Horton i always thought was our Prime Minister, until one of my friends told me he also has a coffee named after him. My favorite singer is Stompin Tom Conner's, but i also listen to Celine Dion occasioanly. Hockey is the greatest sport ever invented eh.  Phrases we use alot are, "Eh" eh you", Nice day dere eh", Wat you americans think we all live in igloos eh" "them der american beer taste like donkey p*** eh" and the phrase i say the most in one day than any other is "extra large "Double double please eh"

As far a I know none of this is copyrighted "yet" so you can use whatever you wish. The accent is a different matter, thats all ours, sorry ;D
