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Interview advice (merged)

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TCBF said:
What is this post-modern panic over a simple recruiting interview?   Who are you joining?   Spetznaz?

I vaguely recall an interview 28 years ago .... I think I might have been sh_itfaced when I did it.   Just relax and answer the questions.

It's not like they're picking a Pope.

Good grief...


Thanks LOL ......the pope .....in cadpat  ;D
kincanucks said:
Well it is good to see that the rule of "if you don't have your Preparing for Your Interview filled out and handed in" you don't get interviewed is being followed.  Some CFRC/Ds can't follow simple standardized processing. No wonder applicants get pissed off.

I have my interview tomorrow. I have been just reading the .pdf file, and just practicing the answers. When i was in for my Med at the Mississauga CFRC I asked if it needed to be filled out and brought in and they said that it was just there as a guide for the applicant to prepare and it didn't need to be handed in.

If you get a chance kincanucks or anyone who's had an interview recently, could you please verify if i have to bring it with me to the interview.

Thanks kincanucks.

Information on this site, has yet again saved my behind.
I completed my sheet and it was good preparation but nobody asked me for it.
I brought the sheet which was a good thing because i read over things while waiting for the interview. but no one asked for it.

I should have known better, but just incase someone else is thinking the same way...

I concentrated mostly on my 1st choice. The Captain expected the same amount of info from all three choices.

But in the end i got the "i don't see a problem recommending you..." line.

Different topic but credit / debt  issues seem to be a very big concern - and rightly so.

Thanks again for the help.
For mine I brought it, the Captain asked for it, looked over it for a couple minutes and then set it on the table. I looked at it once during the interview.
Hey guys,
I was wonderin what the interview is like, specifically for a DEO candidate (I'm going for infantry).
It was suprisingly relaxed.  It can take quite awhile depending on how much you elaborate on your answers, but the time seems to go by really fast.  At least in my case it did.

It was probably the least stressful job interview I ever had.  Maybe a bit because I did so much preperation for it, but mostly because the people who have interviewed me were really friendly and easy to talk to.

I'm a NCM recruit mind you, but I imagine the DEO interview would still have the same atmosphere, just some different questions.
DEO infantry too..

It was really relaxed ..but at the same time that man knows more about me than anyone, save my wife ..and I kid you not.  Know the job you are applying for and have you're life story straight in your own mind from grade 9 onwards.  Academic, work, sport, club and general extra curricular history.

Maybe that sounds too heavy.  Just review your life from grade 9 ..know yourself ..then go in and introduce yourself.

My interview was a very comfortable 2 hrs.  Nerves went away after 5 mins.

..When it was done, he told me he was recommending me on three conditions:

  • I pass the fitness test
  • the background check is not problematic (make sure your credit is OK ..or that you have payment plans in place ..finances in order.)
  • there are no medical difficulties.

..if you have all your ducks lined up - unless you loose control of your bowels or something - you'll likely hear the same sweet words.

Best of luck.  Post a follow up to let us know how it goes.

I hope I hear those same sweet words.

2 hours!  Man that's long.  Did he ask you about the jobs you had as a teen.  I had many and was fired from all of them I belive.  I was a punk back then though.

My first one was a pretty simple "job like" interview, asked the basic questions that most employers would ask.
My 2nd interview was more of an interview that related to why I wanted to join the Army, what can i provide to the Army, what I knew about the training, and the duration of each section (bmq, sq, moc) etc. etc.

I would highly recommend you fill the entire "Prepare for your interview" sheet, and bring er' on in with you, I even used mine a couple times to check over on some of the questions where I was about to go ....ugh...ugh! Really helped out alot.

As for the DEO interviews, I'm not sure if there's a difference? could be? maybe not? perhaps someone on here will give ya a better answer then i can heh.

Take it easy and best of luck!

Mike F.
hoote said:
Hey guys,
I was wonderin what the interview is like, specifically for a DEO candidate (I'm going for infantry).

Just relax and answer truthfully and to the best of your ability.

Easier than the old days, when they used to tie you in a chair and rubber hose ya. The phone book soaking in the pail of water used to be a dead give away. ;D
I've got mine tomorrow morning and I find I only get nervous when I start thinking about it too much. Just try to put it out of your mind and relax a bit. Filling out your interview sheet should put some nerves to rest as well. Good Luck
Well I went for my interview this morning and it was exactly as described in these interview threads: it really is just like a job interview but with more of a relaxed atmosphere, and a few different â Å“military specificâ ? questions. Prepare your interview sheet, answer truthfully, relax and you should do fine.
Yes just as Zombie said, nothing to be nervous about. Just be yourself and answer everthing truthfully. Be up on what operations the military is currently involved in. That is one of the questions they asked me. It isn't going to make or break you, but it will look good on you if you are somewhat knowledgable about the Canadian Forces current affairs and general information.

Good luck.

PS Good on you Zombie.
My interview back in June was conducted by a Captain, he just shot out the questions really fast and I sorta found it a bit hard to keep up with him lol
okay so in regards to some of the things that were mentioned, how long IS the duration of the bmq /sq /moc sections and such .. has this been covered somewhere else?
Hoote -

Did he ask you about the jobs you had as a teen.
Yup.  Went over all employment history from gr.9.  ..What is that?  About 15 yrs old or so..?

I had many and was fired from all of them I belive.  I was a punk back then though.
Be honest with the interviewer ..but keep in mind it is a job interview so there are some things you will want to highlight and others you may not wish to.  However I think you'll find a lot of the questions rather pointed ..and don't try to BS through them ..these folks are presumably trained in how to conduct interviews (the same way police are) and it's probably painfully obvious to an interviewer when someone is trying to 'play' them.  Anyway, you must have accumulated some additional job experience while working on your degree, no? (!)

Just relax and go and introduce yourself.

..Wait on second thought  ..If you are competing with me for a spot in the January BOTC ..then ignore all that.

..and loose control of your bowels.  ;D