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Interview advice (merged)

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DAA said:
You know what they say......."First impressions are lasting impressions".

I agree with you.  No one should go into a recruiting centre and be come out feeling worse then when they went in - even people who are counselled out.  If they don't qualify they can be given info that they can use to meet the standard - be re-motivated to return to the centre when they have completed any necessary work.

I'll say to a limited extent that recruiters cannot take actual applications but need to refer to the electronic application process might make things a little less personal - but in reality these guys are trained to be approachable - to talk to people coming in the door and answer any questions.  Whether I should join the PRes or the RegF is something that is better discussed with a recruiter/MCC than going to the CF site - although coming to this site would provide some valuable intel for sure.

Now who knows the recruiter may have been looking after other candidates - or in the middle of a task - but in general he could have and should have done  better.  If he was busy he could have brought another recruiter out front to assist.

I have my final interview coming up soon and I've been reading up everything I can on my trade I want to get into (infantry), can anyone share with me what kind of questions are asked? I'm sure this question has been asked before and I apologize! just looking for some info
Anyone who has done the interview can't speak about the question that were asked. I would recommend you read the recruiting booklet with all the stage of the recruiting process there is a section about what you should know prior to the interview I would suggest you review it and don't stress too much about it know your trade as much as you can that's about it. Good luck with the interview.
DeadEye229 said:
I have my final interview coming up soon and I've been reading up everything I can on my trade I want to get into (infantry), can anyone share with me what kind of questions are asked? I'm sure this question has been asked before and I apologize! just looking for some info

It has been answered often, yes.  I'll answer generally:

What makes you a good fit for the job?  What do you actually know about the job the infantry do day to day?  What skills do you bring to the table? 

In short, the same kinds of questions that any employer would ask you.  Your job is, to the best of your ability and knowledge, demonstrate you have the ability and resolve to complete the training and be a contributing member of the forces in your chosen trade.  Not a whole lot different then civy side, save that your application will be scored and you will not be offered a job on the spot.  It'll be assessed later by a group of people and compared against others also looking for the same spot.

There is no huge mystery - prepare like you would for any civilian job interview.
i got a call from my file manager yesterday and booked my interview which is on Feb 24. After i do my interview my file manager told me to contact him 2 days later so he can merrit list me right away, would I make it to BMQ before summer? My interview is for infantry soldier 
DeadEye229 said:
i got a call from my file manager yesterday and booked my interview which is on Feb 24. After i do my interview my file manager told me to contact him 2 days later so he can merrit list me right away, would I make it to BMQ before summer? My interview is for infantry soldier

Only time will tell. I thought I might be in for the fall, but now I start end of Feb.
Nobody knows for sure when they'll get the call.

Hurry up and wait! :D
My interview was quite painless compared to most of the above. I pretty much just answered a couple questions about the trade I was going in while he was looking through my file, and that was it. Lasted around 5 minutes.
WesMurray said:
My interview was quite painless compared to most of the above. I pretty much just answered a couple questions about the trade I was going in while he was looking through my file, and that was it. Lasted around 5 minutes.

Mine was much the same. I was pretty nervous still.

He asked me a few questions about my trades (Artillery, Infantry, Armoured), and I kept trying to avoid answering the same for all three, until he told me I could just say "same as before".

Otherwise it lasted less than 10 minutes from what I remember. Not too bad.
I was originally suppose to have my Interview on the 3rd of March, could barely sleep the night before, was there about 45 minutes prior to the time it starts, but unfortunately, I had to take care of some debt first before they could conduct my interview. So it was scheduled for this morning at 0930 hours, made sure I had plenty of sleep so I could pay much more attention. I arrived at approximately 0910 hours, and the person at the desk phoned my Interviewer and told her that I was there. I waited for about an hour, which was fine as it gave me some more time to go over my paperwork, such as the interview prep sheet (that I found on here) and a few other things. I was more relaxed than anything, the environment was settling. I have already talked to my interview prior to today a few times, so I already kinda knew her, so wasn't very nervous. I went in, and I started to get a bit more nervous, as I noticed a second staff member. Come to find out, he was only there to evaluate her, while she interviewed me. So I think she was just as nervous as I was haha. They were both very nice, and easy to talk to. My interview flew by before I knew it, I was done. I was very confident with the knowledge of my trade choices, and made sure I knew what I could prior to the interview so I wouldn't just sit there staring into the abyss trying to figure out an answer to a question. Found out that I am now also merit listed, but will have to complete both part 1 and 2 of my medical (part 1 again, as it expires after 3 months of completing it, and has been 5 months) on this Tuesday coming, the 18th. So I cannot wait for Tuesday to get here, so I can anticipate the call!
Overall, don't be too nervous, everything will just be fine. They are only fellow human beings after all.  ;D
Brandonfw said:
I was originally suppose to have my Interview on the 3rd of March, could barely sleep the night before, was there about 45 minutes prior to the time it starts, but unfortunately, I had to take care of some debt first before they could conduct my interview. So it was scheduled for this morning at 0930 hours, made sure I had plenty of sleep so I could pay much more attention. I arrived at approximately 0910 hours, and the person at the desk phoned my Interviewer and told her that I was there. I waited for about an hour, which was fine as it gave me some more time to go over my paperwork, such as the interview prep sheet (that I found on here) and a few other things. I was more relaxed than anything, the environment was settling. I have already talked to my interview prior to today a few times, so I already kinda knew her, so wasn't very nervous. I went in, and I started to get a bit more nervous, as I noticed a second staff member. Come to find out, he was only there to evaluate her, while she interviewed me. So I think she was just as nervous as I was haha. They were both very nice, and easy to talk to. My interview flew by before I knew it, I was done. I was very confident with the knowledge of my trade choices, and made sure I knew what I could prior to the interview so I wouldn't just sit there staring into the abyss trying to figure out an answer to a question. Found out that I am now also merit listed, but will have to complete both part 1 and 2 of my medical (part 1 again, as it expires after 3 months of completing it, and has been 5 months) on this Tuesday coming, the 18th. So I cannot wait for Tuesday to get here, so I can anticipate the call!
Overall, don't be too nervous, everything will just be fine. They are only fellow human beings after all.  ;D

How did you get an interview and medical so close to each other and so soon!? Please do share your secrets lol. Thanks! Don't tell me it was just luck either lol
lCS said:
How did you get an interview and medical so close to each other and so soon!? Please do share your secrets lol. Thanks! Don't tell me it was just luck either lol

They do that for people who have to drive a fair distance. I know they booked my CFAT, medical and interview all within 2 days (20th and 21st). The CF are even putting me up in a hotel on Thursday :)

The people in Edmonton are gems
MedicTWO said:
They do that for people who have to drive a fair distance. I know they booked my CFAT, medical and interview all within 2 days (20th and 21st). The CF are even putting me up in a hotel on Thursday :)

The people in Edmonton are gems

How far is a fair distance? My drive is about an hr and 45mins to the CFRC.
J_M_J_D said:
How far is a fair distance? My drive is about an hr and 45mins to the CFRC.

I'm just shy of 500 km; it takes me about 5 hours and $200 each way to CFRC Edmonton.
MedicTWO said:
They do that for people who have to drive a fair distance. I know they booked my CFAT, medical and interview all within 2 days (20th and 21st). The CF are even putting me up in a hotel on Thursday :)

The people in Edmonton are gems

The staff at CFRC Edmonton are absolute beauties!
ICS, they told me they usually do the medical and interview the same day.

Also, I only live about 10 minutes away from the CFRC here as well... Could be because they really like me  ;)

I also completed my medical yesterday, to which I was told I am medically fit, but I have to go to a optometrist to get my eyes checked better, as I am a V3 (21 and 25 I believe it is for me) and get a paper filled. I have an appointment already made for this Friday, but after I give them that paper (in person or by fax at the CFRC) I could receive a notice in the mail withing 6 weeks, stating that I am unfit, or I will receive no mail which is a good thing.
I have my interview for WEng Tech coming up on May 8th. Is there anything paticular I should keep in mind for this? I've gone over the interview prep sheet, but I'm quite nervous in interview situations.

Also, I've been looking into information exclusively for WEng Tech because I was told that's what I would be applying for by the recruiter. I also have Boatswain and Electrician listed as other possible trade preferences. Should I be researching all I can on those as well?

Thanks in advance for all replies.
cosmojones said:
I have my interview for WEng Tech coming up on May 8th. Is there anything paticular I should keep in mind for this? I've gone over the interview prep sheet, but I'm quite nervous in interview situations.

Also, I've been looking into information exclusively for WEng Tech because I was told that's what I would be applying for by the recruiter. I also have Boatswain and Electrician listed as other possible trade preferences. Should I be researching all I can on those as well?

Thanks in advance for all replies.
I haven't had my interview yet (hoping for soon!) but from what I was told when I last inquired about my application, be prepared for all the trades you've applied for. Be sure to understand what your job would be, what sort of training you expect to do etc... I think they just want to make sure you've made the right choice for yourself and you know what you're getting yourself into.

My best advice in general for interviews is just be yourself. Don't stress yourself out too much. Even practice either with yourself in the mirror or a friend/family member. I've lost count of how many interviews I've done in the past, but from my experience the more you act like yourself the better the outcome. And the more you practice the less nervous you'll be.
I had my interview quite a while back, and I remember being just as nervous as the rest of you. But what I did was, I printed the interview prep sheet from the forces website, filled it out, and took it in with me.

Also make sure to make eye contact, and be confident, look nice, and respectable, like you are proud to be joining the forces. Don't worry :) Just know about your trade, and what they do, what the trainings like, and such, and just don't lie! That's the worst you can do, is lie, be honest about everything. You should be fine if you are prepared. As preparation is key for everything in life. Good luck guys, and I wish you all luck, and to hopefully see some of you at BMQ :)
Metsuke said:
I had my interview quite a while back, and I remember being just as nervous as the rest of you. But what I did was, I printed the interview prep sheet from the forces website, filled it out, and took it in with me.

Also make sure to make eye contact, and be confident, look nice, and respectable, like you are proud to be joining the forces. Don't worry :) Just know about your trade, and what they do, what the trainings like, and such, and just don't lie! That's the worst you can do, is lie, be honest about everything. You should be fine if you are prepared. As preparation is key for everything in life. Good luck guys, and I wish you all luck, and to hopefully see some of you at BMQ :)

Were you allowed to consult it during the interview or was it just to brush up beforehand? I'm generally very easy going and handle stress well but when it comes to interviews I just go blank during some questions. I suppose I'll probably just end up saying the first thing off the tip of my tongue, as that's bound to be the most honest anyways.
Yeah, I was. He didn't really care much. I used it on the complicated questions, like "Where do we train" type of stuff. Don't be nervous, the interview itself, is quite stress free, I found. The 2nd Lt that interviewed me, was quite a joker, and relaxed me a lot.