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Oh I plan to.  I'm just home today waiting for my shiny new snowblower to arrive.  I miss going to the gym.  Between hubby being home and this week being totally hellish I've missed too much time there.  I"m going back tomorrow morning.  Last night I fired off a good set of 15 pushups.  (which impressed the heck out of myself, since I normally maxed out around 5 LOL)  I am PUMPED!  Hope I get an offer soon.  ;D
I'm just home today waiting for my shiny new snowblower to arrive.  I miss going to the gym.

If you used a shovel, then you wouldn't have to go to the gym :P.
I have a long annoying driveway.  Parts of which I still have to shovel (not to mention my back deck and walkways).  I"m glad I have the snowblower now.  :P  At least I haven't missed any real workouts thanks to all the snow, just gym time.  Shovelling isn't going to help me get my running speed and higher.  But man my back and arms are toned now.  ;D
Niteshade said:
Curious how your tests went?


did the test and found out I don't actually have asthma  ??? I have a sensitivity to formaldehyde that causes an asthma like reaction (after some allergy testing).  How's that for effed up?
Lil_T said:
did the test and found out I don't actually have asthma  ??? I have a sensitivity to formaldehyde that causes an asthma like reaction (after some allergy testing).  How's that for effed up?

Did they see this as being a problem for enrollment or service at all?
nope.  how often am I going to come into contact with formaldehyde?  That stuff causes cancer too - so I would hope people wouldn't be getting exposed to it on a regular basis anyway.  yeesh
A formaldehyde allergy could limit your employment within NDHQ, since it is used quite regularly there to embalm staff officers who have passed away at their desks.

Interestingly, this practice of filling cubicles with deceased personnel (with "Do Not Resuscitate" on their building passes) has increased productivity, given the decline in both dumbass staff questions being circulated, and powerpoint presentations being created.  ;)
Journeyman said:
A formaldehyde allergy could limit your employment within NDHQ, since it is used quite regularly there to embalm staff officers who have passed away at their desks.

Interestingly, this practice of filling cubicles with deceased personnel (with "Do Not Resuscitate" on their building passes) has increased productivity, given the decline in both dumbass staff questions being circulated, and powerpoint presentations being created.   ;)

alrighty - two of my references so far have contacted me.  3 to go. YAY :)
All references have been contacted, medical is cleared, ERC is done and waiting to be signed off on as per my file manager.  YAY. 

And... back to the gym.

~happydance happy happy~
Called file manager today - not getting merit listed until the new F/Y.  So I can't be loaded on a course until then.  That's fine at least I know now.  And I won't be getting a letter saying I suck  ;D  Dammit - the next 2 months are going to drag.
Hey Lil_T

Well, at least you know and you have more time to work out...  ;D

Just for fun how many push ups can you do... I personally stuck around three...  :pushup:

It does not seem to go up...  :-\ I am starting to think that push ups are not for women  ::)
I can get off 6 good ones when the rugrats will leave me alone long enough.  Fortunately Mr Man starts daycare tomorrow so I'll be able to work more on them.  Personally though - I think having to go all the way back down to the floor *and touch* is just setting me up for failure... LOL.  Everytime I touch the floor I start feeling like it's time for a nap.
10 days until the new fiscal year.  Nerves are setting in.
Lil_T said:
10 days until the new fiscal year.  Nerves are setting in.

Ha ha, with all the time I waited for ROTP I was pretty much dulled out by the time selections came. Guess you are not so lucky :P It will work out for you I am sure. Good things come to those who wait after all!
SoldierInTheMaking said:
I sure hope your right!
My medical is taking the longest out of my whole process.

Yea, I was lucky with the whole CFAT/Interview/Medical stuff, nothing had to be sent away or continued any further that day.. But I guess that does not happen with the majority?
Marshall said:
Yea, I was lucky with the whole CFAT/Interview/Medical stuff, nothing had to be sent away or continued any further that day.. But I guess that does not happen with the majority?

Well I got stuck with some forms that had to be signed by my doctor because I have flat feet, it was just to see whether I need orthotics or just good insoles, everything else was fine in my medical so I'm not sure whats taking it so long. I was told to expect a call this week though so I just hope I do and could get on a course early April....(fingers crossed)
SoldierInTheMaking said:
Well I got stuck with some forms that had to be signed by my doctor because I have flat feet, it was just to see whether I need orthotics or just good insoles, everything else was fine in my medical so I'm not sure whats taking it so long. I was told to expect a call this week though so I just hope I do and could get on a course early April....(fingers crossed)

Ah, well good luck.