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Marshall said:
Ha ha, with all the time I waited for ROTP I was pretty much dulled out by the time selections came. Guess you are not so lucky :P It will work out for you I am sure. Good things come to those who wait after all!

Yeah - my file manager told me (back in Feb) that it was just a matter of time.  Since hubby is still in Afghanistan for the next few pay periods I can't go anywhere until mid May at the earliest (to have a little US time before I'm gone).

Once the new fiscal year is in effect, I'll be getting merit listed and should get my offer shortly thereafter.  It's just the waiting.  But on the plus side, I'm physically way more confident than I was just a couple months ago. 

SITM - I hope you get your call soon.  Remember no letter = good!
you never know though - we could end up on the same BMQ :)
maybe, late May - early June at the latest is what I'm shooting for.
Lil_T said:
maybe, late May - early June at the latest is what I'm shooting for.

Well I sure hope I don't have to wait that long, but it is what it is, I'll just have to wait and see what happens.
I hope you don't have to wait that long either - I don't mind, but I have my own reasons for that.  For someone who's itching to get their career started I can see how it would drive you nuts.  I waited 14 years - an extra month or so isn't going to kill me.
Lil_T said:
I hope you don't have to wait that long either - I don't mind, but I have my own reasons for that.  For someone who's itching to get their career started I can see how it would drive you nuts.  I waited 14 years - an extra month or so isn't going to kill me.

Yea I really want to get started with this, it's something I really want. But 14 years? wow that's long time why did you have to wait that long?
Well, I got pregnant with my oldest and my mother was caring for him while I went to school.  I was in the middle of filling out my packet for RMC and we got into a huge row about it, she refused to help me out in any way shape or form if I joined the military.  So, I was stuck between a rock and a hard place as she was the only support system I had. 

Later, it was more about just surviving and raising my son than it was about living out my own dreams.  It wasn't until a few years ago that I got a good support system under me that I started to really consider it again.  In the meantime, I got married, had another kid and spent the last 2 years at home with him.  Still, I went back and forth over it many times, I wanted to be in good enough shape so as to survive basic.  So here I am now.  Just kicking back, waiting for that phone to ring... and working my butt off in the meantime.

-you asked-
Well best of luck to you, that is quite a long time to wait for something you really want but you did get good things out of that wait. Gook luck!

Thanks - I'm just glad to finally be doing it - though I am definitely having my share of holy-shit-this-is-happening moments.
Yea once I get the call to be sworn in I'll be going through that same feeling but mixed with lot's of happiness haha
Hey Lil_T!

It is good to know that I am not the only one having these "holy-crap-this-is-happening moments"  ;D
I wish you great success!
ha! yeah you're definitely not alone. 

Thanks for the well wishes.  :D
Lil_T said:
Thanks - I'm just glad to finally be doing it - though I am definitely having my share of holy-crap-this-is-happening moments.

I sure had one of those moments yesterday when the offer came in... wasn't expecting to be processed so quickly. Not that I am complaining!
Lil_T said:
No I'd say not - good luck on BMQ!!!

Thank you, and congratulations on finally being able to live out your dream. Good luck to you when you get on course.
Thanks :D

I'm just waiting... and wondering how long until I can start harrassing my file manager again ;D

*totally kidding about the harrassing part...

Went to the RC today - my file manager is DEPLOYED!  Figures.  However, after some poking around I found out that I'm apparently just waiting to be loaded and should get a call "very soon".  So sometime between now and the end of the year - LOL.  Hope it's soon, my medical expires in July.