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Just a question


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Hello everyone

This is the first time I've ever posted on here. These forums are great!!!

A friend and I went into the CFRC at the same time. We had all our paperwork and documentation that was needed. Yet the next day I get a call to set a date for my aptitude test. And she still hasn't heard a thing from them. This was 3 weeks ago.

Would anyone have an idea why this would happen???

Different circumstances - you can't compare your experience to someone else's.

I'll not speculate what the differences could be, but when dealing with human beings - "NONE of these things is like the other".

Good luck to both of you - and welcome to Milnet.ca.
Soldiergirl said:
Hello everyone

This is the first time I've ever posted on here. These forums are great!!!

A friend and I went into the CFRC at the same time. We had all our paperwork and documentation that was needed. Yet the next day I get a call to set a date for my aptitude test. And she still hasn't heard a thing from them. This was 3 weeks ago.

Would anyone have an idea why this would happen???


Also, if you happened to apply for a hot job (a trade which lacks personel), you may receive priority processing of your application. What trade did you two choose ?
The trades I took are -Supply Tech
                              - RMS Clerk
                              - Postal

Her choice was -RMS Clerk
                      - Supply Tech
                      - Med Tech   

I hope it was because you listed Sup Tech as number one ... we NEED Sup Techs!!

And, I hope she gets a call tomorrow offering her her number two choice!!

I may be biased though.  ;D
I hear court reporters are pretty short these days...

Anyway, it's hard to get a grip on the intricacies of the recruiting system. As previously mentioned, there are dozens of factors that affect who gets offered what and when. Anyway, just tell her to hang in there; it's worth it in the end.

Good luck to both of you.
niceasdrhuxtable said:
I hear court reporters are pretty short these days...

Too bad you cant join as a court reporter from civvy street.

By the glance i had today of the JAG  DIN website, the military justice system is being kept pretty busy  ;D
Did you two plan on getting onto the same BMQ course when you first applied? I'm not so sure if that's possible or not....
Agent Zero said:
Did you two plan on getting onto the same BMQ course when you first applied? I'm not so sure if that's possible or not....

That was what we were planning on. But now I'm not so sure that it will an possability. Oh well we'll just have to see I guess.

Reality Check, your getting a call might simply be because the file manager assigned to your file is in the office and has had time to call.

Your choices are currently all closed, no positions available at this time and the only one in active status right now is Med tech. In some busy centres you would not have gotten CFAT scheduled unless you applied to a high priority trade that has openings.

The recruiting process is managed differently at each centre based on staff availability and processing capacity.

Do well on your CFAT and see how many doors open for you. We need lots of techs right now so do well and keep your options open.

Good Luck.