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Leafs finally break losing streak.

The leafs are in a different type of playoff now, it is all sudden death and I for one am enjoying it.

If they make the playoffs great, if they don't, i'll just sit back and say "wow what a ride". 

Regardless, anybody that hates them has to give them credit. Everyone left them for dead after the montreal games, and look at them now.

3 points back from tampa. What a comeback this is shaping up to be..
Toronto beat the Sens last night 5-1  :nana:

If only Tampa Bay would have lost  :(
Piper said:
You mean goons?

Personally, I prefer watching skilled players instead of knuckle-dragging fist tossers.

I don't think I've ever seen Ottawa fans on a bandwagon, they've always been there at every game. Of course, I remember the days when leaf's games were half empty until they started getting into the playoffs...and then thousands of fans appeared by magic and then suddenly disappeared this year when playoff prospects were looking grim. It must be a Toronto thing (I mean the city, not just the team).

Still in tenth place though. :nana:

Methinks 2023 should keep away from the computer after game night at the bar.  ;)

Uhm what? Maple Leaf Gardens and the Air Canada Centre have been sold out for decades, regardless of how the team is doing..... theres a 13 year waiting list to get season tickets. Tickets also cost thousands.... not 30 dollars.

The ACC was sold out every game this year, nobody went anywhere, what the **** are you talking about ?

If anything MLSE banks on the fact the support of the fans is blind and unwavering, and they can get away with poor management and a terrible on ice product..... the fans have always paid the fares, always filled the seats and they always will be.

Yeah, Toronto doesnt have any skilled players that could do anything like score 4 goals and 2 assists in one night...  ::)
Knuckle dragging fist tossers.... right.... whats his name, McGratton? What would you call him? But yeah youre right, the likes of Sundin, Kaberle, McCabe, Steen, Wellwood, Stajan, Lindros, Oneill, Allison, Coliacovo etc have no place in the NHL. They belong in a boxing ring. Even Darcy Tucker who what, has 30 goals? pretty good for a "goon".

Its a shame ottawa fans can't just deal with it when they get crushed everytime it matters. Choke specialists.
The ignorance is awesome.

I hope Daniel Alfreddsson makes more of his patented "guarantees" this year. Like how he guaranteed to beat toronto, and guaranteed to win the cup. Ottawa will never win the cup with that idiot clown for a captain,and why the hell Wade Redden isnt the captain is beyond me, and all sense of reason. Jacques Martin was only half of the problem.

Toronto Maple Leafs = Biggest franchise in the NHL, most watched hockey team in Canada. Deal with it.

If you hate the Maple Leafs, fine. But at least cheer for an actual Hockey team, like the Red Wings, or the Flames or the Habs for example.

Ottawa Senators = Most hated NHL hockey team in Canada. Deal with that.
Tilstonguy said:
We have togh guys,  Chara could beat just about anyone in a fight with one hand behind his back ;D  Im an Ottawa fan first but if any Canadian team including Toronto won the cup the entire country would go nuts.  Calagary didnt even win the cup the other year but canada still went nuts when they made the finals.  I remember the red mile,  people from all over Canada were there.  Go Canada Go :cdn:

Any canadian team except for Ottawa.

Unfortunately, the NHL is more concerned with the happiness of its American Customers, and would much rather more American teams make the finals.

Dont understand? See: NHL Conference Final, 1993 game 7
Dont understand? See: NHL Conference Final, 1993 game 7

Game six actually when Douggie was high sticked by the great-one and Kerry Fraser thought it was the puck that hit him.  The worst part was that Gretzky scored the game-winner in overtime. 

It was  shame becuase Wendel Clark got a hattrick that game, if I recall correctly.
This is excessively disjointed, but meh, all good.

Mack674 said:
Uhm what? Maple Leaf Gardens and the Air Canada Centre have been sold out for decades, regardless of how the team is doing..... theres a 13 year waiting list to get season tickets. Tickets also cost thousands.... not 30 dollars.
Not $30? Really...where you hear that? I was trying to get cheap seats all year, never lucked out, always missed them and had to pay in the $100 range per seat.
Mack674 said:
The ACC was sold out every game this year, nobody went anywhere, what the **** are you talking about ?
Well......Leafs are out of playoffs. So, I guess they didn't go anywhere now did they?
Mack674 said:
If anything MLSE banks on the fact the support of the fans is blind and unwavering, and they can get away with poor management and a terrible on ice product..... the fans have always paid the fares, always filled the seats and they always will be.
So you're bragging that no matter how shitty your team is, you won't expect it to change? OK.....moving on...
Mack674 said:
Yeah, Toronto doesn't have any skilled players that could do anything like score 4 goals and 2 assists in one night...  ::)
Oh they have them, but they're also up in age with little time left, TO needs a big house clearing.
Mack674 said:
Knuckle dragging fist tossers.... right.... whats his name, McGratton? What would you call him?
OK, Tucker, Domi, two of the dirtest SOBs to ever play the game, who are both labelled as hero's. McGratten does his job, and does it well enough to break Domi's nose. :P However, he also won't be a jackass and avoid the other teams big guns.
Mack674 said:
But yeah you re right, the likes of Sundin,
Old, arrogant, but granted a good player.
Mack674 said:
He done anything productive this year?
Mack674 said:
Fine defenceman. Kinda says something when he was what, you're leader in points? A defenceman? Forwards bit lacking eh?
Mack674 said:
I've always wanted to be a fly on the wall at a Lindros family dinner....."Me play hockey....duh....." :P Few to many knocks to the head there.
Mack674 said:
Even Darcy Tucker who what, has 30 goals? pretty good for a "goon".
Goon? Please, don't insult real goons. Hes an arrogant little bastard whose sole purpose is to get under the other teams skin and piss them off. Granted, hes damn good at his job, but a goon he is not. Hes just a little bugger.
Mack674 said:
Its a shame Ottawa fans can't just deal with it when they get crushed everytime it matters. Choke specialists.
Really........look at the Leafs standings....look at the Sens standings. Hmm, see a discrepency? :P
Mack674 said:
The ignorance is awesome.
How about the ignorance of some leafs "fans" who didn't know the last time they won a cup?
Mack674 said:
Ottawa will never win the cup with that idiot clown for a captain,and why the hell Wade Redden isn't the captain is beyond me, and all sense of reason. Jacques Martin was only half of the problem.
Because Redden wasn't the same leader Alfie was when Yashin left. Thats why. Only half the problem eh? Well, Quinn is most of yours, and the rest are the idiots ie: Tucker/Domi.
Mack674 said:
Toronto Maple Leafs = Biggest franchise in the NHL, most watched hockey team in Canada. Deal with it.
I know a HELL of a lot of Habs fans that'd shoot you for that.....and the biggest franchise......I'd say get some proof here, cause I have some suspicions that Det or NYR might be edging them out. Maybe even Bos as another Original 6 team.
Mack674 said:
If you hate the Maple Leafs, fine. But at least cheer for an actual Hockey team, like the Red Wings, or the Flames or the Habs for example.
Or if you want to cheer for good hockey without having to fly around to go to home games, the Sens seem to fit in. And as for real hockey, the Sens play it. More so than the leafs plently of times.
Mack674 said:
Ottawa Senators = Most hated NHL hockey team in Canada. Deal with that.
No I don't want to deal with it. Why? Because its not true. Many Toronto fans I've spoken to don't really care one way or the other. The problem are idiots who are so obsessed with "THE OTTAWA PROBLEM" that they don't celebrate their own victories, just the sens losses. The other half of the problem is people who hate the Leafs so much they just want them to lose. Do I like the Leafs? Not really. Do I like the Habs, or Flames, or Oilers or Canucks? I feel about the same towards them as I do to Toronto. Its a game. When people get this would up over it.....you have problems. There is no one most hated team. Maybe you need to deal with that.

Mack674 said:
Any canadian team except for Ottawa.
::) Right. All those Habs fans are going to jump up the second Toronto wins the cup(if ever:P) and start procaliming how much the Leafs rock. ::)

Mack674 said:
Unfortunately, the NHL is more concerned with the happiness of its American Customers, and would much rather more American teams make the finals.
Well.....Canada's not going to abandon the NHL anytime soon, some markets in the States might, kinda expect them to work more to puch it in the States.
Mack674 said:
Dont understand? See: NHL Conference Final, 1993 game 7
For Christs sake......13 damn years. Get over it! People make mistakes, these things happen, might have been bad timing, but mistakes happen anyway.
You were right, it was incredibly disjointed.

Not $30? Really...where you hear that? I was trying to get cheap seats all year, never lucked out, always missed them and had to pay in the $100 range per seat.

This is a new phenomenon for the Senators.  It may last, but it may not.
As for Toronto selling out every game, part of that is because so many of the seats are corporate owned.  I heard that only something like 10 to 15 thousand seats are available to the general public for the entire season (the ACC holds over 19,000 people for a single game). 
Tickets are next to impossible to get from the boxoffice.  Ottawa, well, like I said its a recent phenomenon. 

As for you getting only seats in the 100$ range, I really have to wonder where exactly you were looking and where in the arena were they?

Oh they have them, but they're also up in age with little time left, TO needs a big house clearing.

Actually the average age of the leafs is about the same as Ottawa.  And no Toronto doesn't need a house clearing.  That final push at the end of the season kinda proves that they don't.

OK, Tucker, Domi, two of the dirtest SOBs to ever play the game, who are both labelled as hero's. McGratten does his job, and does it well enough to break Domi's nose.  However, he also won't be a jackass and avoid the other teams big guns.

Actually most real fans are calling for Domi to retire.  It is highly unlikely that he'll be back next season.
Tucker on the other hand isn't a good, or a dirty player.  He just plays tough, and isn't afraid to go for the hit.  Also, how many other dirty players out there score nearly 30 goals?

Old, arrogant, but granted a good player.

umm?  What in gods name are you talking about?

  He [Kaberle] done anything productive this year?

67 points.  as of tonight before the game 5th in points for Defensemen, 3rd overall for assists for d-man.
He was an integral part of the Leafs powerplay unit which as of earlier this evening was ranked second best in the league (21.4%, compared to Ottawa which was 20.6).
This statement of yours basically shows your level of hockey knowledge, and sadly my friend it isn't that great.

Fine defenceman. Kinda says something when he was what, you're leader in points? A defenceman? Forwards bit lacking eh?

Actually Sundin was our point leader.  McCabe was second.  Also, i just checked the stats and many top teams (Detroit, Dallas, Ottawa, New Jersey) have D-men in their top 5 point getters.  (In case you're wondering Redden was in the number 5 with points).

Really........look at the Leafs standings....look at the Sens standings. Hmm, see a discrepency?

Its one season.  Really I recall a time when Ottawa was consistently at the bottom of standings, and because of that you were able to get high draft picks which has ultimately led to your success.  (Hell look at two of your best players, Chara and Heatley, both were the result of trades involving players you drafted in the first round.

How about the ignorance of some leafs "fans" who didn't know the last time they won a cup? 
Look at the ignorance of some Sen fans who know next to nothing about things happening in the NHL.

For Christs sake......13 damn years. Get over it! People make mistakes, these things happen, might have been bad timing, but mistakes happen anyway.

You were what 5 during that series?

Sheerin you took all the words out of my mouth!  ;D I was dreading having to pick through all of that.

Actually less than that are available to the general public. 90% of the seats are season ticket holders, (13-14 year waiting list) but you are correct, it is almost impossible. I met a guy working in the merchandise shop in the ACC, hes been there for 3 years and has never been able to get a ticket yet. Thats how hard it is.

But im sure its just as difficult in ottawa to get home tickets..  ::) or anywhere in the NHL for that matter. Don't even get me started on the ticket prices..... standing room only, at the very back of the arena, not even center ice, START, at 50 bucks. They go well into 700-1000 dollars.

Was it game 6? I thought for sure it was 7... maybe my memory is wrong lol oh well, but yes, that is what I was referring to. Fraser called that penalty on gilmour in overtime no less. Totally harmless play.

Get over it? Any real hockey fan never gets over the fact that their team was screwed out of a shot at the cup by shoddy refereeing.

Okay, Piper reading your posts you obviously know very little about the hockey world. The simple fact that you werent aware of Kaberle's production is enough. In fact, im probobly more familiar with the accomplishments and abilities of your own senators players than YOU are, let alone my own team.

You're kidding right? Boston and NYR edge out toronto as the biggest hockey franchise? MLSE earns over 100 million dollars a year. Boston can hardly fill the rink, and this is the first good year NYR has had in a decade. Theres a reason CBC has leaf games on EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT, ALL YEAR. Simple economics.... the people want to see the leafs, so whats what they show. This is CBC... if they could make more money playing Montreal games, then they would. Its a widely accepted fact that Toronto is the center of the hockey universe, the biggest franchise in the league and has the most canadian fans, and /I/ know many habs fans that while bitter about it, understand this fact.

Right, the senators in the standings. I seem to remember a 1st place ottawa team and an 8th toronto and a 4 game playoff series. And a 6 game series they lost, another 7 they lost, and then another 7.

McCabe being the point leader (for most of the season untill Sundin came back, who surpassed him in 1/3rd of the games) means absolutely nothing and this even more so solidifies your lack of hockey knowledge. I suppose guys like Paul Coffey, Ray Bourque, Al McInnis, BOBBY ORR, who all led their teams in scoring, who were also defensemen, only point out how bad their forwards were. Right.
Theres this thing called the Norris trophy you need to research.

Sundin is old and arrogant !? Okay, this is where ill finish. Sundin just turned 35, and hes one of the most respected players in the NHL for his sportsmanlike play and professionalism. Seriously, that was a joke right ? Sundin is easily one of the most modest players ive ever seen.

Reverse 180, Daniel Alfreddsson guaranteed beating toronto and guaranteed winning the cup. Black and white.

I could go on, but theres really no point.
Actually less than that are available to the general public. 90% of the seats are season ticket holders, (13-14 year waiting list) but you are correct, it is almost impossible. I met a guy working in the merchandise shop in the ACC, hes been there for 3 years and has never been able to get a ticket yet. Thats how hard it is.

But im sure its just as difficult in ottawa to get home tickets..  Roll Eyes or anywhere in the NHL for that matter. Don't even get me started on the ticket prices..... standing room only, at the very back of the arena, not even center ice, START, at 50 bucks. They go well into 700-1000 dollars.

I'm not sure where you're getting the 50 bucks for standing room... I'm currently looking at a ticket from the March 4, 2006 game (Vs the Sen's) that has a face value of 42.00 (they're purples by the way, at the leaf blue line and not up against the backwall).  I got them from a scalper for 80 bucks each. 
As for the guy working at the Merchandise shop, its no wonder he can't get tickets.  While leaf tickets aren't super expensive they are out of the price range of many people (especially those at the bottom end of the pay scale and people with familes). 
I cant believe they fired Quin, I liked that guy,  and Im an Ottawa fan and I agree Reden should be Captain.
Red seats at the ACC were 124, and they are the just behind the golds and platniums.  Anything on the lower level seems to be pretty hard to get, had to use some connections to even buy them.  The stuff on the balcony, purples and such, are accessable if you have quick fingers and a fast internet connection at the beginning of the year when they go on sale at Ticketmaster.  I find that all seats, regardless how high up, offer a good view of the rink.  I think they staggered the seats higher instead of further back like the old Maple Leaf Gardens, which accounts for the better view. 

And I agree that Leaf games aren't accessable to most families, which is a shame, but supply/demand economics rarely take that into account. 

THe purple seats I had back in March were excellent.  I found I had a much better view of the rink than I did when I had similiar seats in Philly a few years back.  It was my first time in the ACC and I was really impressed with it.

As for getting seats its really difficult to order them from ticketmaster as the vast majority of them go to scalpers.  Personally I'd love to see the city crack down hard on scalpers, but then again I don't think we'll ever get rid of them.

I paid about $50.00 including service charges for my standing room tickets, and it was crapola. I can handle the game without a seat, but the no drink rule is ridiculous.

The best way to get Leafs tickets is to join the Leafs Insider mailing list. I have also had great success getting tickets the day of game by going to ticketmaster, or just going to ACC. There is almost always someone, not a scalper who booked tickets for a group and had someone not make it.

As for seat prices, I paid over $400.00 for a platinum, front row, right against the glass, and that is the face value! Never again though.

How about those Senators? Margaret Havlat, Daniella (Can't Skate Backwards) Alfredson, Janice Spezza, Dana (I only show up for regular season games) Heatley, and Raylene (I love convicted rapists) Emery sure messed the bed didn't they?? Back to the same old same old. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I love it I love it I love it!!!!!!!!!

Go Leafs Go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!