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Liberals Diss PM on His Comments on AFG Mission

The Bread Guy

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Just caught these, shared in accordance with the "fair dealing" provisions, Section 29, of the Copyright Act - http://www.cb-cda.gc.ca/info/act-e.html#rid-33409

Prime Minister questioned over comments

Gloria Galloway, Globe & Mail, 20 Sept 06
Permalink:  http://milnewstbay.pbwiki.com/72472

Opposition members are demanding that Prime Minister Stephen Harper explain what he meant when he said during a television interview that the lives lost in Afghanistan may have strengthened the Canadian military.

"This is the first time in some time that Canada's moved to the front lines of a peace-and-security operation, and I think it's really sinking into us all how difficult that is and what that really means," Mr. Harper said during an interview with CBC televised Monday night.

"At the same time, I can tell you it's certainly engaged our military. It's, I think, making them a better military, notwithstanding, or maybe in some way because of, the casualties."

Liberal defence critic Ujjal Dosanjh and NDP defence critic Dawn Black rose in Question Period yesterday to ask the Prime Minister to clarify his statements.

"These remarks are disturbing and I really cannot believe that is what the Prime Minister intended," Ms. Black told the House . . .. .

Harper forced on the defensive
Les Whittington, Toronto Star, 20 Sept 06

Prime Minister Stephen Harper came under attack in the Commons yesterday over his suggestion that the death of Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan is burnishing Canada's image after years of ducking military responsibilities on the world stage.

On the second day of what is shaping up as a bitterly fought sitting of Parliament, opposition MPs accused Harper of demeaning the sacrifices of Canadian troops in the Afghan mission as well as those killed in past peacekeeping missions.

In an interview with CBC-TV aired on Monday, Harper said Canada is on the front lines in Afghanistan — a role he said was in marked contrast to the traditional Canadian approach.

"For a lot of the last 30 or 40 years, we were the ones hanging back," Harper told CBC.

Liberal defence critic Ujjal Dosanjh took Harper to task in the daily Commons question period. "How dare this Prime Minister diminish the Canadian soldiers' contribution in Cyprus, in Haiti, in Rwanda, in Bosnia and in Kosovo," he charged . . . .

milnewstbay said:
Liberal defence critic Ujjal Dosanjh took Harper to task in the daily Commons question period. "How dare this Prime Minister diminish the Canadian soldiers' contribution in Cyprus, in Haiti, in Rwanda, in Bosnia and in Kosovo," he charged . . . .

Now, someone who was on the ball for the Tories should have jumped up and put Ujjal Dosanjh on the spot right there by asking him to explain our role in those places.

Do you think he has a clue?  Nyet!
Canada's war on terror, and its ensuing casualties has given us , as Canadians, a greater sense of resolve to complete the mission. I believe , for the most part, more Canadians feel a greater sense of pride in their country and their military for undertaking such an important task on the world stage.

We are engaged in a war on terror, and victory is vital to the safety and security of the entire world. The fact that we are playing a prominent role in this operation should fill Canadians with an increased feeling of national pride and unity. I don't believe he has trivialised Canadian casualties, because these casualties may help to increase our vigilance and resolve to push harder, and fight smarter to obtain the ultimate goal of world security, and freedom from oppression for all the world.

The death of a soldier is not an insignificant thing. Of course we should feel remorse and show our respects to the fallen warriors who protect our way of life.Yet, at the same time, our fallen comrades should be cherished , and lauded as  true national heroes/heroins who gave the ultimate sacrifice to allow the multitudes of ignorant Canadians (not all of us, mind you) to continue living their sheltered, soft lives which they take for granted.  The fallen have not died in vain, they should be celebrated as heroes....heroes who have given their all in order to bring peace and security at home and abroad, as well as a sense of national pride at home.  This has certainly made me a more passionate soldier, and an even more passionate citizen of the greatest damn country in the world!

my two cents....
Every soldier listening to the PM knows exactly what he meant.  It's a unfortunate truth that a shooting war will focus an army's training , expose flaws in Doctrine and people getting killed makes the rest become more diligent.

Having said that, I don't think most civilians would understand the PM's comments that way.
I respectfully disagree. I'm a civilian and I understood the PM's comments, my wife is a civilian (and always has been) and she understood the PM's comments. The concept that he was raising has parallels in civilian life, often with the same consequences (think paramedics, firefighters and police). 
Iron Oxide said:
I respectfully disagree. I'm a civilian and I understood the PM's comments, my wife is a civilian (and always has been) and she understood the PM's comments. The concept that he was raising has parallels in civilian life, often with the same consequences (think paramedics, firefighters and police). 

I would have to say that you would be in the minority then.  Your presence on this board indicates an interest in things military/of importance to the military, so that in itself asks the question how many civilians seek out a site such as Army.ca?  I'm guessing not too many.
silentbutdeadly! said:
sorry for the misspelling reccesoldier ;D Me smart like tank!

Tiey sey thet if yeu git  tre fyist abd lest laddar regit preipil woil sytl be adrl to raed it.  :)
Reccesoldier said:
Tiey sey thet if yeu git  tre fyist abd lest laddar regit preipil woil sytl be adrl to raed it.  :)

Its atlaucly eiesr to raed if you use all the smae lrtetes as wlel as the fsirt and lsat......
I may not of understood what the PM said but I know that he is the first PM that I have liked in a long time and when the next election comes I will be voting for him again  just my two cents though
Bruce Monkhouse said:
Now, someone who was on the ball for the Tories should have jumped up and put Ujjal Dosanjh on the spot right there by asking him to explain our role in those places.

Do you think he has a clue?   Nyet!

Do you think that Mr Dosanjh even knows the difference between a gun and rifle... I doubt it.  And if he really wanted to know why Canada is there he could just ask his good old buddy Bill Graham the guy who sent there.
I can picture Stephen doing the ole "This is my rifle, this is my gun..." routine in the H of C.  :o
HDE said:
I can picture Stephen doing the ole "This is my rifle, this is my gun..." routine in the H of C.  :o
Haha, Gunnary Sergent Harper. Has a nice ring to it don't you think? ;D

Cheers :salute:
HDE said:
I can picture Stephen doing the ole "This is my rifle, this is my gun..." routine in the H of C.   :o

I always get confused over which one is for fighting and which one is for fun....
Watch the CPAC feed sometime and you will be left with the impression that this country is led by junior high students (likely not fair to junior high students). Comments made on the 'Hill' are shouted out or not heard at all.
Spidron said:
Watch the CPAC feed sometime and you will be left with the impression that this country is led by junior high students (likely not fair to junior high students). Comments made on the 'Hill' are shouted out or not heard at all.

You mean, you really didn't know?
well, what happens during Question Period, as you are aware, is questions/comments are framed so as to maximize shock effect. Anything quoted from QP has to be taken in that context. That was my point. :)
Spidron said:
well, what happens during Question Period, as you are aware, is questions/comments are framed so as to maximize shock effect. Anything quoted from QP has to be taken in that context. That was my point. :)

As the Speaker is fond of reminding Members: "That's why it's called Question Period, not Answer Period."