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Man Kills Bear


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Hope this is the appropriate place to post this.
Tom is a very good friend of ours here in Kitchener. He was at our place the night befor he left on his trip, giving my husband the details of his trip...the last thing both of us said to him was " WATCH OUT FOR BEARS TOM"!

Anyway, here is a link to one article, also there are storys on both Saturday's Kitchener Record & Toronto Sun.

Tom just dropped bye here this morning and he's doing ok.

Sorry about that...all that excitement I forgot...there it is now.
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From the Toronto Sun,

Man kills bear with dog's help



KITCHENER -- A Waterloo man and his dog made a harrowing escape from the clutches of a vicious black bear while portaging near Wawa.

Tom Tilley, 55, killed the nearly 200-pound bear by jumping on its back and stabbing the aggressive animal with a six-inch hunting knife after his dog alerted him and distracted the bear.

"Love is a very powerful emotion and my thought right away was: 'You're not going to kill my dog,'" Tilley said yesterday.

" I really consider my dog a hero.

"Without that first warning I would have had the bear clamping down on my neck."

An avid outdoorsman, Tilley had planned on spending 12 days portaging through the area near Wawa with his American Staffordshire, Sam.

Four days into the trip, he heard his dog growl and saw the bear closing in on him.

"That's when I knew I had a serious problem ... I was lunch," he said. That is until Sam placed himself between the bear and his owner.

"The bear took a few steps down the trail and clamped its mouth on the back of my dog," Tilley said.

"By attracting the bear's attention like that and distracting the bear from me it gave me the quick opportunity I needed to run around to the back of the bear, get on its back and with my knife start stabbing it."

Amazing, give your friend my regards, and share a pint for that one!



Now I can't say I like to see animals die but man, that bear had it commin'!!!!

Good job on that man for being prepared and for doing what he had to do to survive!!!

Thank god his dog was there too, I'm sure it helped out quite a bit!
Words fail me.

Real men are not dead, Tom is the proof.

Just, Wow!
von Garvin said:
I love it when tasty animals die. 

Okay, yeah I'll have to agree with you there... I love eating animals just as much as the next man, especially on an open fire!

Anyone ever try squirrel????

Little greasy...

He jumped on the bear's back and attacked? Wow that guy has guts.
I read about this in the morning paper here in Kitchener. Good on ya Tom, that's one hell of an experience.
Tom came over this morning to show us the pic's of the bear after he had killed it. I think he said the fellow from the Ministry said it was about 200lbs.! He did jump on it's back and started stabbing it while it was attacking his dog. Tom really loves his dog!
I think it was on CBC Dreamworld or RDI (the French version), in the news ticker thingie on the bottom of the screen.

But 200lbs is nothing, I'm bigger than that!  :p
Frederik G said:
I think it was on CBC Dreamworld or RDI (the French version), in the news ticker thingie on the bottom of the screen.

But 200lbs is nothing, I'm bigger than that!  :p

yes but 5 of your 6 ends arnt sharp and pointy like the bear....
Cpl Thompson said:
yes but 5 of your 6 ends arnt sharp and pointy like the bear....

Well, I was kidding, but you decided to be mean...  :crybaby:

I encountered two Grizzly bears on a path on a 3 day hike in the backwoods this summer. I came around a corner and came within 5 meters of a yearling cub and its full grown mother walking up the path in my direction. I ran. I ran like lightening despite the 80 lbs backpack I was lugging with me.

And yes, I know you are not supposed to run, but the path was narrow and either the bears turned around or I turned around. I decided very quickly I would let them have the right of way. (I also had bear spray at the ready while I was booking it)

Anyway, after experiencing the shear fight/flight terror of meeting those two bears, I simply can't imagine what brought that man to fight it. A pretty amazing story.

Keep a fire stick handy ;)I do alot of outdoors stuff my daughter is 4 and she loves being out there with me. I make sure I have a rifle with me just in case.So I can to protect myself and my own cub.Good on dude for killing that bear with a knife, takes steel balls to do that :salute:
How's the dog?  If the bear clamped on a Stafforshire Terrier, it can't be perfectly fine....
Another guy around Haliburton stopped to pick up a grouse that ran into his car. A young bear came across the road, knocked him into the ditch and grabbed his foot. He tried to drag the guy into the bush but got hung up in the thickets. The guy lost his shoe but made it back to his truck. This kind of stuff is going to happen more and more, with the explosion in the bear population in Ontario. All because Dolt McSquinty and his Lieberals cancelled the spring bear hunt, cause they caved to the whiny special interest tree huggers in Toronto.
Could be worse.. wait till more people get attacked by the manbearpig:

