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Muslim girls allowed private swim test

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George Wallace said:
Anglican?  Church of England?  My God man!  Don't you know, with all that "Stand up, Sit down, Kneel, Stand up, Sit down, ......." stuff in church, that you are more Catholic than the Catholics (Roman Catholic I mean); as being Anglican myself, I learned in my Catechism that I was Catholic, as I believed in one God.   ;D

Yes George, your absolutely right and as I previously quoted to 'Trinity", all that Bullsh?t does not a good Christian make.

So, about the time I was just out of knee pants, I started to separate Christianity and the Dogma of the Church. So that was the last the Church ever saw of me. So in your books does that make me any less of a Christian or care less as "Trinity" concluded.
Your church is in your soul. You don't need a building or pontificating putz to tell you what you believe. Christian, Muslim, Buddist, whatever, you're no less a religious person just because you don't associate and fill the plate, and anybody that says otherwise is already a lesser person.
recceguy said:
Your church is in your soul. You don't need a building or pontificating putz to tell you what you believe. Christian, Muslim, Buddist, whatever, you're no less a religious person just because you don't associate and fill the plate, and anybody that says otherwise is already a lesser person.

Nicely put "recceguy" my sentiments exactly.

But I find it very difficult to be charitable to those of a Faith who advocated my Death and Extinction.

George Wallace said:
Anglican?  Church of England?  My God man!  Don't you know, with all that "Stand up, Sit down, Kneel, Stand up, Sit down, ......." stuff in church, that you are more Catholic than the Catholics (Roman Catholic I mean); as being Anglican myself, I learned in my Catechism that I was Catholic, as I believed in one God.   ;D

George being Anglican is an accident of birth - I'm sure nobody holds it against you.  :)  Actually as Anglicans I think we (yeah I was born one too) are pretty lucky - what other major religion in the world can say the founder of their chuch was a deranged sex maniac?  It almost gives us 'cult' status!
recceguy said:
Your church is in your soul. You don't need a building or pontificating putz to tell you what you believe. Christian, Muslim, Buddist, whatever, you're no less a religious person just because you don't associate and fill the plate, and anybody that says otherwise is already a lesser person.
's why I differentiate between Religion (someone else telling me what God wants, usually a lot of money for their particular organization), and Spirituality (me trying to figure out what God is tellin' me he wants. Usually to help someone else in the best way I can.).
FastEddy said:

So, about the time I was just out of knee pants, I started to separate Christianity and the Dogma of the Church. So that was the last the Church ever saw of me. So in your books does that make me any less of a Christian or care less as "Trinity" concluded.

I never said that...  if i did.. please show me where so I can be corrected because that's not what I believe, which
I will show in my next quote in this post.

recceguy said:
Your church is in your soul. You don't need a building or pontificating putz to tell you what you believe. Christian, Muslim, Buddist, whatever, you're no less a religious person just because you don't associate and fill the plate, and anybody that says otherwise is already a lesser person.

Everyone is Spiritual.  We all choose to express our spirituality in different ways.

Some of us express our spirituality through religion (religiosity), some of us don't.
How ever one expresses their spirituality is OK (providing it doesn't drastically hurt others).

Not everyone can fit the cookie cutter of religion or its denominations.  In fact, those who are in religion
don't agree with every rule or belief of their church, however, their religion sums up their own spirituality
for the most part as well as being part of a community of others with the same beliefs.

That, FastEddy, is my belief.  If you choose to express your spirituality through whatever means, or
Christianity through whatever means, that's OK.  You're not any less a Christian or spiritual as long as you
continue to be honest to yourself and your beliefs.
Well, seeing as everyone wants to Quote Recceguy:

recceguy said:
Your church is in your soul. You don't need a building or pontificating putz to tell you what you believe.

The 'World' is my church.  I will commune with it whenever and wherever I so desire.  ;D
Trinity said:
I've met more than enough "Christians" in name only.  Its hard to be offended when very few people take their own religion that seriously.

This is what you are referring to?

I discriminate against lesser Christians because of this??

1) read my above post for my theology of Spirituality

2) when I say in Name only, these people are saying, yeah, we're Christian, but don't believe
in Christ, don't follow any commandments, they don't care about anyone except themselves,
they don't carry any beliefs of Christianity, and yes.. have never stepped in a church since their

I think we all know a few.  I don't consider these people Christian.  Worse, these are the same people
who claim their religious rights are violated when someone else wants to practice something new
or different in their neighbourhood. 

Trinity said:
That, FastEddy, is my belief.  If you choose to express your spirituality through whatever means, or
Christianity through whatever means, that's OK.  You're not any less a Christian or spiritual as long as you
continue to be honest to yourself and your beliefs.

Like I said, as long as you are honest to your beliefs and values.  If you say you belong to Christianity,
and then are not honest to christian beliefs and values...  I think its safe to say you're not Christian.
Really is a few young Muslim women swimming in private really a problem for anyone?So they ask for special rights,big deal.I would think ANY young girl in this country with a valid reason would be allotted the same amount of leeway in completing the test.

They are not trying to "scam out"of doing it or make headlines,just following their religion their way.At least they are following their religion to the best of their abilities in a western country,following the Koran in this country must be a hard task due to the culture.

Don't bother me.Have Jewish dive night,Christian syncro..
Who cares.
Wow, rcac_011 and I actually agree on something........anyone who really cares about this needs an extra large helping of life.
Bruce Monkhouse said:
Wow, rcac_011 and I actually agree on something........anyone who really cares about this needs an extra large helping of life.

Oh man.. another sign of the Apocalypse....

All that's left is HoM to get promoted.. and the last sign is complete.
Trinity said:
Oh man.. another sign of the Apocalypse....

All that's left is HoM to get promoted.. and the last sign is complete.

And don't forget that 6.6.6 will arrive in four days.
rcac_011 said:
just following their religion their way.At least they are following their religion to the best of their abilities in a western country,following the Koran in this country must be a hard task due to the culture.
:o :o :o
So you are saying it is a good thing that Muslims are trying to fallow their religion to the best of their abilities ?

Are you also saying that we should help them do this ?

Before you answer "yes", I suggest that you inform yourself a little bit about this religion.

rcac_011 said:
Don't bother me.Have Jewish dive night,Christian syncro..
Who cares.
Who cares ? People that normally swim 3 hours a week and that will only be able to swim 3 minutes a week because of there religion-based schedule. They would also care because their swimming period would probably be at a time when they can't swim.

Take all the different religions/associations in Canada, add them up, do a schedule with one separate time for every-one of them, you will see how much time each group will have to swim. All that because a few individuals (minority) wants to impose there way of doing things on all the rest of the society (majority). To remember you, imposing the minority on the majority is anti-democratic.

Or they could simply buy one of those Islamic-respecting swim suits and not bather any-one.

All that because a few individuals (minority) wants to impose there way of doing things on all the rest of the society (majority). To remember you, imposing the minority on the majority is anti-democratic.

In a democracy, the majority rules, but the minority must be afforded respect. That is a cornerstone of legitimate democracy.

As a Quebecer, and I presume francophone, you should appreciate that more than most.
This one has survived longer than the original story and its time the book was closed.

As per normal if someone has something relevent to add, then PM a Mod with the tale.
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