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NDP call Canadian troops "terrorists" and say the CF is "Bombing Afghan villiages"!

E-Mail Jack all you want as "party leader ;)" he should say something! But I for one will contact those responsible for the proposed resolution and exercise my right to express my dis-belief at THIER terrorist like rhetoric!

Riding Association
421 Milton St
Nanaimo BC V9R 2K9
Tel: 250-753-3371
President: Sue Creba
Teflon said:
E-Mail Jack all you want as "party leader ;)" he should say something! But I for one will contact those responsible for the proposed resolution and exercise my right to express my dis-belief at THIER terrorist like rhetoric!

President: Sue Creba

I tend to agree.  What kind of people could dream up this resolution?  I am sure it caught Jack Layton, no matter his political stripes, by surprise.  However 'blindsided' he may have been, it does behove him to make a statement; and not through one of his 'handlers' as has recently come out on the news.
My wife and I have also contacted the national NDP and the BC riding in question.  Outrageous remarks!  I  can hardly believe that a Canadian would say such a thing - even if they didn't agree with the mission on principle.  I would love to see those people on the front line over there! 
fiddlehead said:
My wife and I have also contacted the national NDP and the BC riding in question.   Outrageous remarks!   I  can hardly believe that a Canadian would say such a thing - even if they didn't agree with the mission on principle.   I would love to see those people on the front line over there!  

I guess it is time to say "How soon we forget!"  Remember, the people who crafted this resolution are also the one's who have, without any doubt, been calling Canadian Soldiers "Baby Killers" and "Rapists" for years.  This is just another outrageous idea that they have come out with to promote their views of the Utopia they imagine they live in.
While I may not agree with what you say, I will defend to the death your Right to say it.

But, I will also put a boot in your ass for saying it, you dumb bastard.
breathe in... breathe out... breathe in.... count to ten... be at peace with the world... life is but a dream within a dream.. oh whats the use.
Every time I think Jack in the box, the NDP and their mindless groups of yuppie followers can't say anything stupider or make me madder... they say something stupider and make me madder. Who even thinks this crap up... really it defies all logic and just maybe a law of physics.
Canadian troops acting like terrorist? Are they insane or do they just believe soldiers are just a bunch of mindless killers.
I am so sick of hearing these yuppies spew their idealogy onto the country. How much more damage will the NDP cause, I understand that the opposition parties are meant to balance the government of the day but these guy's are borderline criminal in their ideals.
allow to re-phrase, if you will.

To the NDP and any who agree with this reprehensible insult:

While I may not agree with what you say, I will defend to the death your Right to say it.

But, I will also put a boot in your ass for saying it, you dumb bastard.
paracowboy said:
allow to re-phrase, if you will.

To the NDP and any who agree with this reprehensible insult:

I was about to say something similar.
And.....if you want to send old Jacko a personal email, here you go:  laytoj@parl.gc.ca
It's amazing how my blood pressure went back to normal just after I hit the send button. I can't wait for the next election when the local NDP candidate comes a knocking on my door.  ;D


Awww relax, it's a marvellous development!

Ya just need to do some lateral thinking.

Here's how it goes.

  • Taliban are terrorists
  • Jack wants to negotiate with Taliban.
  • Cdn troops behaving like terrorists
  • If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck , well it must be a terrorist!
  • Jack wants to negotiate with terrorists
  • Cdn troops will soon get whatever they want, through negotiation with PM Layton.

It's perfect! No more underfunding, since "we" "are" "terrorists", I suggest we all go out and buy an NDP party card and an orange t-shirt, convert our friends and relatives to radical whateverism, vote NDP and we shall have 1000 M1's in a month!

Did we expect anything else from the NDP?

BTW, the CAW and Buzz "I Support Paul Martin - and want a Senate Seat" Hargrove think they're too right-wing.
Jack Layton (Muppet) Back peddling? Say it ain't so!!!  :o



NDP downplays antiwar resolutions

Controversial policy

OTTAWA — NDP Leader Jack Layton’s office is downplaying controversial policy resolutions drafted by grassroots party members, including one that warns Canadian troops in Afghanistan risk “acting like terrorists.”
The resolution and hundreds of others drafted by constituency associations are destined for the party’s policy convention which begins Friday.

But Karl Belanger, a spokesman for Layton, said most of the more than 600 resolutions will likely not even end up being discussed.

“There’s no reason whatsoever to start commenting on them,” Belanger said.

According to convention rules, a series of sub-committees will study the resolutions and send a select number to the floor for debate.


But on at least one major issue, Layton has adopted a position that mirrors what most of the party’s grassroots have been clamouring for. Several proposed policy resolutions call for the withdrawal of Canadian troops from Afghanistan and Layton made the same call last week.

One resolution from the B.C. riding of Nanaimo-Cowichan prefaces its call for withdrawal with the caution that in the current conflict, “Canadian troops risk end up acting like terrorists, destroying communities and killing and maiming innocent people.”

Other resolutions call for Canada to nationalize major industries, including telephone and cable companies, reject the monarchy, and withdraw from major organizations and treaties such as Norad, NAFTA and the WTO.
Here's a link to the actual resolutions that the NDP will be voting on:


1 B4 is the one this thread refers to but theres lots of good humour contain in there  ;D

Taliban Jack and his band of socialist sissies are a real comfort to the enemy.

Check out www.rickmercer.blogspot.com for his witty resonse to all this NDP nonsense.

Here is a sample of what he has to say:

Agenda for Historic Peace talks between Jack Layton and Taliban leader - room 202 Casino Du Lac Leamy, Quebec

8:00 am – Jack Layton opening comments and welcome to assembled media and Taliban representative.

8:05 am – Taliban representative walks to podium, poses for photographs with Mr. Layton.

8:06 am – Taliban representative cleaves Mr. Layton in the forehead with giant axe.

8:08 am – Peace talks end.

8:10 am – Olivia Chow says she is "encouraged by talks” – announces plan to run for leadership of NDP.

Another update:


NDP riding association calls Canadian troops ‘terrorists'

Globe and Mail Update

A Vancouver Island NDP riding association has withdrawn parts a controversial resolution that calls for the federal government end its combat role in Afghanistan, after saying that the mission is being guided by the United States and that Canadian troops are acting like “terrorists.”

While the original resolution, drafted by the Nanaimo-Cowichan riding association, had no legal status it was going to be presented at the party's national convention this weekend in Quebec City. The controversial preamble to the resolution was withdrawn Wednesday afternoon, after garnering national attention.

“We in no way intended to suggest that our Canadian Forces personnel were in any way associated with terrorism,” the riding association said in a statement Wednesday afternoon.

Prior to it being withdrawn, however, the preamble did just that.

Hell the NDP will not even stand up for what they stand up for!

As I said before:


Teflon said:
Here's a link to the actual resolutions that the NDP will be voting on:


1 B4 is the one this thread refers to but theres lots of good humour contain in there  ;D

Re: 1 B43 and 1 B7, no those aren't contradictory at all  ::). This stuff reads worse than the resolutions put forward in student governments.
I wrote this letter to Jack. I am sure he will not read it and he will not care if he did, but hey, it ,ade me feel better.

Dear Mr. Layton,

If you have had any illusions of being the PM of this country I think your recent statements about “peace talks” with the Taliban have all but crushed your dream. I am sure you have heard all of the comparisons with such talk with the peace talks with the Nazi’s in WWII. I am sure they do not faze you anymore than critics fazed Chamberlain as he sought a “Final Peace” with Hitler.

If Canada is made up of “men” like you then we will finally have peace. We will have the “peace of the grave” as political scientists like to call it, the peace where all the critics lay silent in mass graves. That is where those who stand for democracy and freedom will be if the Taliban can spread their vision of “happiness” to the rest of the world.

I know you think that can never happen, you probably think the Taliban are simple barbarians and only a small segment of the Muslim majority. The truth is that it does not take a majority to make a revolution it only takes a fanatical minority and a cowed majority to make it happen. This war is happening now amongst the 1.2 billion Muslims. Once the fanatics have consolidated their power and harnessed the nuclear bomb they will dictate terms to the West.

The war of ideas is only beginning; you have chosen to be the leader of the cowed Canadians. You have insulted the memory of all those that have fallen in this great cause and you give comfort and encouragement to our enemies. You mock George Bush or his “War of ideas” but we do face a war of ideals and of interests. It is in our interest to have freedom and democracy ascendant in the world, it is also one of our most precious core ideals that must be preserved. It will not be maintained with negotiations. It will be maintained with the force of arms. Once the Taliban and their ilk have realized they have nothing to gain by fighting they will find their way to the negotiating table with the Afghan government. Until that time we must fulfill our commitments, and yes that means killing scores of “them” and even losing some of our own.

Recently the NDP appeared almost sensible at times. I guess your true nature could not be contained. I am ashamed of you and your party.
“We in no way intended to suggest that our Canadian Forces personnel were in any way associated with terrorism,” the riding association said in a statement Wednesday afternoon.
My response "Get fucked"
It's the NPD, it's sad to see that a party that stands for the common person and social values... is so thick that it see that see defence is just as important. I use to be very left wing in so many things, but the NDP and most of the left have totally lost their way.