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NDP call Canadian troops "terrorists" and say the CF is "Bombing Afghan villiages"!

i just got a reply back from this sue creba of the nanaimo riding .... what a load i'm going to post it so you can see her excuse and justification for those remark's that" were misinterpreted " HA !!
>To: gerald davidson <dukedavidson40@hotmail.com>
>Subject: Re: your email
>Date: Wed, 06 Sep 2006 13:11:05 -0700
>  Cpl. Davidson,
>  Thank you for your email. You should know that our riding association has formally requested that the pre-amble from the motion on Afghanistan submitted to the 22nd Federal Convention of the New Democratic Party in Quebec City be removed.
>  We in no way intended to suggest that our Canadian Forces personnel were in any way associated with terrorism.
>  The very intent of the motion was the protection and safety of our Canadian Forces and we regret that the words chosen in the preamble have changed the focus away from why the current mission in Afghanistan is the wrong mission for Canada.
>This resolution was proposed out of concern that the combat situation in Afghanistan puts our soldiers in such a dangerous position and has resulted in so many deaths and injuries to Canadians and to innocent civilians.
>The remainder of the resolution will be considered as one of many on Afghanistan at our convention and may be debated and amended at that time.
>Sue Creba,  President Nanaimo-Cowichan Federal NDP Association
AIC_2K5 said:

Jack and his possy never cease to amaze me. They once again buried their head in the sand on this one.

You sure it was the sand the head was buried in or is that code for somewhere else? 



Resolution equating Canadian soldiers with Terrorists

I am writing to express my disappointment with you and your party over the draft resolution equating Canadian soldiers deployed to Afghanistan with terrorists.

The resolution itself betrays an astounding lack of understanding of the situation on the ground in Afghanistan, the overall mission being undertaken by the NATO alliance in Afghanistan or the roles our Canadian troops are playing as part of the mission.

Far worse is the reaction of Mr. Layton, the party and the riding association when confronted with this resolution. Rather than either apologize to the Canadian people for this horrible insult, or stand firm and defend your principles, Canadians were treated to silence, evasion and finally a cowardly withdrawal under cover of darkness, removing it from the web site without notice or explanation.

Certainly if Canadian service members can volunteer to stand for your right to make uniformed statements and outrageous insults even in the face of death, you could at least take some sort of stand in the comfort of your homes and offices that our soldiers are guarding on your behalf.

Resolutions like this, draft or not, display the immaturity and lack of research and critical thought that seems to have become the hallmark of the NDP. Continuing on this path will ensure the NDP will continue to be a marginal player in Canadian politics, and I for one, will not miss the passing of the New Democrats in their current form.


Arthur Majoor
Yup, that's right exactly. I too felt compelled to write the NDP with regards to Jellyback Jack's comments, but my words were not quite as politically correct I'm afraid  ;D

Gnplummer421 :cdn:
In a democracy people have the right to express their views, but while I have no problem with someone exercising their democratic right to question the mission in Afghanistan, to refer to Canadian soldiers, who have so far been carrying out an extremely dangerous and extremely difficult mission in the most honourable and noblest manner possible as "terrorists" is downright defamatory, insulting and insensitive.  Such remarks not only demean Canada's fighting men and women, they also rub salt in the wounds of those family members who are right now grieving over a son/daughter, father/mother, husband/wife or lover who made the ultimate sacrifice possible on a battlefield in Afghanistan. :salute:

Our troops deserve better and so do their families, who right now should be recieving words of encouragement, compassion and solace, instead of having their loved ones or the memory of fallen loved ones insulted.  But many politicians are goldigging hoes who don't give a damn whose feelings they trample in their pursuit of the almighty vote.  Since the NDP have exercised their democratic right to insult Canada's soldiers, well I have just exercised my democratic right to insult the NDP, FUCK THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :mg:
My response to both the riding association and Jack Layton:
    I had the honour of serving this country in uniform for many years.  In that time I had to listen to the NDP preach endlessly about their conception of universal human rights.  While I have found many of the stances worthy, I have found some of them to be unrealistic.  With this recent resolution where you are attempting to equate my brothers and sisters in arms as terrorists for their service in Afghanistan, I am forced to revisit my view on your human rights stances that I had previously deemed worthy.  It seems these universal human rights are only owed to those people who are in Canada, although how this makes them universal then becomes unclear.  For if our troops are being condemned as terrorists for attempting to free the Afghan people from a foreign sourced totalitarian regime that denied all human rights to women, and most human rights to everyone, then I guess the NDP doesn't believe the Afghan people have any rights at all.  Do not worry, for as much as you may hate the fact that it is necessary, those far wiser and nobler than you will remain on guard, that the rights you are so unclear on, will remain yours.  If you forget who we are, we are the ones marching under the flag, or lying beneath it.
                                    John T Mainer, Maple Ridge BC
+1 to the person on another thread who called on the NDP to withdraw from Parliament.
Nicholas2004 said:
+1 to the person on another thread who called on the NDP to withdraw from Parliament.

That was Paracowboy IIRC.

+10 to that, and +10 to a_majoor.

Even for the NDP, who I have no love/respect/time for, this was the lowest of lows.  Looking for a name to call them, can't find one bad enough.


mainerjohnthomas said:
If you forget who we are, we are the ones marching under the flag, or lying beneath it.

Wow, that was good.  :salute:
ArmyVern said:
May 60 000 defamation lawsuits fall upon them.

I almost wish we could!  Finally hold politicians responsible for
their irresponsible words.
Some progress, shared in accordance with the "fair dealing" provisions, Section 29, of the Copyright Act - http://www.cb-cda.gc.ca/info/act-e.html#rid-33409

NDP group drops controversial wording from antiwar resolution
Jennifer Ditchburn, Canadian Press, 6 Sept 06

OTTAWA (CP) - A group of NDP members has withdrawn controversial wording from an antiwar resolution that warned Canadian troops in Afghanistan risk "acting like terrorists."

The move Wednesday by the Nanaimo-Cowichan riding association spares the party potential embarrassment at its national policy convention this weekend in Quebec City.

The provocative wording was part of a preamble to a resolution that called on Canada to withdraw its troops from Afghanistan.

It read: "No matter how noble our intentions, such as 'bringing democracy' or 'enabling peaceful development,' these goals cannot be achieved by violence when the 'enemy' cannot be distinguished from ordinary citizens. In such a situation Canadian troops end up acting like terrorists, destroying communities, killing and maiming innocent people. In turn our troops become easy targets for others."

The wording caught the attention of some Conservative blogs, landed on the front page of a national newspaper, and provided welcome fodder for right-wing radio hosts.

Party Leader Jack Layton, who has come out publicly in favour of a withdrawal from Afghanistan, wouldn't comment on the matter. But his office emphasized that it was unlikely the resolution - among more than 600 being put forward by riding associations - would even make it to the convention floor for debate.

On Wednesday afternoon, riding association president Sue Creba issued a statement saying members wished to withdraw the preamble.

"We in no way intended to suggest that our Canadian Forces personnel were in any way associated with terrorism," Creba said.

"The very intent of the motion was the protection and safety of our Canadian Forces and we regret that the words chosen in the preamble have changed the focus away from why the current mission in Afghanistan is the wrong mission for Canada."

The main part of the resolution stands, including a line that suggests "foreign troops engaging in combat will make peace more difficult to achieve."

There are a number of other notable resolutions, including ones pushing for Canada's withdrawal from NAFTA, Norad, and the World Trade Organization, as well as the nationalization of key industries such as cable and telephone. Another resolution calls for the removal of the Queen as Canada's head of state.

According to convention rules, a series of sub-committees study resolutions and send only a select number to the floor for debate.

Policy conventions held by the major federal parties often attract the most extreme views from within the organizations. Several grassroots resolutions at the last Conservative policy convention in 2005 that dealt with abortion, euthanasia and gay marriage never made it to the floor.

Here's what I am sending to my MP (NDP - Victoria [no I din't vote for it]).


    It was with a great deal of dismay that I today read of a resolution of some of your party bretheren from up Island that basically equated Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan with terrorists.  This also on a day that I found out a colleague is presently in Landstuhl after being wounded, (ironically) indirectly fighting for these persons' right to free speech.  Being a serving soldier who has been deployed to Afghanistan (among other places), and currently with friends and colleagues there in harm's way, I found these remarks to be extremely insulting.
    I have been in uniform for the better part of 20 years, having sworn an oath to defend the rights of the people of this country - rights a great majority of the population take for granted, including it would seem, members of your party.  I'm a firm believer in the right to free speech, however,  I take it a little personally when someone who has no clue what any of us do for a living, has likely never set foot inside the borders of some of the places we have been sent to on their behalf or at their behest and therefore has no idea what really has brought us to those countries in the first place, abuses that right of free speech to essentially give support to an enemy that finds those same rights to be reprehensible.  Ironically, our opponents  know our laws and freedoms likely better than you or I, and are hoping that those same freedoms will in the end be able undermine our soldiers from home - the comments from the Cowichan riding office are a wonderful example.
    I will conclude before this turns into a rant by saying this - if any of your colleagues want to bite off the hand that feeds them again, tell them to get on a plane, fly to Afghanistan and see for themselves all that has been done to try and help the country get back on it's feet and conversely, what our opponents there are trying to do to prevent that.  At least the comments will have some semblance of being informed.

Signed Me.

Meh - consider the source.  Like my momma always told me - clowns is as clowns does.
Unfortunately, this circus should either stop smoking dope or share it with the rest of us so we're on the same wavelength.
