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NDP calls for immediate withdrawal from Afghanistan

Probum's point is an interesting one.

On one level Jack Layton is a product of Toronto civic politics, one of the most dysfunctional implementations of democracy on the planet.

On another level he is a smart guy, is he pandering to his core constituency with such polemics?

Or does he know he'll never be PM and is betting on another gov't where he can appear to have held the 'hammer' and influenced the government on this or a related issue?

Could he morph the "complete withdrawal now" shrill now to more CIDA money in the future and come out looking the winner?

Has he already thought this through ?, realized that the battle will be won, decided to bypass the 'nasty war' part of the debate and go right to the palatable part. Of course once the situation on the ground actually gets to the palatable "passing out teddy bears" part, (in the near future), he can claim that was his idea all along.....
Here's the reply that I got from a strongly worded email to Sue Creba last night

"You should know that our riding association has formally requested that the
pre-amble from the motion on Afghanistan submitted to the 22nd Federal
Convention of the New Democratic Party in Quebec City be removed.

We in no way intended to suggest that our Canadian Forces personnel were in
any way associated with terrorism.

The very intent of the motion was the protection and safety of our Canadian
Forces and we regret that the words chosen in the preamble have changed the
focus away from why the current mission in Afghanistan is the wrong mission
for Canada.

This resolution was proposed out of concern that the combat situation in
Afghanistan puts our soldiers in such a dangerous position and has resulted
in so many deaths and injuries to Canadians and to innocent civilians."

Sue Creba,  President Nanaimo-Cowichan Federal NDP Association
Deja Vu!.........Where have I seen that before?..........Oh! Yea!

mainerjohnthomas said:
Below is my reply from Sue Creba of the riding association that drafted the offensive proposal.
All I can say is a shovelful of this is good for the garden.......

"You should know that our riding association has formally requested that the
pre-amble from the motion on Afghanistan submitted to the 22nd Federal
Convention of the New Democratic Party in Quebec City be removed.

We in no way intended to suggest that our Canadian Forces personnel were in
any way associated with terrorism.

The very intent of the motion was the protection and safety of our Canadian
Forces and we regret that the words chosen in the preamble have changed the
focus away from why the current mission in Afghanistan is the wrong mission
for Canada.

This resolution was proposed out of concern that the combat situation in
Afghanistan puts our soldiers in such a dangerous position and has resulted
in so many deaths and injuries to Canadians and to innocent civilians.

Sue Creba,  President Nanaimo-Cowichan Federal NDP Association"
Here's the solution: next time, we go to a war that does not kill people. Maybe some peacekeeping in Norway ?? Or a humanitarian mission to support vacationners on a beach in Cuba ??
Jungle said:
Here's the solution: next time, we go to a war that does not kill people. Maybe some peacekeeping in Norway ?? Or a humanitarian mission to support vacationners on a beach in Cuba ??

You haven't heard?  Our Ambassador to the US, Michael Wilson, has made statements to the effect that Canada will support the reconstruction of Cuba.
Well I certainly wouldn't mind the NDP deploying me to do some for some kind of shelter construction operation. I suggest they consider placing me in Paris constructing walkways with overhead shelter from the elements from shop to shop. This would also serve their purpose of boosting the economy. They'll also have to supply me with a couple of new kit bags to put the theatre-souveniers in.
Jungle said:
Maybe some peacekeeping in Norway ?? Or a humanitarian mission to support vacationners on a beach in Cuba ??
Nope. Despite Norway's 1939 declared neutrality (and negotiated trade agreements with both Germany and Great Britain  ??? ), lots of folks died in the years following Germany's invasion.

As for Cuba's beaches, does the Bay of Pigs ring any bells? 
George Wallace said:
Deja Vu!.........Where have I seen that before?..........Oh! Yea!

I'm betting she got flooded with email protesting this. No wonder she had to come up with a canned reply. I didn't email Layton but I'm thinking he had a pretty good flood too. Shoulda crashed his service provider with the deluge if you ask me :rage:
Hmmmmm....Last November the MCC were encouraging their members to support the NDP...I wonder what Jack will have to say about this?


Muslim group calls Layton's demand for immediate withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, 'reckless' and opportunistic
    TORONTO, Sept. 10 /CNW/ - The Muslim Canadian Congress has slammed NDP
leader Jack Layton for playing politics with the lives of Afghan civilians and
Canadian troops.
    "By asking for an immediate withdrawal of Canadian troops, Mr. Layton
demonstrates a naivety about the situation in Afghanistan," said Farzana
Hassan, president of the MCC.
    If Canada succumbed to his policy of appeasement, we would be handing the
war-torn country back to the Taliban and Al Qaida-on the fifth anniversary of
the 9/11 attacks, returning to where we were five years ago, she added.

    The text of the MCC statement is at http://www.MuslimCanadianCongress.Org

For further information: please call Farzana Hassan at (416) 648-9307
Holy Crap, the MCC is against the NDP and supporting the CF?  Did Hell just forget to fill their oil tank?

What are you thoughts on this?
Already posted here MG:

I just emailed all the members of the NDP and asked for a fully explanation. The I sent another email to Mr Layton and Mr Stoffer, the Defence Critic with pictures of the FBIs most wanted terrorist, I explained to them their party seemed confused on the definition, I stated these are terrorist... and then with a picture of several flag draped coffins, I added and these are heroes.

I also added, I am burying one of these heroes, Sgt Shane Stachnik, tomorrow.  :salute:
Chimo said:
I just emailed all the members of the NDP and asked for a fully explanation. The I sent another email to Mr Layton and Mr Stoffer, the Defence Critic with pictures of the FBIs most wanted terrorist, I explained to them their party seemed confused on the definition, I stated these are terrorist... and then with a picture of several flag draped coffins, I added and these are heroes.

I also added, I am burying one of these heroes, Sgt Shane Stachnik, tomorrow.  :salute:

I hope you went easy on Peter Stiffer: he's on our side.  He, and Gary Doer, maybe, were, as far as I heard, the only two voices of reason.  Stiffer criticized Layton and his stupid policy quite harshly.  Stoffer is a smart fellow, knowledgeable on defence matters and, I think a pretty straight up guy.  Of course, being NDP, he is an economic illiterate but you can't have everything.
I did in another email mention to Mr Stoffer that I realized that he took a stand in support of the CF and the Afghanistan mission. He needs to make a moral judgement whether or not to support a party that is so far removed from his views.  :salute:
Chimo said:
I did in another email mention to Mr Stoffer that I realized that he took a stand in support of the CF and the Afghanistan mission. He needs to make a moral judgement whether or not to support a party that is so far removed from his views.  :salute:

It didn't seem to me that Alexa McDonagh was doing much to distance herself. In her riding is CFB Halifax, the largest military base in Canada...hello!?
It didn't seem to me that Alexa McDonagh was doing much to distance herself. In her riding is CFB Halifax, the largest military base in Canada...hello!?
It would appear that You have a problem.  How many Sailors are NDP (Not Docked Properly)?  ;D   
"...would appear that You have a problem.  How many Sailors are NDP (Not Docked Properly)?"

- And: what riding do they VOTE in?  Being in the CF, we don't all cast our federal votes where we live, do we?