I ran into a hard core NDP supporter this weekend, (friend of a friend) there was a blurb on the TV about the war in Afghanistan and he started on about how we should support the troops and bring them home. I did more than my fair share to not start it up (being a guest in my friend's home) but when he said that the Canadian troops were propping up an illegitimate corrupt government just so we can take their oil I couldn't take any more.
After 5 minutes I got him to understand that we are not in Iraq. (It was hard, and I almost had to bring out a map, but he clearly had mentally linked the two) I then explained how Canada exports more oil than we produce (we are the largest supplier of oil to America - he was shocked) Then I asked him to speak up if he disagreed with any of the following points:
* The taliban has openly supported/aided terrorist organisations that have attacked us
* The taliban has openly supported/aided terrorist groups that have both the means and the intention to attack us
* Those terrorist groups said they would attack again, they didn't single out only America, Canada was on their hitlist too.
Me" So you agree with all of the above"? He said begrudgingly" yes". Me "So they posed a real threat to the safety of our people, yes?" Him "Yes"
Okay now ( http://www.canada-afghanistan.gc.ca/active-role-en.asp )
* Canada has gone in and has cleared farmers fields of Mines, allowing people a better standard of living
* Canada has delivered food aid and started several programs to kick start the economy and infrastructural development in Afghanistan
(His eyes were glazed over after I mentioned only three of them)
Now if we left
*It is extremely likely that the Taliban would swiftly take over.
* if they gained controll again, they would be emboldened and be even more aggressive towards is and even more horrible to their population (epically the women)
*If we pull out before Afghanistan can keep itself stable we would definitely suffer horrible consequences
He then coincided that I was right.
I hear NDPers say all the time "It isn't balanced, it isn't Canadian" If you simply list other aspects of what is going on they kinda get overwhelmed and realised they're not as well informed as they ought to be. I think they only are "kind of" paying attention and they think we're in Iraq and they only think about it when they hear of a loss on our side or of civilian deaths. If that is all you understand of the situation, you'd want to pull out too; you wouldn't see any value in staying.
This issue is quite painfull for me, I agree with the NDP on so many other issues, but this simply is a veto issue for me. I can't stand soundbite politics and policy dictated by opinion polls insted of reasoned INFORMED debates. I think we should demand a higher standard.