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NDP calls for immediate withdrawal from Afghanistan

"I notice that whenever I argue the issue (Although the legitimacy of the war isn't an issue with me), I have to repeat at least five times that Afghanistan is not Iraq. I usually just tell them that there is almost no good arguments against the war in Afghanistan."

I find myself doing the same thing. So people even say that were in Afghanistan for all their oil! What!? They are stupid and don't know what we are doing there, so they shouldn't say things that are false, like Afghan oil, or nice Taliban, or that there are no more Taliban in A-Stan.  ::) Crazy.
warspite said:
Thanks tips.Peace keeping.... peace keeping..... what the heck is this guy smoking. Peace keeping is where two people are hitting each other and you step into the middle and tell them to stop(correct me if I'm wrong but that has always been my impression).
What we're doing is hunting down an organization who is hostlie to us i.e. taliban, terrorists and terrorist supporters.
OF course it's not a traditional peacekeeping mission... It's a war and maybe if these fools could open their eyes and leave their little dream world they could see that.
Any ideas about how best to educate them about the truth and replace the NDP (see I didn't use yuppie) B.S. that seems to be floating around?
Mike_Baker said:
If the Conservatives are not honest with Canadians, why do they keep recruiting people? Why do they make it easier for us to be recruited? Didn't the CONSERVATIVES win the election, not the NDP? As I said before, if Jack Layton was in power, would we have such a sisable force, which is growing stronger? Would we have such well trained soldiers who put their life on the line for Canada? Would we even have the Canada we know and love? I don't think so. I love Canada and our way of life, don't let Mr.Layton take it away from us, saying that Mr.Harper is not telling the truth to all of us.  :salute:  :cdn:  :salute:

That's the point, Mike.  The NDP doesn't WANT to make recruiting easier. They don't WANT us to have a sizeable force.  What they want is for us to beat our swords into plowshares, and be renamed the Canadian Unarmed Tree Planting and Forest Fire Fighters.
Kat Stevens said:
That's the point, Mike.  The NDP doesn't WANT to make recruiting easier. They don't WANT us to have a sizeable force.  What they want is for us to beat our swords into plowshares, and be renamed the Canadian Unarmed Tree Planting and Forest Fire Fighters.
What drives me nut's is how they pretend to support the armed forces right now... fooling no one...
While at the same time they spend their days whining about the war in Afghanistan and how it isn't peacekeeping and requires killing and that we should be bringing the troops home.
War in Afghanistan= proof of the need for the armed forces
Anyone see a connection or am I just being paranoid?

Mike_Baker said:
All who votes for Paracowboy or Trinity and againts Jack Layton say I. I.
Civilian public at large doesn't have any resources to find out whats really going on over there  . I am very lucky that my three best friends are all in the CF.  I learn from them Plus the information on this site is very helpfully . But for Joe ordinary the only source he/she has is the media and we all know how they are on the opinion of the war with the exception of few . 
      I think what the people in the military can do for civvies is if they ask what's going on over there inform them its better than the information that there getting from the media
warspite said:
Any ideas about how best to educate them about the truth and replace the NDP (see I didn't use yuppie) B.S. that seems to be floating around?
We just have to keep plugging away at it or what would officially be called "educating the public".  I will be posting a new article on my blog tonight that partially addresses the issue and am also working on a series of articles for publication as well (http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/50171.0.html).  If others do the same then maybe we can slowly change attitudes.  Of course, there are those that will refuse to accept anything other than their own narrow points of view but you do what you can and accept what you can't change.

As for a rebuttal to the Afghanistan oil/pipeline argument here are a couple of links

Do you know what I find interesting?  The NDP is contradicting their usual allies in not supporting the mission.  Aside from the UN resolution I posted some time ago, here's what the Non-aligned Movement had to say last week on Afghanistan.


166. The Heads of State or Government reiterated their commitment to the sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and national unity of Afghanistan. They recognised that the challenges faced by the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and its people are enormous. Recognising the interconnected nature of the challenges in Afghanistan, they noted that sustainable progress on development, security and governance was mutually reinforcing. They further recognised that the establishment of peace and security was essential for the reconstruction, rehabilitation and humanitarian relief efforts to be successful in that country.

167. The Heads of State or Government expressed their deep concern that the terrorist groups including former Taliban cadres were regrouping in the Southern and Eastern parts of Afghanistan. Equally of concern was that the efforts of the international community to fight terrorism were being undermined by support, protection and shelter that these forces of destabilization continued to receive.

168. In view of these circumstances, they welcomed the holding of Parliamentary and Provincial Council Elections on 18 September 2005 and the subsequent formation of representative Government, which concluded the Bonn Agreement of 5 December 2005.

169. The Heads of State or Government also recalled the importance of the Kabul Declaration of 22 December 2002 on Good-Neighbourly Relations, in which a commitment to constructive and supportive bilateral relationships based on the principles of territorial integrity, mutual respect, friendly relations, cooperation and non-interference in each others’ internal affairs have been reaffirmed, and noted that regional cooperation constituted an effective means to promote security and development in Afghanistan.

170. The Heads of State or Government expressed the Movement’s resolve therefore to:

170.1 Support the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and its leadership in defending and preserving its sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and national unity, including through eliminating the threats to its peace and security;

170.2 Contribute to the reconstruction, rehabilitation and humanitarian relief efforts in Afghanistan, mindful of the concrete measures already taken by Non-Aligned Countries thereof; and

170.3 Support efforts by the international donor community, including Non-Aligned Countries, geared toward ensuring the successful implementation of the interim Afghanistan National Development Strategy (iANDS) and the Afghanistan Compact adopted in London, 31 January-1 February 2006.

Now, for those not completely familiar with the NAM, it is a US/West-bashing group of "neither East nor West" countries left over from the Cold War.  It includes members like Zimbabwe, Syria, Pakistan, and is currently chaired by Cuba...  What shocks me is that the NDP cannot even bring itself to agree with these paragons of Socialist enlightenment.
So, if Stephen Harper is "Bush's Cheerleader", would that not make Jack Layton "Stalin's waterboy"?

Just wondering...
The NDP just keeps on digging itself a hole with it's anti-war comments and policies... they started out with a little garden shovel... moved on to a spade... right now they got the backhoe doing double shifts ;D
warspite said:
The NDP just keeps on digging itself a hole with it's anti-war comments and policies... they started out with a little garden shovel... moved on to a spade... right now they got the backhoe doing double shifts ;D
More like a whole squadron of backhoes.
karl28 said:
Civilian public at large doesn't have any resources to find out whats really going on over there.
If that's the case, then it is by their own neglect.
. . . and
or even just
Apparently Jack hasn't heard that various NATO countries, like Germany and France, also have forces in Afghanistan.  Do they also qualify as "Bush's Cheerleader" ?  Maybe Jack is simply saying that Canada is incapable of acting as an independent nation!?  Jack Layton should have settled for being a "big fish" in Toronto; he's out of his league on the national stage.
rmacqueen said:
Now, now, I have to stand up for Jack, if the polls showed that 90% of Canadians are in support of the mission Jack would be the first person to stand up for our troops.  Heck, I can see him now riding his bike on the streets of Kandahar, rainbow flag flying in the wind, Olivia behind him telling him how fast to peddle, which way to turn....

I can see Jack going there as well ... when the first pride parade is held in Kandahar.
What Jack Layton and the NDP know is that conflicts never really end with the total extermination of the enemy, even one as offensive as the Taliban. The Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, the IRA and the Ulster Unionists in Ireland ...

Interesting examples she uses.

When the U.S. pulled out of Vietnam and Cambodia, the Khmer Rouge took over and annihilated almost half of their population. Not exactly a strong argument for reckless withdrawal and 'giving peace a chance.'

In Northern Ireland, the British Government refused to withdraw its military until the situation was stable enough that civil government would have a chance for normal operation. Any thought of withdrawal was seen as rewarding terrorists, despite a decades-long mandate and many losses. Rather a good argument for attempting the same thing in Afghanistan, since peace has finally taken hold.

I know there are about a zillion differences between Cambodia, Ireland, and Afghanistan. But even these bizarre comparisions seem to teach exactly the opposite of what the NDP is trying to say.
Wow. I'm no foreign affairs expert, but in all seriousness I wonder, who is writing her speeches?
probum non poenitet said:
I know there are about a zillion differences between Cambodia, Ireland, and Afghanistan. But even these bizarre comparisions seem to teach exactly the opposite of what the NDP is trying to say.
Reality and logic are usually the opposite of what the NDP says. ;D

I agree though, your two example about Cambodia and Northern Ireland do seem to make a lot of sense... perhaps it is time the NDP started studying their history?

Can't be a good sign when the leader of the NDP has so little knowledge of party history!  If he did he'd know that the "the NDP support our soldiers" routine is making him look like the town idiot.  No doubt some intrepid reporter in the MSM will point out that his claims are "historically incorrect" >:D
ok , we all know what we're doing in afganistan is right and justified, right ? Now on the political stage, just say the cry babies in the NDP get their way ( like that would ever happen ). What message would that send to the world stage? The terrorist would laugh and say let's just push Canada's political button's for a few month's and they will retreat because in my book if you leave a combat situation without  a win or a loss it's retreating also what message would we be sending the other nation's who are sending troops over to hostile area's . Don't count on Canada ? Bu@# SH@# on that. I served with the West Nova Scotia Regiment for year's and i was taught their moto during the big 1 and 2 was first to go in and the last to come out. Also a noble Canadian Forces moto.

If we want to continue with the name calling of anyone on the site, we should of course refer back to our Rules of Conduct for the site and reflect on what we are posting.

Army.ca Conduct Guidelines: MUST READ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/24937.0.html

Time for us to rise above the easy targets whom we so easily condemn, not lower ourselves to their level of intellect. 