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Oh no,another Neverendum Referendum

After reading these 4 pages of comments on this issue,I am still wondering why this debate is still going on.We MUST understand that the people of QC want only what most people want.Health care that works,education system that educates our kids,roads that do not look like a third world country,jobs etc.
The MINORITY of hard core separatist in Quebec are drawn from the so called intelligentsia(teachers,union leaders etc).Basically they want to put in place their view of society(social democrat) sort of "a la Robin Hood"...take from the rich give to the poor.
Further the separatist is longing for power because of so called historical imbalance between Canada(the Anglos) and Quebec.
All the current separatist movement is doing is beating their chest and screaming loud because they have learned that the rest of Canada pays attention then. Well maybe the better thing to do is like a child that has a fit....ignore them for a while..
I have spent many years ,in the military and out,travelling to many countries,Canada is a great place to be IMHO.
This being said,i believe that this whole issue is rather one of political posturing than a probability.Quebecquers are NOT really interested in splitting from Canada.The kids from referendum 1 and those from referendum 2 are now adults.They have jobs,mortgage and responsibilities like the rest of us so it's time for reality and they know that.
Under the current leadership at the PQ there is NO WAY that this party can win an election.Let's us just sit back and relax it's all a game being played and as long as We pay attention the game goes on and on.
Maybe We should tell them to go...see what happens...just like kids not happy at home!
Then again what do I know ?I'm just an old guy
xo31@711ret said:
Hey, hey Fred, leave my maple laughs leafs alone!  ;D

Oh I will leave them alone, if only because I wouldn't touch them with a 10 AU pole. :)
Personally one saying he hates his home being part of Canada,dressed in a Canadian uniform is grounds for dismissal.

And what of the one prof at RMC who refuses to acknowledge the Queen because of his dislike for the monarchy?  (This officer has a very strong Irish background BTW.)

On another note, is this want for separation really about Quebec against the Anglos, or Quebec against the rest of Canada?  There are several pockets of Francophones throughout the country -- Manitoba, Ontario, the Maritime provinces, not to mention all the Metis.  If it is a language and/or identity issue, what of these groups?  One could argue that the Acadians have a larger claim to "independence" given that their people were expelled from the Maritimes.

I'm just curious, because it seems that all the different separatist organizations have different reasons for wanting a split.  The distinct culture doesn't cut it when you factor all these other groups whos backgrounds are very similar, except that they settled in a different province.
Strike said:
I'm just curious, because it seems that all the different separatist organizations have different reasons for wanting a split.  The distinct culture doesn't cut it when you factor all these other groups who's backgrounds are very similar, except that they settled in a different province.

Precisely.Then when is the next referendum?Who is the next group with distinct culture?Metis,Acadians,Newfoundlanders?Poles?
You cannot give certain groups acknowledgement of being distinct without other groups wishing for the same respect.If you do you run the risk of certain groups being neglected.Thus causing hatred towards another group.

I could get into asking what about these pockets of francophone's in NB and Alberta being considered enclaves.What about them.Are they thus less distinct than their culture in Quebec?

As mentioned earlier in this tread an example of this would be taking a look at the FRY late 80's till........well you get my point.

Another question to ask is how can Quebec become a nation when it has been intertwined with the rest of Canada for so long?How about the people who are Franco's who may be proud of their culture,but have lived in Ontario all their life's as Canada is their country?

If Quebec were to leave,would we teach french in school's anymore?Would Ottawa be bilingual?What would happen to the unilingual Franco's in Ottawa for example?Would they be thus forced to move back to Quebec due to lack of french language offered in English Canada?For their families to be able to communicate?

Would their be an English Canada?Would we be a unilingual country as per the USA?Does English canada exist outside the separtist eyes?

And most importantly who would go next?What state would fail?

This is a very broad open subject.
I have the solution!

Canada should seperate from Ottawa!

That would settle everthing.

Flip said:
I have the solution!

Canada should seperate from Ottawa!

That would settle everthing.

Not Ottawa, Toronto. We have to separate from Toronto.

I stand corrected! Thanx. ;D

Should we build a fence around it?
Should we make it a colony?

Frederik G said:
Not Ottawa, Toronto. We have to separate from Toronto.

Or the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) at 6 million, or 7 million for the Golden Horseshoe, could separate from Canada and become one of the largest provinces. :D
Baden  Guy said:
Or the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) at 6 million, or 7 million for the Golden Horseshoe, could separate from Canada and become one of the largest provinces. :D

Well if the GTA separated from the country we wouldn't be a Province now would we.

Hmm this idea has merit.

1. Toronto separates from the country and declares UDI

2. We then stage a military coup and through and toss all the Millerites from office at Havana at Queen W and replace them with responsible      adults. We could offer Hazel Perm resident status in our new nation or just annex Mississauga ( we'll needs a part of our new country to look down on anyway).

3. The new City State becomes an economic power house like Singapore of Hong Kong. We set up border crossing points on the 401, and DVP and charge fees for the 905ers to come into the city to work and/or play. We also begin to remove the squeegee kids and homeless, condo living granola munchers and Ndippers to a special preserve we create 100o metres south of Wards Island.

4. We begin to import cheap labour from Canada whose economy after the loss of Toronto's tax base goes in the toilet and has to accept economic aid from Haiti.

5. As the only team in the new THL the leafs win the Stanley Cup every year

Yeah me likey this plan
You forgot however those Newfoundlanders who will want to claim Toronto as their Mecca and wish to annex it.

Every Newfie MUST make their pilgrimage to the holyland.
EX_RCAC_011 said:
You forgot however those Newfoundlanders who will want to claim Toronto as their Mecca and wish to annex it.

Every Newfie MUST make their pilgrimage to the holyland.

I thought the new holy land was Ft MacMoney?

It replaced Scarberia as the second largest city in Nfld years ago.

Those are our Enclaves of the "Greater Republic."
Toronto will always be the Mecca.

I didn't listened to more then the opening in the ''débat des chefs''.

I'm just glad Boisclair doesn't seems to stand a chance to get elected.
He promised another referendum  ::) .

Nous tiendrons un référendum sur la souveraineté du Québec — André Boisclair


ADD : http://www.cbc.ca/canada/quebecvotes2007/story/2007/03/13/qc-electiondebate20070313.html
Yrys said:
I didn't listened to more then the opening in the ''débat des chefs''.

I'm just glad Boisclair doesn't seems to stand a chance to get elected.
He promised another referendum  ::) .


ADD : http://www.cbc.ca/canada/quebecvotes2007/story/2007/03/13/qc-electiondebate20070313.html

Does cocaine use really destroy one's brain that much? Or is he like Helen Keller and can't hear or read, and doesn't realize nobody wants a referendum right now? (Oh how I wish he was really like Helen Keller and couldn't speak, either...)
Frederik G said:
Does cocaine use really destroy one's brain that much? Or is he like Helen Keller and can't hear or read, and doesn't realize nobody wants a referendum right now? (Oh how I wish he was really like Helen Keller and couldn't speak, either...)

Thread hijack: I'm quite sure that Helen Keller was able to read and speak (although it would have been difficult to understand her) as she didn't go deaf until she was 19 months old.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helen_Keller
Lets just hope they're alittle clearer with this one, the 95 Referendum was worded in a way that made it seem like it would be a straight out seperation, what they were really looking for in 95 was seperation/association, independant Quebec with Canadian money, Canadian Social Services and zero Canadian influence, If you're going to seperate up and go ro stay but make up your mind.

That said this is all a result of the nicest war victory in history,

win a war, then give the losers thier own laws, courts, language and the whole, 200 or so years later we now have 1 province in Canada that legislativly discriminates the English language (the Que Langauge law for example) the last time I checked we are a bilingual nation, meaning speak Eng or Fre or both but place neitherahead of the other n the eyes of the law, and yes I lived in Quebec for 5 years, made sending parcels home mighty difficult as En could not be the predominent language on the packages, but my family in Alberta not so good with french

my 2 cents
Disenchantedsailor said:
made sending parcels home mighty difficult as En could not be the predominent language on the packages, but my family in Alberta not so good with french

Huh ?
Disenchantedsailor said:
and yes I lived in Quebec for 5 years, made sending parcels home mighty difficult as En could not be the predominent language on the packages, but my family in Alberta not so good with french

BS....like the rest of your post.

CDN Aviator said:
BS....like the rest of your post.

It's not necessarily a common occurrence - but I agree with CDN Aviator on this one.

You might want to read over what you wrote.  Where I come from "Calgary, Ab" is spelled the same in both French and English.  So is "Montreal, PQ".
