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OJT instead of PRETC..?

I dont disagree with anything you mentioned here, I just wanted to point out that one would be better of to go a step further and
be more self dependent, for being content to initiate the process might, correction, will undoubtfully have you lost in the fishtank.(seen it many times)
I havent heard anyone that had good administrative experience in Borden under PRETC.
The organization is there with important duties and with great intantions but geting loaded on a relevant coarse or qls, which understandably is beyond their control is least of the work. You shouldnt be greatfull for being placed on SQ or 404s as 
all they are required to do is to tell you when you are off, and somehow they still cant manage that efficiently.
I didnt join this topic to bash PRETC as it is an essential part of our organization as ironic as it may sound but to hopefully give him
an additional push to get his tasking. After staying in 4 bases there is things that I ve learned: that we re just numbers ocassionally managed by humans that are brutal at math. , have back up of everything that you do administratively, respectfully go after what will work for all and never come back to PRETC.

I was there for a month.
My information may be out of date as I left PRETC in January but at that time you were told that you could not submit an EWAT application for a certain amount of time after being cleared in. I think it was one month.
Well, I'm quite happy to say that I've got one PRETC Suppy here who'll be working for me (that cleared in last Tuesday) and one more coming next week ... and they'll be staying here until their 3s starts up in Borden.

So, administration certainly does occur at PRETC ... it happens often and constantly.

There's certainly a hell of a lot more to it than "all they have to do is tell you when you're off".