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Paramedicine '05


Sr. Member
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Anyone here going to be in Ottawa for this?


Edited to add conference link
I am hoping to be there. Still have to book hotel, but aside from that it is all good.
The last two Paramedicine Conferences have been great, hopefully this doesn't dissapoint.
I received all the promo material in the mail, but I'm probably not going this year.
Just not enough time free for it.

Can't make it to this one,
will try next year.

Gas prices don't help either.
I'm one of the lucky nominee's from LFCA to be nominated by their home units to be able to attend this years conference.  

It's a great opportunity to kill two birds, I get civilian CME for going as well so no case studies this year for my recert! Yeehoo!! ;D

I'm curious to know if this is the first year CFMG is sending any medical personnel to a civy paramedic conference. I was at Paramedicine 2003 and did'nt see any Cf people there. (but then again I was blinded by Crestlines dayglow orange/blue ambulance)

Got my registration confirmation today, hitting Ottawa on the 15th, leaving a little too early on the 18th.   Oh well, c'est la guerre.

There's three of us from LFWA going to it.

Sqn medic, I was at the 2001 BTLS conf in Toronto in (held in 2002 thanks to Sept 11).   There were a few CF medics there, way more American military then Canadian, there may have been others there in mufti.

I've never heard of CF members representing the CF at EMS conferences in BC, but from what I've heard they're largely a union thing, (I've yet to go to one) with limited CME content if any.  

We'll have to have a few pops and swap lies stories   ;D


edited to remove dangling grammer-whatsamacallit