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PM Chretein did all right by us

Chretien could just as easily have told the President:

" We are sorry, but we do not think we can contribute any troops to this undertaking at this time. However, we will stand up in the U.N. and unequivocally state that Canada finds that Sadam is in breach of UN resolutions and any action by the US and its coalition are justified, legitimate and legal under the UN Charter."

With Canada'a weight in the UN, it would have gone a long way towards eliminating all the nonsensical talk (still present) of the US as a rogue state acting like war criminal.

That, IMHO, is the least he could have done for a friend and neighbour.
Oldgateboatdriver said:
Chretien could just as easily have told the President:

" We are sorry, but we do not think we can contribute any troops to this undertaking at this time. However, we will stand up in the U.N. and unequivocally state that Canada finds that Sadam is in breach of UN resolutions and any action by the US and its coalition are justified, legitimate and legal under the UN Charter."

With Canada'a weight in the UN, it would have gone a long way towards eliminating all the nonsensical talk (still present) of the US as a rogue state acting like war criminal.

That, IMHO, is the least he could have done for a friend and neighbour.

That would have required him having "a pair" and a backbone, two itmes sadly missing from "da li'l guy."  8)
Danjanou said:
That would have required him having "a pair" and a backbone, two itmes sadly missing from "da li'l guy."  8)
He only had a pair when it came to screwing his own countrymen....Canadians...and  his American neighbours.]

Say...what ever happened to that loudmouth MP that hated GW Bush so much she stomped on a doll on the steps of Parliament?
Careful, now, by late 2002, events, especially the "friendly fire" incident that cost four Canadian lives, had occurred that led Canadians to revert to their normal level of pretty intense, albeit ill-informed and childish anti-Americanism. Chrétien had both fanned the flames and exploited it for his own, partisan, political advantage but, in being obtuse and in denying the Americans any level of support, he was just doing what his constituents wanted and that is something that many conservatives want their elected representatives to do (as opposed to thinking for themselves).
Jim Seggie said:
He only had a pair when it came to screwing his own countrymen....Canadians...and  his American neighbours.]

Say...what ever happened to that loudmouth MP that hated GW Bush so much she stomped on a doll on the steps of Parliament?

Carolyn Parrish, she went into Municipal politics in the 905 belt tried to launch a coup against her very popular mayor, lost and has since faded into obscurity. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carolyn_Parrish
Danjanou said:
Carolyn Parrish, she went into Municipal politics in the 905 belt tried to launch a coup against her very popular mayor, lost and has since faded into obscurity. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carolyn_Parrish

Good. She was an embarassment to the nation.
Back in journalism school, I got into a conversation with someone who claimed to be well connected with the smoky backrooms.  He said (taken with a grain of salt; journalists say a lot of things) that the only reason Chretien made the call not to go into Iraq was that his daughter told him not to.  Reason:  she’s married into the Desmarais / Power corp clan, and the clan had interests there that would be disturbed by military action.  True or not, RUMINT or not, this is entirely consistent with my perception of Chretien’s style of governance – small-minded, limited vision, clannish and thuggish to a fault.  The Little Guy was, indeed, in many, many ways.

Still – and this does bug me – as much as I disliked the man, no one can deny that he presided over the most prosperous period in this country’s history (notwithstanding the CF Decade of Darkness).  Ditto for Clinton.  I truly miss the days when we had an extra $1 billion to add as a contingency cushion / applied against the debt.  I don’t think it was just luck.  Then what was it?  I’ve been struggling with the notion that good governance is NOT a result of having principles and being ideological one way or the other; that in this country, a certain degree of corruption is necessary to grease the wheels for general prosperity.  Being ideological throws everything out of whack, and we all suffer.  Disputes to this theory are welcome.
There was really indeed WMD or weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Everybody saw the video of Saddam's army spraying chemical gas on the Kurds while they were dying one by one. Assuming it was a lie, why can't George Tenet, who "lie for a living" becausee he was a spy, lie for a head of state. And if he did, it was a white lie because everybody saw the Kurds dying one by one because of chemical warfare! Don't tell me MI Intelligence does not lie to communists when they represent themselves to be 'communists' to my friend Miguel?

Can somebody tell me what is wrooooong with this post. I got an email from Scott telling me last chance. Just because I went against the flow of argumentation, don't telll me I am going to be penalized for a plausible argument on Iraq?  I think this forum is riddled with Cuban annd Chinese moles who buy their way into power as moderators by paying hefty prices for subscription. Freedom of speech and press,Scott!!!
Scott, I pray for your soul because if the whole US army and CIA and CSIS andn CSE and NSA is wiith me, who can be against me. You are either a skinhead Cuban spy, a skinhead racist Russian spy or a Chinese spy. I pray for youru soul
Domingo R. Rodriguez, Director of Operations, Communications Security Establishment. Bet 1 millionn, it is true annd I did not violate any laws in here.
Outstanding  :stars:

:rofl:  I had to give him MilPoints.  Too funny.
asianhistorian said:
Scott, I pray for your soul because if the whole US army and CIA and CSIS andn CSE and NSA is wiith me, who can be against me. You are either a skinhead Cuban spy, a skinhead racist Russian spy or a Chinese spy. I pray for youru soul

:salute:  :Tin-Foil-Hat:


Chinese spy is my choice.
fraserdw said:
Wouldn't skinheads and communists be morally opposed?
A fine time to try and throw logic into this trainwreck.

What are you, another Cuban mole?  :orly:
Jim Seggie said:
:salute:  :Tin-Foil-Hat:


Chinese spy is my choice.

I agree the food is better than Cuban which is rather bland to be honest. 8)
sprl said:
Still – and this does bug me – as much as I disliked the man, no one can deny that he presided over the most prosperous period in this country’s history (notwithstanding the CF Decade of Darkness).  Ditto for Clinton.  I truly miss the days when we had an extra $1 billion to add as a contingency cushion / applied against the debt.  I don’t think it was just luck.  Then what was it?

Perhaps they were both benefitting on the groundwork laid by their Conservative/Republican predecessors.

Chretien helped himself by slashing transfer payments to the provinces and stealing from my pension fund as well.
Loachman said:
Chretien helped himself by slashing transfer payments to the provinces and stealing from my pension fund as well.

A fact conveniently ignored by the Liberal supporters. But when Mike Harris slashed money to the municipalities he was Satan personified.  The main reason I can't ever see myself voting for the Liberals.
>I don’t think it was just luck.  Then what was it?

NAFTA, GST, low CAD:USD ratio, dot.com boom.