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Poll: Should the Flag be Lowered

Fishbone Jones

Army.ca Relic
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CTV Poll

Should the flag be lowered every time a Canadian soldier is killed?

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Yes   6299 votes     (58 %)
No   4523 votes     (42 %)
Total Votes: 10822
Should the flag be lowered every time a Canadian soldier is killed?

Yes  6797 votes    (58 %)

No  4908 votes    (42 %)

Total Votes: 11705

Funny enough on one major media outlet's website that allows reader comments, there were a number of posts from serving members and vets, unanimously saying no.  Remembrance Day is to commemmorate the fallen - the flag on the Peace Tower should always be at full staff to show our resolve.
They should have a flag that represents each province in Canada, and depending on where that solidier was from they should lower that particular flag.
RTaylor said:
They should have a flag that represents each province in Canada, and depending on where that solidier was from they should lower that particular flag.

Not a bad suggestion, except...

It seems to me that when a contingent of soldiers will be comming from one particular province,
so having losses of soldiers more frequently, people of that said province/territory will voice
their disaproval at their 'over' representation in the fallen.
Why not have the decision made by the family(ies) of the fallen if/when the time comes? That way there is no way it will become a political mud-sling match.  :cdn:

Someone here said something like this before in one of the other threads running on this ...

"The Canadian flag, at full staff over the Peace Tower, is a symbol and source of inspiration to our soldiers. The Canadian flag, at half-staff over the Peace Tower, is a symbol and source of inspiration to our enemy."

It pretty much sums up my thoughts on the matter.
ArmyVern said:
Someone here said something like this before in one of the other threads running on this ...

"The Canadian flag, at full staff over the Peace Tower, is a symbol and source of inspiration to our soldiers. The Canadian flag, at half-mast over the Peace Tower, is a symbol and source of inspiration to our enemy."

It pretty much sums up my thoughts on the matter.

You know, as a civilian, before reading posts like that, I would have been more incline toward  half-mast then not.
As a gesture, a salute for the new dead one, recognising that he/she has giving a life for the country.

I was surprised at the beginning about "full mast" stance on the majority of posts here. Before I begin to "click" into
yours (posters on army.ca) meaning, yours emotions.

Civilians, like myself, that are for "half-mast" should, maybe, educated themselves better about the views of the ones (soldiers)
they want to salute the sacrifice. And you, the soldiers, could direct them to threads like this one.

Just my  0.01$ (keeping the other one, really need it )

modif: change "staf" for "mast". And here I thought that my English was failing me, thinking : "I know hal-mast, but I'll have to research half staff.".
I hate to say this but it is called Half Masting and not Half Staffing.
This is not about honouring the dead.

This is not about what soldiers want or even what the general public wants.

This is a attempt by the Liberals and others, to wrap themselves in the flag and use dead soldiers to embarrass the government.

Shame on them! Shame!
The flag should only go half mast on Remembrance Day.  The Liberals need to leave it alone.
Should a soldier die in combat and have in his death wishes that the flag not be put at half mast would that wish not have to be honoured?

It seems that the majority of the CF population is pretty united on the subject... Should they not be in control of what happens after the event of their death?

Maybe not a realistic option, just a thought.
oozieman said:
I hate to say this but it is called Half Masting and not Half Staffing.

If you do a little research you will find that either form is correct. Canadians tend to use mast, US tends to use staff, both terms arise from nautical heritage. 
Frostnipped Elf said:
If you do a little research you will find that either form is correct. Canadians tend to use mast, US tends to use staff, both terms arise from nautical heritage. 
I did the research and according to the DHH site it is half Masting
Let's not get wrapped around the axle on semantics, and lose sight of the big picture.
IMHO, it has become excessive to continually lower the flag, is the Nation actually in mourning on each of these occasions? I agree that Remembrance Day should be representative and take on new meaning for all Canadians.  The Highway of Heroes has grown in attendance but it is really a fairly, centralized activity.  It has almost become a mystery in the local communities when all 3 levels of Government, businesses and Legions seem to independently lower the flags for different (and perhaps their own) reasons. It is ever harder to explain to child of all ages why the flag is at half-mast/staff for seems like more than half of the year as the durations are increasingly inconsistent.