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Presidential election may be up for grabs

tomahawk6 said:
Clinton supporter Phil Berg has filed for an injunction to block Obama's candidacy.Essentially he is contending that Obama isnt a natural born citizen.Might be an interesting week ahead of us.

Document here:

No offence but that kind of logical fallacy is retarded on Berg's part- then the same should apply for McCain then for being born in Panama on a US base.
This should help shore up Obama's lack of foreign policy experience.He also hsas a son in Iraq who is serving as a JAG and Biden has served on the Senate's Foreign policy and Judicial committees, IIRC.


Biden pick draws Democratic praise, GOP criticism
By BETH FOUHY and LIZ SIDOTI, Associated Press Writers
6 minutes ago

Democrats coalesced around Barack Obama's selection of Joe Biden as his running mate on Saturday while Republicans quickly seized on the Delaware senator's past criticism of the presidential candidate's inexperience.

As the newly minted ticket readied for its first joint appearance, in Springfield, Ill., former first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton called Biden "an exceptionally strong, experienced leader and devoted public servant." Clinton, Obama's most persistent rival through the primaries ad the caucuses, was an also-ran in Obama's vice presidential search.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said the Obama-Biden ticket will bring the change the country needs, including a filibuster-proof Senate majority.

Republican presidential candidate John McCain called Biden, his longtime Senate colleague and friend, to congratulate him, McCain campaign spokesman Tucker Bounds said. "It was a brief conversation. They've known each other for years," he said.

McCain's campaign wasted no time to try to turn the choice against Obama, producing an ad featuring Biden's previous praise for McCain and comments critical of Obama from an ABC News interview last year. Biden had said he stood by an earlier statement that Obama wasn't yet ready to be president and "the presidency is not something that lends itself to on-the-job training."

"Biden has denounced Barack Obama's poor foreign policy judgment and has strongly argued in his own words what Americans are quickly realizing — that Barack Obama is not ready to be president," McCain campaign spokesman Ben Porritt said in a statement.

Some of Biden's Republican colleagues in the Senate praised the Delaware Democrat, including Sen. Richard Lugar of Indiana. Sen. Chuck Hagel, R-Neb., called Biden "the right partner for Barack Obama" and the decision "good news for Obama and America."

The Obama-Biden rally was set for old state Capitol where the Illinois senator kicked off his presidential campaign nearly 20 months ago. They were to be joined by Obama's wife, Michelle; Biden's wife, Jill; and the Bidens' three adult children, Hunter, Beau and Ashley.

A crowd of well-wishers waved to Biden and applauded as he left his home in Wilmington, Del., for a flight to Illinois just before noon EDT.

The Obama campaign sent a text message announcing his choice to supporters' phones and e-mail addresses about 3 a.m. EDT, the latest innovation by a tech-savvy operation that has deftly used the Web as a fundraising and organizing tool. The rollout was diminished somewhat when word of Obama's choice began leaking out to news media shortly before 1 a.m. EDT.

Obama and his famously disciplined team managed to keep Biden's selection a secret for several days, leading to a frenzy of speculation that mounted throughout the week. Two of those thought to be on the short list — Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine and Indiana Sen. Evan Bayh — indicated Friday night that Obama had chosen someone else.

Biden, 65, is a creature of Washington, a 35-year Senate veteran and chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee whose national security credentials will help patch a hole in Obama's relatively thin resume. Polls show that McCain holds a wide lead over Obama on the question of who is better prepared to be commander in chief.

Biden's straighforward style and working-class Catholic roots in Scranton, Pa., were also expected to help Obama appeal to middle- and working-class voters in battleground states like Ohio and Pennsylvania who favored Clinton in the primaries.

Officials close to Clinton said she was never formally vetted for the No. 2 position. The former first lady, who finished narrowly behind Obama in the primaries, will address the convention Tuesday night and her name will be placed in nomination even though she has endorsed Obama and has urged her delegates to support him.

"Sen. Biden will be a purposeful and dynamic vice president who will help Sen. Obama both win the presidency and govern this great country," Clinton said in the statement.

Biden has established a generally liberal voting record and a reputation as a long-winded orator. As a member of the Judiciary Committee — he was its chairman from 1987 to 1995 — he has played a key role in considering anti-crime legislation, Supreme Court nominees and constitutional issues.

While the war in Iraq has been supplanted as the campaign's top issues by the economy in recent months, the recent Russian invasion of Georgia has returned foreign policy to the forefront.

Biden was elected to the Senate at the age of 29 in 1972, but personal tragedy struck before he could take office. His wife and their 13-month-old daughter, Naomi, were killed when a tractor-trailer broad-sided her station wagon. Biden took his oath of office for his first term at the hospital bedside of one of his sons.

Biden dropped out of the 2008 race for the Democratic presidential nomination after a poor finish in the Iowa caucuses, but not before he talked dismissively of joining someone else's ticket.

He had stumbled on his first day in the race, apologizing for having described Obama as "clean." Months later, Obama spoke up on Biden's defense, praising him during a campaign debate for having worked for racial equality.

It was Biden's second try for the White House. The first ended badly in 1988 when he was caught lifting lines from a speech by British Labor Party leader Neil Kinnock.


Liz Sidoti reported from Washington. Associated Press writer Mike Glover in Sedona, Ariz., contributed to this report.


On the Net:

Obama campaign: http://www.barackobama.com/index.php

McCain campaign: http://www.johnmccain.com/
dapaterson said:
"Why I Will Not Vote for John McCain" - by a classmate at the naval academy, who was also a POW in Vietnam with McCain - for 2 1/2 years longer.


So he wont vote for McCain with all his warts,but I am assuming he WILL vote for a man with none of McCain's values or attributes ? Dont get me wrong I would prefer to be voting for a conservative but failing that I WILL NOT vote for Obama because he doesnt share my values and he has virtually no experience to be President.
CougarDaddy said:
No offence but that kind of logical fallacy is retarded on Berg's part- then the same should apply for McCain then for being born in Panama on a US base.

The difference Cougar is that both of McCain's parents were US citizens and the Canal Zone was US territory.
tomahawk6 said:
The difference Cougar is that both of McCain's parents were US citizens and the Canal Zone was US territory.

I think that is irrelevant that Obama had one parent who was a foreign citizen. IIRC from immigration law, you only need to have one US citizen parent to be considered a US citizen. And futhermore the fact that he was born in Hawaii means Juris Soli applies- because he was born in US territory.
CougarDaddy said:
I think that is irrelevant that Obama had one parent who was a foreign citizen. IIRC from immigration law, you only need to have one US citizen parent to be considered a US citizen. And futhermore the fact that he was born in Hawaii means Juris Soli applies- because he was born in US territory.

IF he was born in Hawaii. I guess we'll have to let the court decide that fact now.

And Mcain: John McCain was born at Coco Solo Naval Air Station in the Panama Canal Zone to naval officer John S. McCain, Jr. (1911–1981) and Roberta (Wright) McCain (b. 1912).[3] At that time, the Panama Canal was under American control.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_McCain

The naval air station would have been soveriegn US Territory for legal purposes, no? Making him born in the US.

recceguy said:
The naval air station would have been soveriegn US Territory for legal purposes, no? Making him born in the US.

Its more a case of the canal zone being considered american soil that the NAS itself, IMHO.  I was born at the base hospital at CFB Lahr but am not Canadian-born. My birth certificate is German and held dual citizenship.

The again, if the US had a SoF agreement with Panama that dealt with citizenship issues.......
tomahawk6 said:
To be honest I cannot remember an election where the VP made a difference. Obama is going to pick a white guy.McCain is doing well at this point but if he picks the wrong guy as his running mate his gains may vanish overnight.By wrong I mean a democrat or former democrat,or someone with pro abortion views.I think he will pick Ron Paul[not my choice] but thats just me.

"Ron Paul"? I think McCain has a Higher chance of picking Ron Jeremy than Ron Paul.......
If I where McCain -I'd grab Condi Rice.

  Excellent thinker, Current Sec State, Female and Black --
Obama would have been much better off selecting Governor Bill Richardson.Richardson has chief executive experience,he's hispanic and was UN Ambassador.He probably had more experience than all of the democrat candidates combined.
tomahawk6 said:
Obama would have been much better off selecting Governor Bill Richardson.Richardson has chief executive experience,he's hispanic and was UN Ambassador.He probably had more experience than all of the democrat candidates combined.

Selecting an experienced VP will only highlight Obama's own lack of experience, IMHO.
LineDoggie said:
"Ron Paul"? I think McCain has a Higher chance of picking Ron Jeremy than Ron Paul.......
Now, THAT would be interesting!

Though truth be told, Mr. Jeremy is a rather well-spoken individual.

Mortarman Rockpainter said:
Now, THAT would be interesting!

Though truth be told, Mr. Jeremy is a rather well-spoken individual.

........and already has a following almost as large as that other aging porn star Monkhouse. ;)
recceguy said:
........and already has a following almost as large as that other aging porn star Monkhouse. ;)

I'll have to take your word for it.  On both counts ;D
After hearing about this speech, maybe a Ron Jeremy/Bruce Monkhouse ticket wouldn't be so bad after all. I nominate Vern for Secretary of State....


Did Obama Just Lose The Election?

It's lost in the Veep hype for now. Down the stretch that won't be the case. After he is softened up and a growing number of Americans are given reasons for concern over Obama's Leftism - there's this and some pertinent facts on China below.

    "Their ports, their train systems, their airports are vastly superior to us now, which means if you are a corporation deciding where to do business you’re starting to think, “Beijing looks like a pretty good option. Why aren't we doing the same thing?”

Obama is either incredibly naive, terribly misinformed, a communist, just flat out dumb or all of the above to be caught on tape making a statement like that.

I can just imagine the voice over now. It wouldn't even require half of this:

    In all this activity it greatly helps to have a secretive planning bureaucracy and a government that brooks little dissent. In Britain it took as long to conduct a public inquiry into the proposed construction of Heathrow's Terminal Five as it took to build Beijing's new airport terminal from scratch.

    There was no consultation with the public on the terminal. Nor was there any public debate about the construction of Beijing's third runway, notwithstanding the noise pollution already suffered by thousands of nearby residents.

    Chinese official Xu Li said, Once a plan is made, it is executed. “Democracy”, she says, “sacrifices efficiency.”

    For Beijing's airport expansion, 15 villages were flattened and 10,000 residents resettled. They were barred from unemployment benefits and other welfare privileges though their farmland had been grabbed. Officials threatened them with violence if they refused to leave.

    The World Bank says that roads are sometimes built only to convert countryside into revenue-generating urban land. Combined with a lack of adequate public transport, Beijing's polluted air and congested streets, to which 1,000 cars are added daily, are evidence of the problem.

    Chinese official Xu Li said, Once a plan is made, it is executed. “Democracy”, she says, “sacrifices efficiency.”

    The government wants to build a new mag Lev train line. Residents along the route are fearful of noise and radiation from the trains.

    Complaints still abound about the way things work. Highways—both expressways and other intercity roads—are studded with traffic-slowing toll booths. China reportedly has 70% of the world's tolled roads and its tolls are the highest in the world (using exchange rates adjusted according to currencies' purchasing power). To cut costs, lorries routinely overload. This helps to make the roads among the most dangerous in the world (89,000 deaths in 2006 by official reckoning; the actual number may be much higher). And it pushes up the cost of maintaining them.

    Chinese official Xu Li said, Once a plan is made, it is executed. “Democracy”, she says, “sacrifices efficiency.”

In China, many laborers are lucky to make the equivalent of $8,000 a year. And for that they often work 16 hour days, seven days a week.

And Barack Obama wants America to be more like China? You are kidding me, right?

Well, it is change, I guess. But does Barack Obama really represent the kind of change that America wants? Or maybe he and some of his radical friends should simply move to Beijing.

Thucydides said:
After hearing about this speech, maybe a Ron Jeremy/Bruce Monkhouse ticket wouldn't be so bad after all. I nominate Vern for Secretary of State....


As much as I disagree with your article, I think it probably belongs more with the China Superthread instead of here.
If you think thats bad you should hear him justify infanticide. :o

I disagree Cougar,this thread is about the US election and Obama happened to make some comments about China and how great and modern it is without being hampered by democracy.
Hence why I call him Osama...

I dont trust him, or his 'vision'
Selecting an experienced VP will only highlight Obama's own lack of experience, IMHO.

What exactly is McCain's experience?  I keep hearing that he is more qualified.  Is this by virtue of his age?  The amount of time he spent in the Senate?  Because, McCain has had no executive level experience-just like Obama.   