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Questions to all currently serving Arty AD soldiers


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I've just been selected for arty AD, and I'm wondering if you could tell me some of the things I can expect to be doing as an arty AD soldier. I know about the weapons systems and all of that, but to the best of my knowledge, we aren't at conflict with any nations that pose aerial threats, so what would be some of the things I would get to do overseas if I get to go?
As you have stated we are not presently engaged in operations employing AD weapons overseas.  The AD weapons are only really appreciated when they are truly needed.  Currently most overseas deployments for AD soldiers means fill in positions such as driver tasks.  We do however have soldiers deployed in Afghanistan operating the International Airspace Control Center.  In the Future we will be looking at operational deployments with the MMEV(if it ever really happens) Fulfilling our new Role of Direct Fire.  But in the present we still train to fight on quite a regular basis.  Things in the Field Arty School and 4 AD Regt are Extremely busy. 
thanks for the info bird gunner.

I've searched, but found little to barely no information on AD arty... guess it isn't as big as the other parts of the combat arms team.

Which bases could I be stationed at?

Will I get to travel outside the country?

I'm hoping to go on a tour overseas, but I'm thinking that'll probably be no.
Bird Gunner may correct me if I am wrong.....or add to it (please feel free)

From what I have heard my Hubby talk about (AD Arty Capt within the FAS)....

Fry said:
Which bases could I be stationed at?

Will I get to travel outside the country?

I'm hoping to go on a tour overseas, but I'm thinking that'll probably be no.

It is my understanding that there are a few AD reserve units scattered accross the country, but the majority of the reg force AD are here in Gagetown or in Moncton with 4AD either in 128 Bty (Gagetown) or 119 Bty and HQ Bty in Moncton. The rumor mill is buzzing with talk of all the AD being moved to Edmonton....but that was originally supposed to happen in 06, then 08, and now 2010.....I'm not holding my breath.

Travel outside the country? Likely...but not often....4AD is currently sending some of its personnell for work up training (starting Sept) in Medicine Hat as part of BTE 05 in prep for Afghan in Jan/Feb 06. Some of our best friends are involved in this deployment so I have a vested interest.

As for future opportunities within the AD, keep in mind, Vancouver is hosting the olympics in 2010, and we will need secure skies for that event.....unfortunately the Javelin is on its way out....so the gov't will may have to fast track a system to act as a replacement (cuz the gov't doesn't currently look that far into the future).

IMHO the real future in the Arty world is STA, and that is based on a conversation I've had with LGen Leslie. Although, the Field Arty getting the towed 155's fast tracked for Afghan in 06 isn't bad either.
that's great information... most appreciated.

I really do hope to get deployed overseas often though... but if not, then that's alright I guess...

Just one thing, when AD gunnners aren't overseas or anything, what do they do here in Canada? What I'm getting around to, is what would a typical day of an AD gunner be here in Canada?
Haha, another queston

Do you get issued personal weapons as an AD arty soldier? I'm thinking yes, but not quite sure.. if so, I'm guessing the C8
CdnArtyWife said:
Bird Gunner may correct me if I am wrong.....

IMHO the real future in the Arty world is STA, and that is based on a conversation I've had with LGen Leslie. Although, the Field Arty getting the towed 155's fast tracked for Afghan in 06 isn't bad either.

Nice name drop...MGen Leslie?  155s fast tracked for deployment in 2006- yeah right.  Acquire and train for deployment in 18 months - can't see it.

Just a question for all of you AD recruits a la Dr. Phil - "What are you thinking?"
I first joined the Artillery in 1983.  AD Arty has had its peaks and deep valleys.  AD Arty guys did provide airfield defence in Germany and did deploy to the First Gulf War aboard the AORs.  In modern times you have to ask the question - "What have you done for me (Cda) lately"?

When the Javelin and Skyguard are mothballed and the ADATS becomes solely an anti-armour weapon, is the future bleak? Uncertain - defintely. 
Yeah, well once I finish all of my training, I'm just saying that I want to be part of it all happening overseas... hopefully.
Gunner98 said:
Nice name drop...MGen Leslie?   155s fast tracked for deployment in 2006- yeah right.   Acquire and train for deployment in 18 months - can't see it.

Just a question for all of you AD recruits a la Dr. Phil - "What are you thinking?"

Thanks, I have to admit it was a good one too, but I was just trying to give a touch of credibility to my argument...(I appologize for the rank mistake). I was chatting him up at the Arty School spring ball, but then he worked the crowd....fantastic diplomat!

Re: fast-tracked 155s, that is the rumor I hear....it has been mentioned in this thread too.

It is true that the future for AD looks bleak, and really there are only going to be two main roles for the AD in the near future, ASCC and Direct Fire Role, both are noble, yet it was announced at this years Artillery Advisory Board that the AD's personnell would be cut dramatically and as a result there are no planned AD Officer DP1 Mod2 (Phase 4) courses for a couple of years.... the last one graduated in Nov 04.

Again, I stand true to the oppinion that STA is the way of the future for the Artillery...with a new troop stood up here at W Bty and (again rumors) the near future seeing an STA Bty in Valcartier, Pet and Shilo stood up (within a few years)....STA or locating may truely become its own discipline... and though right now it is an offshoot of the Field Discipline, there are currently AD guys involved with the troop here in Gagetown.
Fry said:
Yeah, well once I finish all of my training, I'm just saying that I want to be part of it all happening overseas... hopefully.

Well 4AD is sending people in 06 (Jan) and there is a Roto scheduled to leave in Feb, but they are unsure where to yet...could be 'ghan, but likely to be Haiti as it stands right now...so ya never know...there is supposed to be more deployments picking up for AD soon I hear.
Awesome, sounds excellent...4 AD?  I've done some searches but been having a hard time finding out which are reserve and which are regforce... ugh.
*More questions*

Also, are those new ops or current ones?
Just a note on the Reserve issue and the future within the AD.  4AD no longer has any reserves and are totally Reg.  The reserves in 1 AD(petawawa) have all been re-roled as Field Arty with the Reg Force being posted to Gagetown or Edmonton during summer 2006.  The same is true for Lethbridge.  I am unsure what the word is on 58 Bty in Valcartier.  The plan still is that all troops are to be posted to Edmonton by 2010.  The plan is that there will be a small ASCC cell within each of the Brigades.  If any thing pans out, only time will tell.  One thing I have learnt with 15 years in the AD is that nothing is certain until it happens.  We could all end up in yellowknife Being the Northern line of defence.  One thing to remember is that there will always be a need for some sort of AD presence and even if our primary role is Direct Fireand a secondary of ASCC we will never give up the capability that are name implies.  We still train as AD and we will always train as AD.  No where has it ever been said that we are loosing the AD Role  A correction for CdnArtyWife, since the Arty Advisory Board announcement of the drastic cuts in the AD there has been word passed down to the troops by Ogroups that these cuts are not going to happen so drastically or as soon as suggested if at all.  Someone actually looked at the numbers and decided that it could not be done and still expect to people to do the job.  Do not take my word as gospel.  I am just a soldier who lives the AD life and loves it.  As I here things on this side I will try to keep you informed on what the troops are being told.
Cool, thanks for the info, keep me informed.

Edmonton 2010? Cool, cool.... any news on a replacement of the javelin or the twin 35mm?
Bird Gunner said:
  A correction for CdnArtyWife, since the Arty Advisory Board announcement of the drastic cuts in the AD there has been word passed down to the troops by Ogroups that these cuts are not going to happen so drastically or as soon as suggested if at all.   Someone actually looked at the numbers and decided that it could not be done and still expect to people to do the job.   Do not take my word as gospel.   I am just a soldier who lives the AD life and loves it.   As I here things on this side I will try to keep you informed on what the troops are being told.

Thank you that is good news to hear. Hubby was teaching DP1's when the Advisory Board was going on, so he was still in the loop then, but since then he has been tasked with STA troop here with W Bty, and most of his AD friends are now with 4AD, and stupid busy...so he is not getting as much info on the future of AD...I tell ya though...we were a little shocked and dissapointed when the news first came down from the AAB...hubby fought hard to go AD and he is VERY loyal to Artillery....but the STA bit is really starting to look up....and if they can prove themselves next month at BTE 05 it should really take off....
Your husband being AD, has he did much travelling outside the country?
Nope, none yet. He just completed training in Nov 04, and has been posted to the Arty School....so no travel yet.

But a couple people seem to think that he will be one of the next ones slated for a year long accompanied posting for a course in England....I certainly don't mind if it comes true...but I'm also not holding my breath...

If you want to go overseas so much....and are so interested in it....I suggest OTing to Infantry...JMHO.... otherwise.... you should realize by now...there are opportunities with AD for overseas deployments, but they are not nearly as common as say Infantry or Engineer.
Yeah Fry...after you do a few years in the artillery you could come and join me  :P in the rear echelon if you don't like it up in the front lines :D

I hear its easier to get on a deployment as a support trade as opposed to a combat arm trade.
