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Recruiting Posters, Slogans and Commercials [Merged]

kincanucks said:
A kid comes on here and recollects something from 2-3 years ago that a recruiter may or may not have said and you want to e-mail the entire food chain and launch the QRF.   And the recruiter probably doesn't even work in recruiting anymore.   I'm not making light of a serious screw-up but lets put on our adult thinking caps and put it all into perspective.   Cheers.

PS People like that don't last long before they are found out.

When I asked, the kid had not explained that it was a few years ago.  I figured if it was done in the last month or so, it might be possible to do something about this situation.

Clearly, that is not the case anymore.

What a joke. The worst part, the LADY told us strait up she did not want to see enlist in the Reg. Force as combat arms.   She made it seem like anyone who signs up as a grunt is only selling themselves short.

I'm sure glad my grandfather and scores of others "sold themselves short" in WW2.

People who try and convince young men and women not to go into the combat arms should pull their heads out of their asses. The mentality of those people is whats helping to erode the Canadian Forces.

"Oh my god, not the infantry, anything but that"
Good idea, lets have an army without any "combat" soldiers. Hey next lets stop training with rifles and spend more time playing sports, we'll stop going to the field too.

These recruiters are not soldiers.
GDawg said:
They really ought to teach kids the difference between RegF and PRes in high school CALM (Career and life management classes), not as a CFRC presentation for them to glaze over during, but as a small part of the curriculum, put in in the text book or notes so they can reference it at their leisure.

I think that is a great idea! Although, do schools outside of Alberta have CALM (I grew up in Alberta and have not much idea about school systems outside of Alberta)?

The Sgt who recruited me into the cbt arms was fantastic! I really could have asked for a better guy! He even would come around every so often wednesday night to check up on his new troops to see how their doin and to give them some friendly motivation. He did make it somewhat clear however, that you should not put all your eggs in one basket so to speak.
Steve99 said:
You could be right.  As far as I remember the grade 12's and 13's both graduated when I was in grade 9.  What province do you live in?  I'm in Ottawa, Ontario.  Anyway it really doesn't matter if I was in grade 9 or 10, but the CF did put on ONE decent recruiting information thing in the lobby, I didn't look to closely at it though.

Alright sounds good.......matter of fact I'm in Ottawa too, Orleans to be exact....
I played at the National Midget and Junior fastpitch championship in Nepean and Orleans, great place!
One of the most effective recruiting strategies in my opinion, is public exersices, such as the one in the Halifax commons not so long ago. Canada needs to do more of them.
There was a time were that the anthem was play before every movie and the were no ads at all.
I thing the younger generation have lost there sense of patroitism b/c of little things like this.

I wish it were still like that. While some attack the American's for being to patriotic, I think we aren' patriotic enough. Plus what is patriotism now adays, it's being construed as being anti-American, pro-liberal, and anti-military. I'm none of those, yet I still love this country, and am hoping to loyally serve her. :cdn: :salute:
I don't if it's been posted or that it should be in here, still, here's the article. I'd like to have your opinion on that.

From the Halifax Daily News:

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Forces spend $1m on videos
By Chris Lambie

The military is looking for a few good filmmakers.

The Canadian Forces is planning to spend $1 million on â Å“inspirationalâ ? high-definition recruiting videos.

â Å“It's something that someone's going to watch and they're going to go, 'Wow, this looks like a great career opportunity,'â ? Capt. Holly-Ann Brown said yesterday.

The short films will be shown in recruiting centres. They'll promote occupations and trades in the military â Å“without embellishment,â ? Brown said.

â Å“We want it to be realistic,â ? she said. â Å“We don't want to candy-coat anything.â ?

But Halifax filmmaker Chuck Lapp believes the videos won't provide a true picture of life in uniform.

â Å“They're not going to advertise that they're going to put people through post-traumatic stress disorder and exposure to toxic environments,â ? said Lapp, who produced No Harbour For War, a documentary on the military history of Halifax Harbour.

â Å“They're not going to attract people if they actually tell them what it's really like.â ?

The videos will be used to hire disposable â Å“cannon fodder,â ? Lapp said.

â Å“They're recruiting people who are going to be chewed up and spit out by the military,â ? he said.

â Å“Clearly, they're trying to imitate a lot of the American propaganda to attract soldiers.â ?

Over the next five years, Canada's military plans to hire 5,000 more full-time soldiers and 3,000 reservists. But the recruiting system has come under fire for being ill-equipped to handle that influx.

â Å“There's growing recognition that the present recruiting advertising system is not working,â ? said Richard Gimblett, a research fellow with Dalhousie University's Centre for Foreign Police Studies.

The new recruiting videos will be â Å“selling a lifestyleâ ? to people between the ages of 18 and 26, said Gimblett, a former naval officer.

â Å“That's your ideal candidate,â ? he said.

Halifax filmmaker Wanda Graham has little doubt the military videos will attract new troops.

â Å“Those recruitment films can be really sexy and dynamite,â ? said Graham, who directed a documentary called Military Wives about the problems faced by women married to soldiers.

She suspects the new videos won't include any tales of family strife in the military.

â Å“Part of the military is this stoic, duty-bound, fortress mentality,â ? Graham said. â Å“They would have to admit that families are softer than that.â ?
Che said:
Do you ever get the feeling...that...they're watching us?


3 Months after that extremely good discussion and a number of other discussions regarding potential members applying to foreign forces...

We are.  I know of a few of us that sent that thread to CFRG HQ.  Don't know if that is what happen here but this is a hotbed of public opinion and some of us do pay attention.
Can't go one article without slagging the military can they?

Or the Americans, for that matter?

"Cannon fodder". Yeah, when was the last time you heard Canadian troops being treated like this.
I wonder what film company they are going to contract the production out to?
Please not the CBC....anyone but the CBC!! ;)

If it is an open competition contract, I did not see anything on merx.com, not yet anyway.
First off
But Halifax filmmaker Chuck Lapp believes the videos won't provide a true picture of life in uniform.

â Å“They're not going to advertise that they're going to put people through post-traumatic stress disorder and exposure to toxic environments,â ? said Lapp, who produced No Harbour For War, a documentary on the military history of Halifax Harbour.

â Å“They're not going to attract people if they actually tell them what it's really like.â ?

The videos will be used to hire disposable â Å“cannon fodder,â ? Lapp said.
remark was not made by anyone from the HDN, it was made by a Halifax filmmaker.
As for the rest of my reply, lunch is almost over so ill reserve my reply until after work.
Blakey said:
First off   remark was not made by anyone from the HDN, it was made by a Halifax filmmaker.
As for the rest of my reply, lunch is almost over so ill reserve my reply until after work.

OK, you've made your point.......as quoted and printed in the HDN may be a more accurate credit on this statement, but what of the many other instances where they have treated the members of the CF as 'cannon fodder' in their journalistic ramblings?   I am sure that Mr. Lapp can not take all the credit for the swipes at the Canadian Military that the HDN have taken over the years.   I am sure you, too, have felt 'shell shock' at some of their rantings and those of some of their 'respected' and 'not so respected' hired 'expert on the Canadian military' writers.

See you after work...... ;D
Who the hell is Chuck Lapp?  (And why would anyone, particularly anyone with an interest in a career in the military, care what he thinks?)
George is being far too easy on this rag. I can only assume that the average reader of the HDN must possess the mental capacity of a toddler, for it to attempt to pass of such drivel as "Journalism". I suppose they must also quote Steven Spielberg as an expert on marine biology, or myself as an expert on automotive maintanace.
it would probably be more effective if they simply hired a foreign Force to make one for us, since I doubt we're going to have anything profound. I nominate the RM to make us 1  ;D
Who the hell is Chuck Lapp?  (And why would anyone, particularly anyone with an interest in a career in the military, care what he thinks?)

Looks like he works here:

Looking at the films he produced...well...judge for yourself.
Looking at the films he produced...well...judge for yourself.

Did thousands of people really come out to protest Canadian ships leaving for the FIRST Gulf War?   The one where we were basically intervening in a war in progress, to liberate Kuwait?   Under UN sanction?   Sounds like this guy only sees what he wants to see...