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Recruiting Posters, Slogans and Commercials [Merged]

Becoming a member of ASSGRAB is restricted to those who have been in Ottawa as part of a CYA unit. While being part of a CYA unit does not gurantee acceptance into ASSGRAB. Your experience in covering A$$, kissing A$$, and generally being an A$$ will be closely considered during the application process
I am also guessing that the PT test will be very difficult for ASSGRAB. You have to do 1 handed pushups while grabbing your a$$ and do a step test while telling stupid a$$ jokes. ;D
Five-to-One said:
After all the talk about how the Canadian public are going to be shown that our military is more than a peacekeeping force, starting with afghanistan, I'd say there's gonna be more to it than that

Five -to-one,

like i mentioned earlier in this thread, i was filming a recruiting comercial last Saturday just off Victoria and vancouver.  I was flying a CP-140 Aurora anti-submarine warfare aircraft.  We we there with HMCS Calgary, a Canadian patrol frigate ( hence a warship).  So here we have 2 pieces of equipment designed to visit death on enemy submarines and surface fleets and the best that could be done was to cast them in the "goodie-goodie" role of recuing some fisdherman from his burning boat.  When i said that i figured that the abotsford thing would end up as a rescue scenario, i was in fact making an assumption, but it was a pretty good on considering my recent experience.  I may be wrong but i know where i'm putting my money. After all the comercials playing on TV now still show guys taking refugees out of a CH-146.......
I honestly think our commercial now is good. but it's to.. like general.. and not specific enough. the U.S. commercials are fantastic for the military, because they don't have just one commercial like we do. they have air force, army ,reservist, and ones that show what you can get out of being in the military for a future civi career playing. i don't think they have one for the navy but, i think we need to have a variety of commercials to 'touch hearts' of all sorts of different kinds of people. i don't think you can do that all with one commercial. I'm part of the young generation as you guys were talking about and no, explotions and stuff wont help as much and it would increase stereo types that people have "u join u'll get killed". I think you need a different commercial to reach out to different types of people. and i think we need a separate one for recruiting reservists. to reach out to most people my age these days u don't need explotions or to get there adrenalin going, u need to have deep meaning that can reach out to people so they all different people can realate to all the different kinds of the recruiting commercials. because when alt of my peers see the commercial on now, they think wow that's cool, but what are the odds i can be like that or live up to that and it just slips there minds. we really need different commercials that people can relate to and think the military isn't out of there league and it will stick with them.
The US Navy does have commercials, and I think they are some of the best overall.  Typically they either focus on the Nuclear subs, or most of the time their spec ops guys, with Godsmack providing the soundtrack.  Their website should have  a current one.
Yeah, the US NAVY commercials are definitely awesome.  I think I remember some guys repelling out of a helicopter and onto a zodiac, speeding around on sea-doos and some SEALs operations.  Towards the end of the commercial it says "And to think, some poor guy out there is driving a minivan...Accelerate your life!".
Very good.

Fri, July 7, 2006
Troops revved up
Canuck soldiers in Kandahar kick off Sunday's Grand Prix with videotaped 'Drivers, start your engines'


Molson Grand Prix drivers are going to get the command on Sunday to start their engines straight from Afghanistan.

A videotape of about 20 Canadian soldiers on an armoured vehicle at the Kandahar airfield giving the command will get the race rolling.

"It's a unique thing we've done this year," said Charlie Johnstone, president and CEO of the Grand Prix Association of Toronto.

"I think it's an opportunity for us to show our nationalism, stand up and be proud of our Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan," he said yesterday.

Maj. John St. Dennis said the video will help underline the similarity between the race and the type of work the Canadian Forces offers.

"The Molson Grand Prix is a hi-tech, high-energy exciting event," St. Dennis said.

"Our view in the recruiting centres is that those are some of the career options we're offering Canadians.

"There seems to be a perfect match between the two," he said.

The armed forces will be recruiting at Sunday's race.

"We're trying to get the message out to Canadians that we are hiring," St. Dennis said.

The armed forces wouldn't reveal the identities of the soldiers in the video.

"When people are overseas we generally don't give out their names for operational security," St. Dennis said.
Favourite comment so far on the Globe's article.

"James Young from Brampton, Canada writes: >The television ad shows dark images of soldiers in combat and jumping out of a plane, exciting and manly. The young novice joins and suddenly finds himself washing the underpants and socks of some officer. Reality Check. Durgan."

More interesting, educated, well thought out and "informed" comments here:


Reprint of one of those comments:

Winston Churchill from London, Canada writes: Shaun/Gerhard: lighten up. DND is trying to recruit infantry privates not the next CDS or DFAIT boss. What DND appears to have learned is that if you require soldiers urgently you must advertise to attract those who WILL join rather than those you might LIKE to join. For a couple of decades now, DND has been with the program: gender neutral, multi-cultural etc. Alas, rough white guys from small towns kept joining in enormous disproportion, while environmentally aware, big city lesbians of colour stayed away in droves. Could it be that DND has been allowed to recognise, well, reality? If so, it appears that recent events in Afghanistan have had at least one positive effect.
Posted 07/09/06 at 8:20 AM EDT |

Canada's army may be failing to get "who they want to join" and instead getting "who will join".
Here's an effective and quick way of recruiting who you want:
They are being launched in Halifax by the end of the month.  Expect to see them nation wide within two to three months after.