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Recruiting Process of naturalized Canadian

George Wallace said:
This is just another example of why we preach on this site that you KEEP COPIES of ALL your DOCUMENTATION.  If you have, it should be a simple matter of updating the information and you are good to go          again.
I have COPIES of ALL my DOCUMENTATION. It is not issue.
I just explained why I was surprised - they closed to my file after 14 months of waiting.
When I asked about merit list recruiter told me :"We don't do this".
They received my Security clearance before closing file.Security check was OK.
I haven't heard here on the forum about closing files....
I want to know if somebody esle got this  "news" about  closing files.
I was relly surprised when recruiter told  me :"If you want you can apply again in 2011".
I don't understund this becuase Canadian Forces already spent money for my file- opening,working with it ,fingerprints issue, security check. interview with Canadian Security Intelligence Service ( CSIS ) .
I spent money for visiting Embassy my country of origin  in Ottawa to get  Seritificate of Police Department where I lived before moving to Canada.This also costs money.
I don't understund why not to keep my file? Does it ask something?
I want to get FREEZING but not CLOSING.What can I do? Any advices are welcome.
It's just the way it is. As I advised before, keep in regular touch with your CFRC, and get ready to re-do your application when the time comes. No one on this board can change the status of your file, or how it will be handled. That's why you should stay in touch - every couple of weeks to maybe once a month or so. A closed file doesn't mean thrown out, AFAIK (please, someone correct me if I'm wrong), but that no further processing will be done on it. And that DOES make sense - why spend money processing the file when there are no available positions?
acooper said:
And that DOES make sense - why spend money processing the file when there are no available positions?
I don't think so.Why spend money to open again if just keep it in system ?
Working with file costs money.Why to do again Security Check whit took in my case 8 months.
You can say -they can use information from my previous file.The same they use my old file without starting new application.I heard they keep your file 3 years.I am not sure if clerk who was talking to me really knows how things work.
My question  about who can give me information about what really happened with my file?
Who is person in charge?
to Sky777:

I applied back in 2009 May as a permanent resident. Then they closed my application because I was not a citizen.

After a long wait from Citizenship and Immigration Canada to grant me a citizenship in 2010 May, I re-applied. So far I have heard nothing from them. This is Canada man. You even to make an appointment to have a acute heart surgery...

My suggestion: find a good job, apply for distance education, and forget about the recruit for now. It's just painful. When they think they need you, you quit your current job and go.
sky777 said:
My question  about who can give me information about what really happened with my file?
Who is person in charge?

Access to information request might be able to get parts of it.
PuckChaser said:
Access to information request might be able to get parts of it.
Yes, you are right.I did it.And now I know everything about my process.I recived copy of my file.
Closing of my file is not issue now because it can be re-open in 2011.
Security Check was done.File was reopened.
I had to change my trades because I can apply only for positions with Level II  only  .So I have changed to different trade which is in demand with level II.I just accepted  this situation. CFAT was scheduled for this month.Thanks to all who helps here to clarify situation.
goldenhamster said:
I got a call earlier this week, a job offer in CF.  I was surprised the whole process took "only" 11 months (including 3 months waiting for laser eye surgery), since I am a naturalized Canadian.  I have lived almost 8 yrs in Canada, got my citizenship in 2007.  I was told that I have to undergo security clearance that may take up to 2 years!  I learn from the recruiter that Ottawa decided not to do that lengthy security clearance on me.  But again, everyone's process is different, so please don't generalize.

Can't wait to start!  I have been loaded to Jan 25th BMOQ, but I might have to delay my enrollment.  I cannot just walk away from my current job immediately. Time to intensify my :pushup: and  :PT:

I wear glasses and want to become part of the Canadian Infantry. Why did you have to get laser eye surgery. Would I need to get one if they accept me?
cheng_kelvin said:
I wear glasses and want to become part of the Canadian Infantry. Why did you have to get laser eye surgery. Would I need to get one if they accept me?

Depends on your vision category and the trade you want.  PLEASE start searching and reading! 
sky777 said:
I am passing through the same process.
Last 6 months I was  giving police certificate from my country of origin...

every landed immigrant has provided a police record to the canadian embassy where he/she applied for an permanent residence visa.
simply said, you cannot be a landed immigrant without a clean police record from every country where you lived more than 6 months. or, to ask someone a police record again, when anyone in the federal business (army included) is aware of this issue, seems more like buying time.

there're questions in the application form in regards with the last 10 years (work, residence, etc). that should ring a bell to all immigrants: wait 10 (canadian)years before trying to enroll. my guess (yes, only a guess, cause i'm not qualified ...) is that you gonna see your dream fulfilled only after you'll have your 10 years of canadian residence, like me  ;D

me I wasn't asked about any police record or work experience from the country i'm coming from, only clearance for close family members. But me I had 12 years of residence in Canada before I applied.

As I said, it's only supposition, anyone else with less than 10 years residence and who got hired as a DEO is welcome to share his experience. Cause I might be wrong (though I think I'm right :salute:)
You do realize you're asking someone who posted that news in 2009, yeah?
Scott said:
You do realize you're asking someone who posted that news in 2009, yeah?

Yeah. But maybe he's still hanging around cause if his job is not DEO related, his personal recruiting experience is irrelevant in this case.
wabbit67 said:
every landed immigrant has provided a police record to the canadian embassy where he/she applied for an permanent residence visa.
simply said, you cannot be a landed immigrant without a clean police record from every country where you lived more than 6 months. or, to ask someone a police record again, when anyone in the federal business (army included) is aware of this issue, seems more like buying time.
You know I said the same in my CFRC but they told me that :"You gave this sertificate to Immigration Department.But we are DND."
I said :OK.No problems" and after that I have given to CFRC fresh Certificat.It took 3 weeks only.
P.S. I am in Canada less thn 10 years.
wabbit67 said:
Yeah. But maybe he's still hanging around cause if his job is not DEO related, his personal recruiting experience is irrelevant in this case.

See, that's why we advocate reading the forums so much. Within a few minutes I was able to find out that the poster is indeed a her and that she's starting a BMOQ, which would tell me that she's gone the officer route. I don't know if it's DEO, you could always send a PM rather than sitting and waiting for a reply.

It was painless to do, really.

Edited to reflect purge of BS from the thread.
Scott said:
It was painless to do, really.

Thank you Scott, I'll remember next time. Not too relevant though cause women are encouraged to join the army forces, they only count for ~15%, so far (from what I read).  I want to hear from a naturalized canadian male (not coming from a NATO country) with less than 10 years canadian residence and who applied for DEO. Maybe you can help.
wabbit67 said:
I want to hear from a naturalized canadian male (not coming from a NATO country) with less than 10 years canadian residence and who applied for DEO. Maybe you can help.

What's wrong with hearing from a naturalized Canadian* female who applied for DEO?  The application process is the same, regardless of gender.

*We capitalize our nationality.
wabbit67 said:
Thank you Scott, I'll remember next time. Not too relevant though cause women are encouraged to join the army forces, they only count for ~15%, so far (from what I read).  I want to hear from a naturalized canadian male (not coming from a NATO country) with less than 10 years canadian residence and who applied for DEO. Maybe you can help.

I'll end the speculation immediately: I can't help at all. Born and raised in Canadaland. I'll offer up that while there are a few guys from your specific demographic there are not huge numbers. So be patient and you'll get someone to answer you soon.

What I wanted to do was point out to you that the post had been made some time ago and thus the person may or may not respond to you, it happens from time to time here that people stop reading certain threads, even if they responded before.

Edit: I'll echo what Moe said, what does gender have to do with it? Now I've got a Tina Turner song pounding through my head....