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ROTP 2010-2011

mrmat29 said:
I just had my interview and medical this morning. I was told by the captain that interviewed me that i did very good in my interview and that he found me eligible for ROTP. My interview was about 1.5 hours long. Make sure you do what baldy said as well as know yourself (i know that sounds weird) and have a good knowledge of not only what you put down on your application but also have some solid examples ready.

I was also told that since i'm about to start 2nd year at Waterloo, i'm not eligible for RMC as switching over would put me back in 1st year. In addition, he said that i will most likely be on the merit list & the early selection board in december.

Finally, the medical went smooth.

Good luck.

Have you checked if your medical's been approved by Ottawa? At the CFRC, I was told that I could be on the early selection board only if my medical came back on time for it, thus completing my file. I'm guessingit's the same story for you?
The incongruous said:
Have you checked if your medical's been approved by Ottawa? At the CFRC, I was told that I could be on the early selection board only if my medical came back on time for it, thus completing my file. I'm guessingit's the same story for you?

You are right. They told me the same thing. Although it was approved by the CFRC, the guys in Ottawa have the ultimate say. If everything gets checked out by mid december then you can make it on the early selection board.
Good luck to those on the waiting list. I have been on this merit list since the end of October and was told the selection was in December. Did they mention around what date in December. I will be following up with my CFRC to see when but you like to know if anyone else has an idea. By the way I am in my second year of University also.
I am applying for Log, how about you guys ?
mathabos said:
Good luck to those on the waiting list. I have been on this merit list since the end of October and was told the selection was in December. Did they mention around what date in December. I will be following up with my CFRC to see when but you like to know if anyone else has an idea. By the way I am in my second year of University also.
I am applying for Log, how about you guys ?

I applied for (Combat) Engineer as first choice but it turns out i'm my eyes are a V4 and i need a V3. They still put me down as an Engineer but i have to double check their results with my eye doctor and fax in a form. Consequently, i'm still debating between my 2nd choice (CELE), 3rd choice (EME) and Signals (unless i also need V3 for this - does anyone have any info about this?). The captain that interviewed me said the board sits down at the end of december and that all applicants hoping to be considered on this board should have their application fully completed by mid december at the latest. Since you've been on the merit list for so long, you are most likely gonna be evaluated by the early selection board.


CFRC Toronto (4900 Yonge Street, one block north of Sheppard) will be holding a ROTP information session on the 8th December at 730 pm. After the presentation, prospective candidates and their families will have the opportunity to ask questions pertaining to RMC and ROTP.

If you are interested in attending, please call CFRC Toronto at 416-635-4490. Ask for 2nd Lieutenant Menecola or Acting Sub-Lieutenant Chandler.
Consequently, i'm still debating between my 2nd choice (CELE), 3rd choice (EME) and Signals (unless i also need V3 for this - does anyone have any info about this?).

I don't know if it's the same for reg force signals, but I'm in the signals reserve, and I'm pretty sure there is no vision limitations. Most of the people in my trade are actually guys who wanted to be infantry but were put into signals because they have bad eyes.  :)
How are you notified about acceptance at RMC, do they call you or your recruiting center or just send a letter? Also, worst case scenario, do you find out if you were not successful and were not accepted?
VBanks said:
Consequently, i'm still debating between my 2nd choice (CELE), 3rd choice (EME) and Signals (unless i also need V3 for this - does anyone have any info about this?).

I don't know if it's the same for reg force signals, but I'm in the signals reserve, and I'm pretty sure there is no vision limitations. Most of the people in my trade are actually guys who wanted to be infantry but were put into signals because they have bad eyes.  :)

Thanks VBanks. After reading around a bit it i believe you are correct in that signals does not require your eyes to be V3.

newgirl2 said:
How are you notified about acceptance at RMC, do they call you or your recruiting center or just send a letter? Also, worst case scenario, do you find out if you were not successful and were not accepted?

Yes i was told that you will get a call as well as something in the mail, however you will be called first. Also, from what i've read in the ROTP 2009-2010 thread, unsuccessful candidates are also notified by phone.
mrmat29 said:
Yes i was told that you will get a call as well as something in the mail, however you will be called first. Also, from what i've read in the ROTP 2009-2010 thread, unsuccessful candidates are also notified by phone.
Ohh, that could be an awkward phone call...lets just hope I get the better of the two!!
ouch indeed.... anyways my medical is tomorrow and im hoping to get everything done perhaps before christmass....

I got an email inviting me to a reception for current RMC ocdts and applicants at HMCS Discovery... Anyone else got that?
Curious to know about being merit listed.  How many people get merit listed?  Is everyone on the merit list? 
I was talking with RMC representatives today and I was told that the early selection board had been moved to January, has anyone else heard of this?
The incongruous said:
I was talking with RMC representatives today and I was told that the early selection board had been moved to January, has anyone else heard of this?


I have a question about the funding for civvy u. Let's assume i get accepted on the early selection board, either in December or January. By the time my funding begins (September 2010), i would have already completed another school term (January - April) in the meantime. My question is whether or not any compensation will be offered for this term.
I'm going planning to get my application in right at the beginning of January (working on it over Christmas break) then I will be doing CFAT, Medical, and Interview over the course of January. Board sits down beginning of February IIRC. Am I at any risk regarding timing? My career choices look to be Intelligence, Infantry, and Logistics. Hoping to go for a Bachelor of Arts not sure of Major considering Military Strategic Studies although it has limited use in Civy life, do they like or prefer people who go into this field? Maybe someone could share their  :2c:
I completed my medical the other day..... had to hand in an extra form.... so my medical should be done now.... Hopefully Ottawa will accept it and I can get my interview set.
mrmat29 said:

I have a question about the funding for civvy u. Let's assume i get accepted on the early selection board, either in December or January. By the time my funding begins (September 2010), i would have already completed another school term (January - April) in the meantime. My question is whether or not any compensation will be offered for this term.

I had the same question (because im in the same situation) and it was answered the other day by the Captain at my CFRC. There is no compensation for a winter term. You can only receive your subsidization starting in September. The rules that apply to RMC subsidization apply also to Civi U. Hope that helps
I had my medical and my interview couple of weeks back.  Both went very well.  :)  The interview was basically just a conversation with scripted questions here and there.  I just had to send in one other form so they could check my vision, and I called the Recruiting Office to see how things were going.  They told me that they sent in my forms to the main medical office.

Now, there was one other question.  After my interview, I was told about the MPOAC, which I have to attend because my first choice was Military Police.  I was given little information while I was there, and when I called, I was still confused.  While looking for more information, there was a lot about MPAC, but not too much for the officer course.  Has anybody else heard anything about this?
I have a small question for anyone that could help. I got a call from the CFRC today. They offered to do my interview after my CFAT (booked it a few weeks ago), which I gladly accepted. I was just wondering though, they said I would be done around noon. My CFAT is at 9:00 and is an hour long so that would end at 10:00. Does that mean I'm getting a two hour long interview? Or that the recruiter was just giving a guess of when I will be done.

I'm only asking this because I'm confused. I've saw posts from people who said their interviews were two hours and others saying 45 mins and others at 15 mins. I think I read that the time is down to 15 mins but now that I have mine booked I'm just confused.

Help, anyone?
The recruiters probably guessing....

My cfat day went like this.... Went to the center at 8 am (on time), waited for 45 min because two people didn't show up....
Started at 9... went through extra paperwork which took an extra 30min. Break, and then we finally started at around 10 ish. Then an hour later we finished. Then we had to wait like another hour for them to compute the marks (im guessing). Then the people who passed move on for the preliminary medical, which took from 12pm till 2 15 (for me, it depends on if you get chosen first or last)

The test is usually an hour.... its timed so thats not the biggest issue.... But the events before and after that you nor anyone else can control will probably take the most time....

Good Luck!!

My appointment was for 830 and I told work I'd be back by 1000. I think I finished the CFAT around 1030 and found out my results by 1100. Then an opening for the medical came up. I never made it work that day.


I would suggest getting that application in ASAP. I handed mine in last year on 12 Dec 08, and it was a very, very tight squeeze to get all my testing in. I had my CFAT + Medical 7 Jan 09 and my medical 08 Jan 09 with the application deadline being 15 Jan 09. Because of the trade I applied for and some medical issues, I had to have additional testing with 3 separate civilian doctors.  I managed to get all those appointments in before the deadline (and that was a tough feat), but one of those tests brought up another issue which needed to be resolved. By the time that got cleared up, I was 10 days past the deadline and crushed.

Somehow though, I still made it through to the boards and got my offer, but the month it took me to find out my application had even made it was a hard one. I had simply waited too long to apply, and had I applied all of the issues would have been cleared up well in advance of the deadline.

Best of luck to all,