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ROTP 2010-2011

We sure can pick out Bravo Flight pretty quickly !!  ;)
Still have that song stuck in my head.
I definitely just heard it on the radio and laughed out loud...by myself haha.
mathabos said:
Hey Rogo,

My pay was a little short this month also. It was short by about $250 also. I would assume we
paid R&Q while we were at St-Jean for those 2 weeks. Oh and don't forget all the lovely taxes
the government sent our way.

We shouldn't of been charged R&Q and I especially should not of since I am already paying rent on my place in Ottawa.  I fear there is just something inputted incorrectly either on the CFRC's end or NDHQ. The other OCdts I spoke to got over 600 on their first cheque, even the ULO found it odd but the pay clerks said it would adjust.

I will just pay my ULO and pay office a visit next week.
No joke about picking out Bravos!  It was a great time, and I can't wait to see everyone on BMOQ next summer!

And they're right about being glad you're getting pay...I've still got nothing.
Hopefully everyone's pay situation is all worked out, or in the process of being fixed. I was just wondering when we get our official military ID card and ID tags?

And also with regards to different types of dress, I just wanted to clear up something. As of right now most of us only have our combats; are the other forms of dress mailed to us, or did I misunderstand this along the way somewhere?
Not sure if it's changed this year, but I only had my combats until I went to BMOQ this summer. Some guys at my home unit went in and got their DEU's (the dress uniform) from supply.
^This guy folds good t-shits^  ;D

But yes it would be a smart idea to have them when you arrive but get them fitted close to BMOQ as you change size alot in 9 months, also bring every thing you where given and is on the list for CFLRS no matter how absurd it sounds.
What can I say, my months of working in a clothing store really paid off when it came to folding all my, and ^^ others ^^, clothes for inspections.

And do make sure you bring everything. One of the things they like to promote there is everyone being the same when it comes to kit... and since not everyone brought certain items they were previously issued, we had to suffer.
You didn't have to "suffer" though, it was just "motivation" right?  ;)
Dou You said:
Hopefully everyone's pay situation is all worked out, or in the process of being fixed. I was just wondering when we get our official military ID card and ID tags?

And also with regards to different types of dress, I just wanted to clear up something. As of right now most of us only have our combats; are the other forms of dress mailed to us, or did I misunderstand this along the way somewhere?

I asked Supply at ASU Toronto re DEU's and ID tags. They said that they do not know anything about the DEU's and possibly RMC measured us for them to be sent to our home units, but not likely. As for the tags, the gentleman said we need to discuss with our ULO. He also said that original issue for name tags is three, shoulder flags is 2, and slip-ons is 2. If you did not receive that then ask at Supply for the remainder.

In reading the Subsidized Education Management handout we received, it states that DEU's will be issued at BMOQ and will only be issued earlier in exceptional cases. This differed somewhat from what we heard at RMC, but I'm assuming they thought we were RMC and not Civvy U.
To confirm, I just contacted my ULO and was told to disregard what I was told at RMC. DEU's are issued at BMOQ, and for Remembrance Day(which we were told to have our DEU's by) we just wear civilian attire. This is just for ASU London but I assume most of the other support units and bases will be the same.
Hello i am currently in grade 12, my average last year was 88, i have been in sea cadets for 5 years now. I play on my school basketball team and generaly very active. However, my work experience is not that great, i only worked for 4 month at Wendys before I had to go to summer camp at HMCS Acadia.

My questions are:
1)for the ROTP form, it asks for an explanation why I chose my first insitution which is a Civilian university.Any ideas on what should i write?

2)I am also an immergrant from China, I moved here about 5 years ago. My dad and that side of the family is still in China. Any ideas on how long it would take for them to background check? Im only 17 thou, is it really nesscary to background check?

3)if i handed in my application before october, when would they call me for an interview?

4)what are my chances of getting accepted and is there anything i can do right now to improve my chances?

5)What are some jobs i can find in the forces if i take Bsc in university. (life science, psychology, biochemistry...ect.)

thank you all so much for answering my questions.
and if you can please send me a private message (here) because i have alots of other little questions to ask.

Again, thank you all
1) Exactly what it says, you must have some idea of why you want to go to the University you chose.

2) Time varies for everyone, SEARCH on here and you'll find examples. And yes, a Background Check is necessary.

3) Again, time varies for everyone. SEARCH on here. For me it was about a month and a half I believe.

4) Your chances are as good as anyone applying. Volunteer, play sports, gain leadership experiences, etc to help your application. Oh and SEARCH on here for other ideas.

5) SEARCH on here and the Forces website.

Really this should have been posted in the ROTP 2011-2012 thread. Furthermore, this shouldn't have been posted at all as you could have found that most of your questions have been answered already if you had used the extremely valuable Search function at the top. So before your next post on here please search this website and the Forces website for information...trust me there's tons, and you will most likely find your answer.
As stated it should of been posted on the 2011-2012 thread or not posted at all.  Use the search function people ask their chances of getting accepted atleast once every two days and no one can really tell them since there is no magical acceptance odds generator.    Yes if you have a criminal record it may hurt your chance and if you did cadets you may have a better chance but that is speculation.

Call a recruiting centre, meet a career counsellor, don't post it here. It's nice to see interest but posting here is not proper to get career advice.

Refer to this website it should have all the information you need.


Sorry for the Tone but a little over tired and better one of us new guys tell you than have George Wallace give you his spiel. :)

I'm at CFSU Ottawa too, and I received about normal first and second paychecks.

The only weird thing is that i started with 620 (first paycheck, advanced before orientation), then I was given 619, then my third one was 616. Not sure why it's decreasing by a few dollars each time. And has anyone received an actual pay statement? I don't particularly care, but I'm gonna need to know the breakdown of deductions for my taxes, at least.

Also no luck on Travel Claims yet. Apparently they're not a priority? It's been three weeks since I handed it in.
I also got 616.88 and that was supposed to be adjusted for the around 400$ owed from the incorrect pay from August.  I guess I'm still owed the money because I got the normal pay(give or take a few bucks)
Rogo said:
Sorry for the Tone but a little over tired and better one of us new guys tell you than have George Wallace give you his spiel. :)

It's been three days and he hasn't banned you yet?

We'd better send somebody to check on him...
Cerulean_Sky said:
I'm at CFSU Ottawa too, and I received about normal first and second paychecks.

The only weird thing is that i started with 620 (first paycheck, advanced before orientation), then I was given 619, then my third one was 616. Not sure why it's decreasing by a few dollars each time. And has anyone received an actual pay statement? I don't particularly care, but I'm gonna need to know the breakdown of deductions for my taxes, at least.

Also no luck on Travel Claims yet. Apparently they're not a priority? It's been three weeks since I handed it in.

You won't receive a pay statement unless you set it up on EMAA. The easiest way to do this is to go to the orderly room in Ottawa and ask them to set it up for you if you don't have a DWAN account. Normally they are sent to an email address designated by you. The breakdown in deductions are listed on your pay stub and you will receive a T4 for your income taxes.

Your pay will fluctuate a bit pay to pay so don't concern yourself about that.

As for your travel claims, be patient. I usually end up waiting a few months before I get mine...
Loachman said:
It's been three days and he hasn't banned you yet?

We'd better send somebody to check on him...

haha good one... Atleast I hope that was supposed to be funny.  Ok now I'm concerned. (retreats into dark corner)  :-\