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ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

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Don't forget out of that 5,000 applying a percentage are French applicants that are slated for CMR in St. Jean so your percentages are bumped up.
I am just going to sit it out and wait ha ha. No point in trying to get chances and stuff in my head  ;D
bms said:
I wouldn't dismiss the numbers so quickly. The selection board would be a subjective process, leaving some chance. I mean, outside of the numbers you provided to them(transcripts), there are probabilities involved. I mean, if 50 people have the same overall average, who gets ranked #1 and who gets ranked #50? It would be based on who they see has "better" extra cirriculars. And since there is no way to assume one persons life experience is better than another, they go by what they think. What they think is best understood by using probability since there is no way for us to know. However, the median overall average of those accepted to RMC is likely around 80%. The higher your average over 80%, the better your chances. Likewise, the more extracirriculars you were involved in, the higher your chances are, since it does make sense to assume someone who has 10 extra cirriculars has more "life experience" than someone with just 1. Infact, I'd be very interested to see the numbers for the selection. I'm guessing there is a direct correlation to having an average above the median acceptance average and being accepted to RMC. And, for equivalent averages, I'm guessing there is a direct correlation between accepted and well known extracirriculars and acceptance. Also, we'd be placed on kind of like a bellcurve type of deal, where the top judged 27.2% of candidates get the RMC positions and the other 72.8% don't. And since they are comparing everyone to everyone else, there is randomness involved in how we get placed outside of our overall averages because it is a subjective comparison. Then ofcourse there would be outliers that would either raise or diminish your chances for acceptance. The upper-percemtile outliers would be the first selected and at the top of the selection, thus the more of them there are, the lower your chances of acceptance. On the other side, the lower-percentile outliers wouldn't get accepted, and the more of them there are. there higher your chances are.

Did I just say numbers don't matter in front of a math/stats major? Hahaha.
You're right, the selection must be somewhat subjective when you move away from numbers. Even when you look at high school averages, can you say someone who has taken a bunch of bird elective classes with a 90% average is smarter than someone with an 89% average having taken calculus, etc.?

It's a tough call I'm sure and there's probably not much difference between the person who gets the last spot and the person after that.
CMR is now known as Royal Military College St. Jean(RMCSJ). There are 70 spots for that according to last year's numbers. Anyone can go there for prep. year or their first year. So, I just included it with the RMCC(Kingston) numbers.

I just did it out because someone wanted to know what the numbers were. But I'm not a stat major or a math major. Infact, I don't plan on studying either... I'm more of a humanities/social sciences person to be honest. Just felt like pulling the out some stat so that when people search for it, they can find it.
Thanks for the reply. I wasn't exactly looking for a sepecific chance of getting accepted, just wanted to know how many applied and how many got in in last couple years. Anyhow, it was very helpful thanks.
Wow that's a low percentage. I'm guessing you were pretty nervous for the tests. So what did you do to prepare for Aircrew Selection then? (I'm assuming you had no previous flying experience, like me). Because I want to pass for both pilot and air nav to keep my options open, and so I need to do well or else my ROTP application doesn't mean anything.
Search for Aircrew Selection, there's a ton of info on here.

And don't let the stats intimidate you. They aren't official, just what I heard.
bms said:
I wouldn't dismiss the numbers so quickly. The selection board would be a subjective process, leaving some chance. I mean, outside of the numbers you provided to them(transcripts), there are probabilities involved. I mean, if 50 people have the same overall average, who gets ranked #1 and who gets ranked #50? It would be based on who they see has "better" extra cirriculars. And since there is no way to assume one persons life experience is better than another, they go by what they think. What they think is best understood by using probability since there is no way for us to know. However, the median overall average of those accepted to RMC is likely around 80%. The higher your average over 80%, the better your chances. Likewise, the more extracirriculars you were involved in, the higher your chances are, since it does make sense to assume someone who has 10 extra cirriculars has more "life experience" than someone with just 1. Infact, I'd be very interested to see the numbers for the selection. I'm guessing there is a direct correlation to having an average above the median acceptance average and being accepted to RMC. And, for equivalent averages, I'm guessing there is a direct correlation between accepted and well known extracirriculars and acceptance. Also, we'd be placed on kind of like a bellcurve type of deal, where the top judged 27.2% of candidates get the RMC positions and the other 72.8% don't. And since they are comparing everyone to everyone else, there is randomness involved in how we get placed outside of our overall averages because it is a subjective comparison. Then ofcourse there would be outliers that would either raise or diminish your chances for acceptance. The upper-percemtile outliers would be the first selected and at the top of the selection, thus the more of them there are, the lower your chances of acceptance. On the other side, the lower-percentile outliers wouldn't get accepted, and the more of them there are. there higher your chances are.

But yeah... It's just something to think about. It makes some people feel better, and some people feel worse. Gives a little certainty to the uncertainty.

You are talking like the top people go to RMC and the rest goes to the other school but a lot of people applying for ROTP are choosing not to go to RMC. The applicants straight out of high school from Québec are going to CMRSJ. You simply can't calculate your chances of going to RMC since you don't know the number of applications of this year and what are the averages of those applications. Furthermore, you can't know the extra-curricular activities and how those applicants will perform at the interviews. There are too many factors you can't evaluate to have an accurate representation of what your chances are.
Thats where the randomness comes in. It's just something to think about. If you actually think I believe or want other people to believe that the chances I posted are 100% real, then you really should give your head a shake. It's just something I did up in like 5 minutes incase someone wanted to know.
The Dunnminator said:
You are talking like the top people go to RMC and the rest goes to the other school but a lot of people applying for ROTP are choosing not to go to RMC. The applicants straight out of high school from Québec are going to CMRSJ.

Not only people from Quebec go to RMCSJ. A good portion of the first years here aren't from Quebec.
For higher level education, there are a number of possibilities to do it. You do not need to leave the Forces in order to go back to school, not at all.

You can if you want I suppose. I do know 1 person that took Leave Without Pay in order to finish their schooling, but that was because they could not get approval from their Chain to get what we call "subsidized" education (meaning you get paid while you go back to school).

Many do continue their studies part-time through RMC. Yes it takes longer to do it that way, but there's no gigantic student loan at the end of it either.

Red Hackle said:
Don't forget out of that 5,000 applying a percentage are French applicants that are slated for CMR in St. Jean so your percentages are bumped up.

I think the 5000 ROTP figure is the initial figure. Lets not forget most get weeded out during the process. For example, medicals, interviews, Air Crew Selection, voluntary withdraw etc.

I am sure the number is not quite as high as 5000.  Imagine picking 500 spots out of 5000 candidates that meet ALL of the CF standards.
I have no idea which it is. It could be either way... ROTP is a sought-after program.
Magic said:
I think the 5000 ROTP figure is the initial figure. Lets not forget most get weeded out during the process. For example, medicals, interviews, Air Crew Selection, voluntary withdraw etc.

I am sure the number is not quite as high as 5000.  Imagine picking 500 spots out of 5000 candidates that meet ALL of the CF standards.

Don't worry it is very easily done.
Just wondering if anyone knew about the possibilities of getting into the ROTP program for the 2009/10 school year. I am currently a reservist, actually, I am a very new reservist (Jan 14th 2009). The thing is that the recruiting center was SUPPOSED to run a ROTP application and a reserve application at the same time so that in case i didn't get into ROTP, I would have the reserves as a back up. However, they only ran the reserve application so I never even applied. Now I am going through the process of applying again, except now that I am a member of the CF, I do it through the reserve unit. The only thing is that I have heard that the board meeting is on the 15th of Feb, so does that mean that I am out of luck for them to subsidize my education for the 2009/10 school year, or was this board meeting to get in and subsidize for the 2008/09 year?
BMackenzie said:
Just wondering if anyone knew about the possibilities of getting into the ROTP program for the 2009/10 school year. I am currently a reservist, actually, I am a very new reservist (Jan 14th 2009). The thing is that the recruiting center was SUPPOSED to run a ROTP application and a reserve application at the same time so that in case i didn't get into ROTP, I would have the reserves as a back up. However, they only ran the reserve application so I never even applied. Now I am going through the process of applying again, except now that I am a member of the CF, I do it through the reserve unit. The only thing is that I have heard that the board meeting is on the 15th of Feb, so does that mean that I am out of luck for them to subsidize my education for the 2009/10 school year, or was this board meeting to get in and subsidize for the 2008/09 year?

The doors for applications have been closed from all I can tell. The latest word was that they sat on the 5th of February, but they stopped taking applications for ROTP 09-10 on January 15th If I remember. (But do not quote me).
Yeah, deadline was Janurary 15th and the selection board sat on February 5th. So, ROTP 2009-10 is out the window. However, you can always apply for next year.
A couple of misconceptions here

15 Jan was the deadline to be considered in the first board.  Applications for ROTP can still be made however you have a reduced chance of being accepted for the 09/10 academic year as the majority of selections will be made at the first board.  This doesn't mean you have no chance at all, just that you have reduced chances.  As with the first board, your chances are wholly dependent on your competitiveness.

The first Board has not been held yet - in fact, it is tomorrow.  I expect that the earliest we will be advising candidates will be late next week as we need to distribute the results to the Centres.

It sounds as if you are on the board...are you? Because the recruiter at my reserve unit said that this was the last 2nd of 2 board meetings for ROTP. Are you positive this is only the first? You really put I mind at ease if got right

ComdCFRG said:
A couple of misconceptions here

15 Jan was the deadline to be considered in the first board.  Applications for ROTP can still be made however you have a reduced chance of being accepted for the 09/10 academic year as the majority of selections will be made at the first board.  This doesn't mean you have no chance at all, just that you have reduced chances.  As with the first board, your chances are wholly dependent on your competitiveness.

The first Board has not been held yet - in fact, it is tomorrow.  I expect that the earliest we will be advising candidates will be late next week as we need to distribute the results to the Centres.
Seeing he is the Commander of the Canadian Forces Recruiting Group, I would think he is pretty accurate in his statements...
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