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ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

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Barts said:
Since you're accepted (congrats!) you just go ahead and register like any other civvy student.  When you do up your claim in the fall, you'll be reimbursed then.  If you need, you can get an advance on your claim in the fall in order to pay the full tuition, otherwise the paperwork's a little easier (less to go wrong) if you can go out of pocket.  (does that make sense? I'll rephrase if needed)

You got the acceptance phone call, so they'll trust you to take the steps necessary to attend class in the fall.

Good information :)

I learned that I can not choose classes until mid-April anyways, so I just deposited the confirmation fee and am waiting.
Hey, I was accepted on the fourth of march by phone to ROTP Civvy u, and left on a 2 week vacation a few days later, am I supposed to recieve some sort of written acceptance? The officer on the phone said they would send me an email with the details but I assumed she meant on that day, over 2 weeks ago.
Logan Daly D said:
Hey, I was accepted on the fourth of march by phone to ROTP Civvy u, and left on a 2 week vacation a few days later, am I supposed to recieve some sort of written acceptance? The officer on the phone said they would send me an email with the details but I assumed she meant on that day, over 2 weeks ago.

They do not give a whole lot of information at this point. As they told me I believe they will contact you down the road with more detailed information.
I only need to know becuase of a summer job, would there be an opportunity for me to work this summer? Or would the military be keeping me busy?  I told the manager at my regular summer job to wait to hire me because I am not sure if I will have the free time in the summer to do so.  Thanks again 

Logan Daly D 
For Civvy University, I was told I could work until the day before classes start.

Not sure about RMC, but it should be similar or a week or two before the actual start of classes.
Logan Daly D said:
I only need to know becuase of a summer job, would there be an opportunity for me to work this summer? Or would the military be keeping me busy?  I told the manager at my regular summer job to wait to hire me because I am not sure if I will have the free time in the summer to do so.  Thanks again 

Logan Daly D

Quick answer: Most likely.  Better answer? Talk to your CFRC.  You'll likely be on LWOP until the end of the summer anyways, and you'll be encouraged to find employment for that period as the CF will not be paying you at that point.

Logan Daly D said:
Hey, I was accepted on the fourth of march by phone to ROTP Civvy u, and left on a 2 week vacation a few days later, am I supposed to recieve some sort of written acceptance? The officer on the phone said they would send me an email with the details but I assumed she meant on that day, over 2 weeks ago.

My phone call was made on 12 Feb 08.  My letter was dated 30 May 08.  (I don't recall getting an email...)  Letters will likely go out once CFRG has all the spots filled.
so I got my stuff in a week ago, and just got confirmation from CFRC Halifax today that my file was actually received by RMC so I will make it for the board that is being held today, the 24th of March. I'm just a little nervous as to my GPA at the moment. My interview went well, and he said that it is competitive, along with my aptitude score. Also, even though it is a short time (3 Months) in the Reserves as a MARS Officer is also beneficial.

I'm just wondering if anyone got a acceptance offer yet from the previous board with a low GPA. I currently have a 2.3, a C+ average at Dalhousie University (I have 2.5 years left). My recruiter told me that that should be enough, but I'm just worried, I'm hoping someone else out there has got an offer with a GPA like mine, or lower. I'm just trying to ease my mind as I wait the weeks out for my acceptance offer to come back or not.

Also, I head a rumor that it was really good for me since I was applying as MARS. I have been told that it is very in demand, and that the Navy really needs MARS officers right now because there is a severe shortage. I was just wondering if anyone else heard that rumor.

I am so stressed. I am worried that I won't get picked up. This is really what I want to do with my life, a MARS Officer, and its really stressing knowing that someone a thousand miles away from me decided today to give me, or not give me, the career I want.

I really hope my GPA stands up. I was told I look competitive, but I'm just worried this is something everyone is told to stay in the process. Ugh...I can't wait a possible couple weeks to hear back.
BMackenzie said:
I am so stressed. I am worried that I won't get picked up. This is really what I want to do with my life, a MARS Officer, and its really stressing knowing that someone a thousand miles away from me decided today to give me, or not give me, the career I want.

I really hope my GPA stands up. I was told I look competitive, but I'm just worried this is something everyone is told to stay in the process. Ugh...I can't wait a possible couple weeks to hear back.

This isn't going to make or break your life. If you get in, you can laugh at yourself for making such a fuss. If you don't, you can work on marks and reapply next year, or for DEO after your degree.

There's nothing you can do about it now...what IS in your control are things to make you a better applicant for future opportunities (GPA, physical activity, volunteering, etc.).

My two cents.
DEO isnt a bad go either. I know many people who went into the military through by this route and they seem very satisfied by their decision.
BMackenzie said:
and its really stressing knowing that someone a thousand miles away from me decided today to give me, or not give me, the career I want.

Welcome to real life. It doesnt stop there either. At every step of a military career, decisions that affect you are made by other people far removed from you.
Read through all 41 pages of this thread - I intend to apply for ROTP this upcoming fall (for the 2010-2011 acedemic year) - and you guys have been very informative; explaining the process you had all gone through. I appreciate all the information everyone has given, has helped me out alot in establishing my career plan. Congratulations to all of you who've been accepted, and good luck to all those still waiting!

I apologize for coming back so quickly to reply again; however, I've composed a few questions I haven't seen much of an answer for yet.

1. What was your grade average for your top 6 university level high school courses?

2. What was your grade average over all of high school?

3. How old were you when applying?

My reasoning for these questions are that I am concerned for the likelyhood of my acceptance - to be perfectly honest. I'm going to go officer regardless; if denied by ROTP (civilian university) I will be pursuing BMOQ via the primary reserves. However, the regular forces is my dream.

I am personally looking at about an 90% average for my top 6 grade 12U courses (I have already graduated from high school).

Over the entire course of high school, unfortunately, my grades are significantly lower - due to a troubled past. The average works out to roughly 70% over the entire course of my secondary education.

And on top of it all - as I have already graduated, I am probably much older than the usual crop of applicants. In addition to having already finished high school, I took an extra year to pursue the primary reserves via the co-op program since it was the most effecient means in my local area. But on that note, by the time I apply: this fall, I will be 20. Being 21 when I actually begin my post-secondary education.

I'm looking for these details from the rest of the crowd for a comparative analysis on my part. I am hoping and praying to get this opportunity. Since I've joined the Canadian Forces I've been in love with every concept, and am dedicated to a life-long career. Been trying to turn things around ever since: hence the return to acedemic success in my final year of high school.
anthonyfrancis said:
I apologize for coming back so quickly to reply again; however, I've composed a few questions I haven't seen much of an answer for yet.

1. What was your grade average for your top 6 university level high school courses?

2. What was your grade average over all of high school?

3. How old were you when applying?

My reasoning for these questions are that I am concerned for the likelyhood of my acceptance - to be perfectly honest. I'm going to go officer regardless; if denied by ROTP (civilian university) I will be pursuing BMOQ via the primary reserves. However, the regular forces is my dream.

I am personally looking at about an 90% average for my top 6 grade 12U courses (I have already graduated from high school).

Over the entire course of high school, unfortunately, my grades are significantly lower - due to a troubled past. The average works out to roughly 70% over the entire course of my secondary education.

And on top of it all - as I have already graduated, I am probably much older than the usual crop of applicants. In addition to having already finished high school, I took an extra year to pursue the primary reserves via the co-op program since it was the most effecient means in my local area. But on that note, by the time I apply: this fall, I will be 20. Being 21 when I actually begin my post-secondary education.

I'm looking for these details from the rest of the crowd for a comparative analysis on my part. I am hoping and praying to get this opportunity. Since I've joined the Canadian Forces I've been in love with every concept, and am dedicated to a life-long career. Been trying to turn things around ever since: hence the return to acedemic success in my final year of high school.

I was accepted for Fall 2009 in land engineering at RMC. My average will likely be about 90% as well. In past years I've had always and 90% or higher average (not to brag, just answering the question).
I'm currently 17. 
Glad we could help ;).

1. My acceptance was based upon my grades from Grade 10 and 11; the only grades on my transcripts. However, I did do a few grade 12 courses last year. My grades on my transcripts were:

Biology 3201 - 93%
French 3200 - 80%
World Geography 3202 - 93%

An average of 88.88%.

2. Overall I had:

English 1201 - 85%
Mathematics 1201 - 90%
Biology 2201 - 96%
Science 1206 - 97%
French 2200 - 80%
Canadian History 1201 - 95%
Healthy Living - 95%

English 2201 - 85%
Mathematics 2201 - 90%
Biology 3201 - 93%
Art 2200 - 80%
Chemistry 2202 - 90%
French 3200 - 80%
World Geography 3202 - 93%

An overall average of 89.21%.

3. I was 17 upon application and was 17 when I was accepted. Still in final year of high school.

So you are 3 years older than us? Not really a big deal. Now, 20 years older than us would make a difference(I guess), but 3 is pretty much nothing.
Radius said:
I was accepted for Fall 2009 in land engineering at RMC. My average will likely be about 90% as well. In past years I've had always and 90% or higher average (not to brag, just answering the question).
I'm currently 17.

bms said:
Glad we could help ;).

1. My acceptance was based upon my grades from Grade 10 and 11; the only grades on my transcripts. However, I did do a few grade 12 courses last year. My grades on my transcripts were:

Biology 3201 - 93%
French 3200 - 80%
World Geography 3202 - 93%

An average of 88.88%.

2. Overall I had:

English 1201 - 85%
Mathematics 1201 - 90%
Biology 2201 - 96%
Science 1206 - 97%
French 2200 - 80%
Canadian History 1201 - 95%
Healthy Living - 95%

English 2201 - 85%
Mathematics 2201 - 90%
Biology 3201 - 93%
Art 2200 - 80%
Chemistry 2202 - 90%
French 3200 - 80%
World Geography 3202 - 93%

An overall average of 89.21%.

3. I was 17 upon application and was 17 when I was accepted. Still in final year of high school.

So you are 3 years older than us? Not really a big deal. Now, 20 years older than us would make a difference(I guess), but 3 is pretty much nothing.

Seems as those I am consistent with the university qualifying grades thus far - no 95%+ type averages. However; I am still concerned with my overall high school average. Looking forward to more responses - thanks for your's guys.

As for age I am 19 right now, turn 20 on 31/Aug/09. So yeah, unfortunately, I am a bit older. When I was back in my middle days of high school I was too busy being distracted to consider what I actually wanted to do with my life. Lots of respect to you other guys who have been working hard at this opportunity since you got into high school - I envy you. Looking forward to hearing more. This thread has been great thus far!
I had actually intended to apply in the same class as you all; however, because I am in the primary reserves I was required to perform a component transfer. I had intended to transfer to the regular forces as a training development officer via the ROTP program. No one had told me that trade was not available via the ROTP, and the results: I was denied in my CT to the regs, because a BA is a pre-requisite as a training development officer (obviously). Without the compenent transfer going through, it was too late to get a reasonable ROTP application with another CT attempt. But no biggy, I am in no hurry - I am more concerned with getting this all done the right way, as opposed to the quick way.
anthonyfrancis said:
...1. What was your grade average for your top 6 university level high school courses?

2. What was your grade average over all of high school?

3. How old were you when applying?...

My rough average for grades was around 80% (some college courses included) - Remember, grades aren't everything.  They'll look at other things you do (extracurriculars, life experience, etc.)

I applied at 24, turned 26 just after starting.  Does that make being "older" at 20 seem any better?  :P
...1. What was your grade average for your top 6 university level high school courses?

2. What was your grade average over all of high school?

3. How old were you when applying?...

1.  Remember that every high school/ province is different.  For example...a 90% in Nova Scotia is probably scaled differently then the same mark from Ontario, or even New Brunswick.  Personally, I went through the International Baccalaureate Programme (a university prep programme, similar in intent to the old grade 13 programme in Ontario)during High School and averaged a 6 (marking is completely different). 

2.  40/45 (refer to above)  I'm no expert, but I imagine there is no concrete academic average they come to every year.  From what I've heard from this forum and the recruiting center, extra curricula rs are quite important (like the reserves  :nod:)

3.  17, but I wouldn't cut yourself off too prematurely as "old" , look at Barts situation:

I applied at 24, turned 26 just after starting.  Does that make being "older" at 20 seem any better?  :P

Edited for for repetition :P
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