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Run Up to Election 2019

What Pride parade could Scheer go to where he wouldn't be attacked (verbally if not physically), maybe be milkshaked or worse. That is if they let him in. Pride hasn't been inclusive in a number of years banning police and military from the events as well as supporting anti-Semitic BDS groups and BLM movements.
Brad Sallows said:
>when the only federal leader who does not go and refuses to explain his position, it’s  been mostly awkward avoidance and talking points it plays right I to the “secret agenda” or “intolerance” narrative.

If this is all just people who wouldn't vote for him under any circumstances, it hardly matters.  Try to imagine the voter who is waiting to switch from not-CPC to CPC on the basis of whether or not the leader attends a Pride event.  What kind of person is that?  How many of them are there?

This is about making Scheer bend the knee.  Does kowtowing to Goodale's gambit benefit Scheer?  Suppose Scheer attends.  Possible responses from the critics:
1) Thank you, Andrew! Way to go.
2) Oh, he doesn't really mean it.  He's just doing this because Goodale called him out.

I don't think there's a scenario in which Scheer wins, but there is a scenario in which he looks weak and willing to pander.

An out for Scheer is for one of the Pride Event organizations to actually invite him to a parade. Morden Manitoba had a pride parade this year, that town is in the Mennonite heartland of the Red River. That would be a safe space for him. (pun intended)

Edit to add: The Ottawa Pride Committee announced that they would not invite Scheer to their event. So he can always say he'll go if invited.
Brad Sallows said:
>when the only federal leader who does not go and refuses to explain his position, it’s  been mostly awkward avoidance and talking points it plays right I to the “secret agenda” or “intolerance” narrative.

If this is all just people who wouldn't vote for him under any circumstances, it hardly matters.  Try to imagine the voter who is waiting to switch from not-CPC to CPC on the basis of whether or not the leader attends a Pride event.  What kind of person is that?  How many of them are there?

This is about making Scheer bend the knee.  Does kowtowing to Goodale's gambit benefit Scheer?  Suppose Scheer attends.  Possible responses from the critics:
1) Thank you, Andrew! Way to go.
2) Oh, he doesn't really mean it.  He's just doing this because Goodale called him out.

I don't think there's a scenario in which Scheer wins, but there is a scenario in which he looks weak and willing to pander.

Of course it’s a no win scenario.  Damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t. 
Remius said:
Of course it’s a no win scenario.  Damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t.

...but then again, politics isn’t ever a 100% win scenario either, just a ‘win enough’ scenario. :nod:
I can’t be 100% sure but there is a method to this.  The LPC timing for this was pretty good.  Hit the CPC during Pride week.  CPC goes on the defensive.  Trudeau goes to the G7, will look statesman like there, make announcements etc.  All good PR and will contrast with Trump.  So a week of bad press for Scheer and Trudeau gets a freebie PR event with the G7. 

Anyone want to put money that the LPC might keep up with the momentum by launching another attack after the G7. 

Remius said:
Damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t.

Showing up at parades in this town was usually simple enough for politicians.

eg: At the recent Raptors parade, the PM and mayor were cheered.

Doug, not so much,

Neil MacDonald sums up the coming election quite well.

Remius said:
Neil MacDonald sums up the coming election quite well.

From the article: 
"In a sense, though, the sign does nicely capture the current election campaign – a contest of angry resentment, invective, ad hominem hurling and spewing."

Is MacDonald reflecting on the "Trudeau Sucks" sign in Manotick, or this site's Politics 'discussions'?  :pop:

If anyone is interested in comparing promises assessed between this government and the former one.


I found the transactional vs transformational difference interesting.

Also this line was telling:

Overall, governments in Canada have good records when it comes to keeping promises, Petry said. Polls, on the other hand, have long shown that most Canadians think politicians are liars, even though voters have generally done a poor job keeping tabs on party pledges.
Well this is still in the news.

Why Scheer waited this long to respond and now keeping it it in the media is beyond understanding.


Just watched Rachel Curran comment on this.  She is a staunch Harper conservative pundit and even she criticized how Scheer and his team are handling this...
Remius said:
Well this is still in the news.

Why Scheer waited this long to respond and now keeping it it in the media is beyond understanding.


Just watched Rachel Curran comment on this.  She is a staunch Harper conservative pundit and even she criticized how Scheer and his team are handling this...

I'm afraid Scheer is trying to run a razor's edge between a significant special interest group within the party that favors pro-life and wants the issue before parliament, and an equally significant group (mostly in Quebec) that are pro choice and want it kept off the floor.

His position is that the government will not bring it to the floor for either debate or a vote BUT he won't stand against a private member's bill and a free vote. (Which I would hope would go down to defeat)

My riding is changing it's long term Conservative member to a relatively young lady who expresses great devotion to her faith and touts her pro-life stance. I've already fired off a missive saying that displeases me, however, I think her enablers in the riding association are of the same ilk as she is. Quite frankly, if it wasn't for the fact that I think Trudeau is a mor@n and that the liberal party machinery is corrupt I'd be seriously considering changing my vote here.

There's not much room anymore for fiscal conservative/socially liberal centrists anymore.

I'm planning to put three signs on my lawn here in Ottawa. A Green, NDP and Conservative just to show my displeasure at the Liberals. My riding is yellow dog Liberal so it won't really make any difference except getting the neighbours talking.
What do you suppose would happen if you put a pro-life or no same-sex marriage sign on your lawn?

The Liberals used the "he'll rescind abortion laws" and "he'll overturn gay marriage" in several elections won by Mr Harper. Neither of those things happened. At what point is this crying wolf no more than  :deadhorse: ?
Jarnhamar said:
What do you suppose would happen if you put a pro-life or no same-sex marriage sign on your lawn?

I’ve seen pro life signs up here and there.  No fires that I know of.  No same sex marriage sign a might elicit more reaction.

ModlrMike said:
The Liberals used the "he'll rescind abortion laws" and "he'll overturn gay marriage" in several elections won by Mr Harper. Neither of those things happened. At what point is this crying wolf no more than  :deadhorse: ?

Remember what Minister McKenna was seen saying; "If you say it long enough and loud enough people will believe it."  Climate change, same sex marriage, pro-choice, racism, islamophobia, gun control, immigration.  Same MO - different message.
FJAG said:
There's not much room anymore for fiscal conservative/socially liberal centrists anymore.

Made a complaint to EC today. I believe the federal representative in my riding is illegally campaigning during the provincial election. Specifically, the words re-elect are now affixed to her signs in advance of the federal election being officially called. I notice by comparison, no other signs carry these words, except for current sitting MPPs; as one would expect.

As a result, I believe that she is a) illegally campaigning in advance of the writ, b) illegally spending on campaign advertising, and c) sewing confusion in the provincial riding.

We'll see what EC has to say. :worms: :stirpot: