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Selection Dates 2013-2018

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Looks like I'll be missing May 26th as well. Just waiting on my background check which was submitted in March... I was really hoping it would be done by now.

Oh well, more time to train right? I just hope the next selection for WEng Tech isn't months away.
mswirski said:
Looks like I'll be missing May 26th as well. Just waiting on my background check which was submitted in March... I was really hoping it would be done by now.

Oh well, more time to train right? I just hope the next selection for WEng Tech isn't months away.

There is a Enhanced reliability screening and a background check, enhanced reliability screening took me 3 months to clear (Haven't left Canada, no criminal record, and good credit.) The background check is only supposed to take 14 business from the day it was initiated.
AlphaBravo said:
There is a Enhanced reliability screening and a background check, enhanced reliability screening took me 3 months to clear (Haven't left Canada, no criminal record, and good credit.) The background check is only supposed to take 14 business from the day it was initiated.

Interesting. My file manager said that it would be 2 to 4 weeks for the background check to clear, and that's what we were waiting on. I was under the impression it was just taking towards the long side of that, and would be finished shortly after the 26th.
AlphaBravo said:
There is a Enhanced reliability screening and a background check, enhanced reliability screening took me 3 months to clear (Haven't left Canada, no criminal record, and good credit.) The background check is only supposed to take 14 business from the day it was initiated.

Did you call them to find out if your enhanced reliability screening was cleared or did they call you?
I did my CFAT Feb. 4th at New West and I just got word yesterday from a reference that he'd been called.
AlphaBravo said:
I emailed a person who works at HQ I think and they replied, and then my reference was called on Tuesday, so I am hoping to hear news soon... As for Pilot, I was certain you would have been contacted soon considering your under the ROTP but from what I hear ROTP selections are done fairly soon.

DEO Pilot is Direct Entry, not Regular Officer Training Plan
AlphaBravo said:
I emailed a person who works at HQ I think and they replied, and then my reference was called on Tuesday, so I am hoping to hear news soon... As for Pilot, I was certain you would have been contacted soon considering your under the ROTP but from what I hear ROTP selections are done fairly soon.

I am applying as DEO. I was told I got in at a weird time for DEO pilot because they were concentrating on ROTP at the moment. However he did say that they would be going back to concentrating on DEO June 2nd. I don't know if I buy that but there's nothing to do but wait. Also, I was one of those people who's file was lost. After not getting a call back in 3 months I called them and they said they needed a bunch of stuff. I did that in late January and was given a CFAT date within a few days. But I also have immediate family members outside of Canada so that's going to hold it up too.
AlphaBravo said:
Just an educated guess, around the middle of August.

What makes you say August? From what I've seen and read on here I was thinking it would be closer to June or July.
My recruiter said that 26 may selection date is for Armoured Soldier and propably some other trade  :cdn: Finger Cross !
I was told Infantry as well, 500 positions this year! Best of luck to all!! :salute:
Anyone know how long it takes for offers to start to roll out? I know tomorrow is the big day but not sure how long it takes for offers to roll.  I've had my fingers crossed for a while now like most of you.  In case you're wondering I applied for combat engineer last fall and have been merit listed since April. Good luck to all!
scubasteve said:
Anyone know how long it takes for offers to start to roll out? I know tomorrow is the big day but not sure how long it takes for offers to roll.  I've had my fingers crossed for a while now like most of you.  In case you're wondering I applied for combat engineer last fall and have been merit listed since April. Good luck to all!

I was told that the Selection date is today (May 26th) and it may take up to a few days for the Recruiting Center to receive those names. I was told that if I don't hear anything after a few days from today, to call my file manager and see if they have the names yet.
By the way, I selected Veh Tech, and that is being selected today as well.

Newguy1 said:
I completed my interview, medical and cfat and background check about a month ago, they told me wait a couple weeks to put u on the merit list, called today to check again, said it will be another week, so looks like I will  miss the selection date for the 26th of May.

Any idea when the next selection for RMS clerk will be?

23 Jun. 
Brandonfw said:
I was told that the Selection date is today (May 26th) and it may take up to a few days for the Recruiting Center to receive those names. I was told that if I don't hear anything after a few days from today, to call my file manager and see if they have the names yet.
By the way, I selected Veh Tech, and that is being selected today as well.


Well, I guess ill call my new file manager on wednesday/thuraday to see if ive been selected.

Been waiting months for this week.

Just a question, does anyone know what all is in the enrollment package? I know theres things like a will&testiment, but what else is in it? Im just curious so I can start gathering related documents..

Thanks in advance
Jordan10 said:
Has anybody received a call?  Let's hope those offers are coming out soon!

No call yet, should start rolling out starting tomorrow I'd guess.

Selection date being the 26th (day 1), so the first day is administration picking the people to fill the trades and possibly sending the names out to the recruiting offices for contact. Today the 27th (day 2) would likely be used for further recruiting office contact. And tomorrow the 28th (day3) would be the day all the offices start making contact.

This is basically what I'd guess but I could be wrong.. Have been before, will be again...
Was told by my recruiting centre to call this Friday and that I should be merit listed then. When would the next time be likely for ACISS/NCM selections? Good luck to all who made it onto the list for this round!
Anxiously awaiting with baited breath hoping my son gets his call this selection round! I'd love for him to have his future set before graduation on June 14th! The waiting is very stressful, just hoping his call comes shortly!
chimo2u said:
Anxiously awaiting with baited breath hoping my son gets his call this selection round! I'd love for him to have his future set before graduation on June 14th! The waiting is very stressful, just hoping his call comes shortly!

What is your son merit listed for if you dont mind my asking?
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