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*Server Is Under High Stress*

          Well last night at 11pm wasn't able to get on at all  . This morning at 10:36 its hit or miss .
FastEddy said:

We have 17,350 +/- members, and if we each sent "MIKE" a dollar, I'm sure he could really upgrade  this site.

The site's hardward was recently replaced by something quite capable. I dont think its related to the current slowdown, but thats just me.
It is (at 1100 Hrs Central) going at the normal high speed, again, after a day or so of on-again/off-again slowdowns.
CDN Aviator said:
The site's hardward was recently replaced by something quite capable. I dont think its related to the current slowdown, but thats just me.

Something's glitching though --

My unread topics won't disappear even when I click them and tell them to!!
ArmyVern said:
Something's glitching though --

My unread topics won't disappear even when I click them and tell them to!!
Same here. And everything is very slow to load up. Got any ideas to what the problem may be, Mike?
ArmyVern said:
My unread topics won't disappear even when I click them and tell them to!!

Mine don't either but the site speed is okay.
Site speed and forum functions, normal here on the Rock.(for me, that is)
Site speed and forum functions are all normal for me. ::)
the 'mark all messages as read function" doesnt seem to be performing correctly for me over here
Working on getting things sorted folks, sorry about the delay! I was off in the woods for the weekend so I was out of touch. Figures things would fall apart.
LOL you knew this would happen. BTW check your email Mike I sent you some info.
GUNS said:
Everything is running smoothly on this end>

Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! Not here. It's taking a full 4 minutes for my pages to load.

It's worse than the 0400-0500 site back-up lag that I'm used to.

So, because I'm so frustrated ... I'm going to bed to catch some zzzzzz's (yes, a miracle I know) ...

and will come back later once all you riff-raff (:-*) have headed off to bed in the hopes that it will be faster.  ;D