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Shortened recruiting times

AoD71 said:
Although I took slightly longer than 2 months, I went by quick too. After doing my PT test (the last part of my application process) I asked the recruiter if she could give me an idea as to how long I will probably wait to goto basic. She told me that I'm looking at around march at that point (this was about 2 weeks ago, mid nevember). Less than a week later I get the call saying I'm going for January 9th! I tell you that REALLY threw me off, but I cant complain since I wanted to make it ASAP.

I hope that happens for me too; I just got back from the RC and I'm finally merit listed and they said I may get an offer around February. I'm hoping it's before that but with the holiday break and everything I don't think it will be right away.
Usman_Syed said:
Ive heard they have this form, that if signed will allow you to start early but it means if there is a problem with your file you maybe pulled out of the CF or have to halt. The only thing with it was it, it was only for first time applicants, people who have already had an attempt or had file closed and re-opened cannot do it. Not sure about this but have heard quite a bit about.

The form you have probably heard about is the one that is used for enrolling an applicant without the medical being back from the RMO's office.  This is only done if the medical goes out of the recruiting office with a recommendation of fit by the PA.  All of the other requirements are still required, the reliability check and pt test must still be done.  The form states that if the applicant ends up being below the common enrolment standards (CEMS) they will be released, but if they are below the occupational medical standards for the occupation for which they enrol but meet the CEMS, "...training will cease pending the outcome of administrative and medical decisions to determine the suitability for continued service.". "Statement of Understanding, Enrolment Pending Part 3 Medical Approval"

This allows some applicants a faster application/enrolment process, getting them into the system and hopefully into training faster.  I haven't heard of it only applying to "new" applications though.  If there was a medical issue that was raised the last time an applicant applied or if they are re-enrolling but released with medical issues then this form would not be applicable and they would have to wait till the medical part 3 returned from the RMO's office.
Can someone please tell me if you are applying for Armour or Infantry do you need to go through the selection board process? I am getting conflicting info on this and would like to know because I am waiting for my file to go through Borden. Also what does it mean to be Merrit listed, and when should/does this happen? I was never told anything about Merrit listing and my application process is complete. Thank you to anyone who can answer any of my questions. :salute:
When you finish your application process, you are put on a merit list. It is exactly that - a list. How high you are put on it depends on how competetive you are, how well you did during you app. process: basically how much the CF wants you. Lets say you do very well, so you are placed high on the list above your peers. If they are, for example, taking 500 applicants into the Infantry, the top 500 people going for that position will get it. If you are done the app. process, chances are that you are on the List.
Wow, congrats on getting in, however fast.  I’m going to start the process in January when I get back to Toronto.  I’m going to try for the RESO program in the communication reserve.  I hope I can do it this summer, so I’ll need to get on the ball ASAP.  I’m pensive about the processing time though, my friend, a Sig. Op, told me that I should have started last November.  These accounts of fast processing times give me hope. I have lived in Canada my entire life, I took a month and a half vacation in Chicago (shouldn’t be a security issue I hope) and I’m 100% fit now although I did have an aneurysm about 4 years ago.  (Totally recovered and no chance of future complications)  I could do the physical now (yes I’ve self tested, the running part was close).  I hope I’m not disqualified out of hand because of a medical condition in my past that won’t affect my future performance… :-) but one never knows.

Before I forget, thanks to those of you who have taken the time to answer the questions others have put on this board.  I got a lot of useful information from your responses.  It is good to see people who are genuinely helpful.  I hope I get a chance to repay your service.  :-D
Thanks for the reply, I qualified for almost every trade so I'm hoping I am high on that list. The MCC told me they still needed 233 for Armour and even higher for Infantry, my first and second choices. So my chances should be good. Does anyone know if your file goes through a selection board for Combat Arms, or can you be selected all the time?
Combat Arms occupations are still real time and do not need to go through the selection boards with the other trades, what is left of them that is.
Thanks, good to know. I Guess I could get a call any day then. Can you tell me what the process involves when they are hiring for Combat Arms? Do they do hiring on a regional or national basis?
AWood said:
Thanks, good to know. I Guess I could get a call any day then. Can you tell me what the process involves when they are hiring for Combat Arms? Do they do hiring on a regional or national basis?

Therefore my file was still sent to go through some type of selection in Borden?
AWood said:
Therefore my file was still sent to go through some type of selection in Borden?

I am pretty sure that I have covered this a hundred times before but....

After you are interviewed the Military Career Counselor (MCC) assigns your file a score.  Once you have completed the necessary steps to be eligible to be merit listed, you are and that score is used to determine where you are in the merit list you will be and if you will get selected.  Merit listing is a simple click of a button on a computer screen by a clerk and your file doesn't go anywhere unless you are applying for Direct Entry Officer (soon to change).  If you are merit listed high enough and there are enough positions you will be selected and because you are applying for a combat arms job you are pretty well guaranteed to be selected.
Thank you, that is sweet music to my ears. Sorry if you've been over it in other posts but the search function isn't all that specific. I appreciate your time.
        This is great news to me, as i am able to re-apply as of May1st 2006. I was thinking that I would have to wait like 5 months until actually being set up for a BMQ, but as these people have been put through about 2 months later, thats just awesome. I'll be applying for Infantry soldier, which shouldnt be a problem as im sure they're in demand right now. Working out at the gym is my priority until then. I'm absolutely stoked...
Well people, I had my CFAT yesterday and it went well enough to have an interview this friday for the infantry officer position...I'm kind of wondering if I'll be offered that position...anybody has thoughts about this...

I think I've read from Kinkanucks that these days, if the file of the candidate doesn't have any blurrs in it, that it is almost automatic...but I don't want to presume anything...just not my type...but I gotta tell you, the suspense is killing me !