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SLT for summer of '08

With respect to ArmyVern's post - I would think that having SLT offered solely through distance would be a bit of a hindrance since one would think that there would be less focus/time put into the process. 

I always find that learning languages is best through Immersion, followed by classroom settings and then finally distance.  It would be interesting to see what happens with the end of traditional SLT, if that is what happens.
megsy said:
With respect to ArmyVern's post - I would think that having SLT offered solely through distance would be a bit of a hindrance since one would think that there would be less focus/time put into the process. 

I always find that learning languages is best through Immersion, followed by classroom settings and then finally distance.  It would be interesting to see what happens with the end of traditional SLT, if that is what happens.

I don't think that the move is to eliminate the SLT Courses from the classroom setting. The exerpt from the email from Ottawa that I posted didn't say that. There are still those MOSIDs/Positions that need that BBB/CCC profile -- they'll still get the in-house courses. It's everyone else who won't. Op tempo & personnel taskings have been a huge hinderance to SLT ... who has time or what Unit can really afford to have their personnel away for a year on SLT given the manning shortages we face?

The DL seems to be directed towards all those personnel who apply for, but are denied, "in-house" SLT either by their CoC (who can't afford to lose them when the course is "not required") or by the system itself who needs to concentrate on getting pers/posns into the few "in-house" spots that are available.

People like me, who've been asking for it for years to hear "no, no, no" will be the beneficiaries of DL delivery. We'll be volunteering for it -- as no one who "requires" it will be doing DL; so, perhaps we may get something out of it because we have shown the interest. We'll get out of it - whatever we put into it.

SLT spots on in-house are becoming tighter each passing course. The heads-up on the forthcoming policy that will require CF members being promoted to CWO to posess a "BBB" profile as of 2011 certainly won't see any increased "in-house" space availbility ... so they've had to step outside the box to come up with something else for the rest of us.

It's certainly not going to be the same as "being there", but I hope it's sucessful. A DL delivery is better than no delivery, and that's pretty much what it comes down to these days.

I'm being posted to a position that is bilingual, BBB.  I wonder if I'll finally get a French course?  ::)
Imagine being a linguist for the CF.  When I was in Sigs, I worked with a couple.  Mostly these linguist guys hang out with EW or Intel folks.  One MCPL I worked with in Kingston was proficient in English, French, Russian and so-so Kurdish (I believe) - the latter 3 languages were taught to him in the CF.  Imagine how long that took.


p.s I still believe SLT is a waste of time for most MOCs