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Stupid question about Basic - Aggression

misfit said:
Wake up you wuss. You're setting yourself up for a wolrd of hurt with that wimp attitude. What are you really worried about?? Sombody calling you names? Smacking you in the face? Getting sworn at by some drill instructor? I'm sure nobody in your unit is going to "beat you up". You're joining a team that is supposed to work together.

As with any occupation in life - you WILL run into people that don't like you. Its up to you to deal with it. If you are looking for a place where everyone will love you - stay at home with mommy.

So what's your claim to fame, Sparky?  You're empty profile leaves your comments unqualified and sum up as trolling.  Spock already indicated that he felt he could do what he had to when the time comes.  I would rather take my chances working with him from his posting tone, than someone who goes off for no apparent reason. 
BWT, there is no cost involved to use the spell checker.
Wow you figured out that I have never been in the Army before by looking at my profile! And that makes me unqualified to have an opinion? I've still been alive for 23 years. Maybe you should have realized that I wasn't actually claiming anything. I'm in the recruiting process - just like him.

misfit said:
Wow you figured out that I have never been in the Army before by looking at my profile! And that makes me unqualified to have an opinion? I've still been alive for 23 years. Maybe you should have realized that I wasn't actually claiming anything. I'm in the recruiting process - just like him.

ohhhhhh... 23 years of life experience.  Yep.  I'd surely be looking to you for advice.

Did it ever occur to you there are members of the Board with 23 years of service experience who are more than willing to provide advice to people with legitimate questions??  Those are the individuals whom should be providing advice. 

Until you have some *time in* or real living experience, you're advice is worth exactly what was paid for it.  Nothing.
misfit said:
Wake up you wuss. You're setting yourself up for a wolrd of hurt with that wimp attitude. What are you really worried about?? Sombody calling you names? Smacking you in the face? Getting sworn at by some drill instructor? I'm sure nobody in your unit is going to "beat you up". You're joining a team that is supposed to work together.

As with any occupation in life - you WILL run into people that don't like you. Its up to you to deal with it. If you are looking for a place where everyone will love you - stay at home with mommy.

misfit said:
Wow you figured out that I have never been in the Army before by looking at my profile! And that makes me unqualified to have an opinion? I've still been alive for 23 years. Maybe you should have realized that I wasn't actually claiming anything. I'm in the recruiting process - just like him.

Misfit, you are currently on verbal warning and are facing the possibility of going up in the system if you keep on your current track, you've been cautioned before and ignored it, I suggest you rethink your course of action.

Maybe you can take some of the advice meted out above....?

The ball is in your court.

Army.ca Staff

If your profile is true, you are'nt even in the army! You are on an enormous training base, populated mostly by recruits and senior (10yrs +) troops of the CSS variety. You have never met a unit of cbt arms soldiers, much less worked with one, been deployed or seen a situation where people ended up dead. You don't know the first thing about military ethos, real teamwork outside a school or anything else regarding the "pointy end".

As such, you are Supremely unqualified to make assertations regarding what is "good" or not for soldiers, or what recruits should be taught.

In short, I find your statements to be inconsistent with fact, truth, common knowledge and accepted wisdom.

I just hope you end up as a sysadmin in a basement somewhere so I don't have to worry about your pacifist "don't kill anyone" spewing *** watching my back.

Well I never said that I wouldn't kill anybody, I'm just not a person that is obsessed with killing people. I understand the need for training, and I wish I was doing combat training right now instead of PRETC. Yes I like to think that I'm not in the army right now, because PRETC is a shithole. I'm all for controlled aggression, and think it's needed for any person who is in the profession of arms. As for CSS, yes I know that I'm not a real member of the army because I'm not a member of an combat arm.
"As for CSS, yes I know that I'm not a real member of the army because I'm not a member of an combat arm"

- Whoever told you that is full of sh_t.  Soldier First - Tradesman Second, is the standard. .  Care to guess how many Allied attacks were stalled on the East and West fronts by German Kampfgruppen made up of cooks, CSS drivers, teamsters, mechanics and Flak troops?

-If you are NOT a REAL member of the Army - called "Soldiers" by the way - I guess that means an inferior commitment and leadership level that means all "any trade/any classification" leadership slots - Base Comd, Base RSM - will go only to Cbt A?

Is that what you mean?  Because Lions CANNOT be lead by Sheep, and if you are not a real member...

A soldier is a soldier is a soldier.  We ALL have our part to play, and ALL parts are important in winning the battle.

ALL parts.

zipperhead_cop said:
Besides, correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't you asking more about getting **** (a military term, not a sexual one) while on course than being able to do the job of a soldier?  I think we may have digressed a bit.

You're right zipperhead, my issue is not if I can shoot a Taliban in the face in a combat zone, I just want to make sure that I won't get **** by everyone in Basic because I'm not a pushy guy. I don't want to take my aggression out on someone wearing the same uniform as me.
Don't worry the PSP staff will bring out your aggressive side when they make you hop around and play thoose stupid simon says games.
I heard those "Simon Says" game are specifically intended to annoy the living daylight out of you...
spock said:
I heard those "Simon Says" game are specifically intended to annoy the living daylight out of you...

What else would they be for ?

BMQ isnt a big hugfest  ::)
spock said:
You're right zipperhead, my issue is not if I can shoot a Taliban in the face in a combat zone, I just want to make sure that I won't get **** by everyone in Basic because I'm not a pushy guy. I don't want to take my aggression out on someone wearing the same uniform as me.

All the other stuff we have said here, and you can't use the term c_ck???? Rooster okay?  Is that a term that isn't allowed to be used in the ranks anymore?  Sorry if I'm out of date.  "Back in the day" that was the premere term of choice, with a bunch of qualifiers--rooster soup, roster-fest, mighty rooster, etc. 
Jeez, all of a sudden I feel older.... :P
Demonstration Position.................... I didn't say change yet, change!!!!

I fully realize soldier first, tradesperson second. I realize the need for controlled aggression, and would be prepared to use deadly force to save any member of an allied force or innocents. Everybody should be prepared to do that if they are a member of the CF, however I simply state that a member should never become to fond of killing in my own opinion.
Futuretrooper said:
I fully realize soldier first, tradesperson second.
But just a few posts ago you stated that you realised you were'nt part of the real army?  ???

I realize the need for controlled aggression, and would be prepared to use deadly force to save any member of an allied force or innocents.
How do you know who is innocent? Of what? This is why we have ROE, so that people like you don't turn doing their job into a moral quandry. The ROE state when to shoot and when not to. The last Afghani that was killed in Afghanistan was probably not guilty of any crime. But it was still the right thing to do to shoot him.

Everybody should be prepared to do that if they are a member of the CF, however I simply state that a member should never become to fond of killing in my own opinion.
Why? Some of the most decorated soldiers and pilots openly stated that they loved their jobs. They would continue to fly/fight, volunteering for missions, flying injured and forfeiting leave in order to do so. They were part of the reason we won two world wars.

Killing is not a bad thing, when applied properly, and enjoying it is a personal issue. I enjoy hunting, and eating what I kill, why should'nt I? Soldiers killing the enemy in Iraq and Afghanistan right now are making the western world a safer and more prosperous place - why should they not enjoy that?

I grew up in a military family, and enjoyed my own time in.  I'm not saying that soldiers should be raving lunatics, but there is no reason you have to see killing as essentially evil.  Slaughtering the defenseless is without honour or merit, but killing your enemy in battle is not something to be ashamed of.  Like most of us, I guess I always yearned for the chance to put myself to the test; to go into battle and put my skills and training to the ultimate test.  War is not a game that gives silver medals, its not a game at all, and we didn't train to lose.  It may not be the brightest response in the world, but I always loved being a soldier, and the higher the stakes, the more I loved it.  It doesn't make you a psycho, it makes you a motivated soldier.
I was recently asked by one of my children whether I thought I could kill someone when I told them I wanted to deploy to Afghanistan upon completion of my training.  After I thinking about it, I told him that I didn't look forward to killing someone but I was absolutely prepared to do so.  I don't relish taking anyones life but at the end of the day, in this business, shit happens.  The way I look at it, if I am put in the position of killing someone it will be because either I/my colleagues or the mission are threatened and any combattant willing to do so had better be prepared to fight to the end.  I don't think it makes me a hero nor do I necessarily think it makes me *aggressive* per se.  I think it is simply a survival instinct.

Would I be prepared to walk out on the street in Canada and kill someone.  Of course not.  That is legally culpable homicide.  In combat?  You wanna bet your bottom dollar.  Would I think twice about it?  I hope not... atleast not until after I had finished the job.
Kids ask the darnedest things, don't they?  My daughter was watching me gear up before work about a month ago (just turned 4) and as always was interested in the items on my belt.  This time she noticed my black Hatch search gloves and was asking what they were for:

D--What are those for?
Me--To protect my hands
Me--Because sometimes I have to grab bad guys and hold onto them.
D--Why do you have to grab them?
Me--Some bad guys don't want to go to jail and they get all squirmy and try to run away.  Gloves help me hold onto them.
D--Oh.  Then you kill them?
Me--Oh, jeez.  No honey, we don't kill them.  We take them to jail.
D--Why don't you kill them?
Me--Because that would be bad, and I would get in big trouble.
D--Who would you get in trouble from?
Me--My bosses at work.
Thinks on this factoid for about 30 seconds and,
D--Daddy, you need a new boss. 

She never did get why I was laughing for about half an hour on that one. 

Seriously, though, explaining the role of infantry to or any combat situation to a child would be a huge chore.  I was watching a program the other night and there was a man getting ready to deploy to Iraq and was having a sit down with his 13 year old daughter.  Both are trying to be strong and brave, and both were having an equally hard time fighting back tears.  Gotta say I was a bit choked myself.
I don't envy any of you that will have to have a conversation like that someday.  :salute:
zipperhead_cop said:
Seriously, though, explaining the role of infantry to or any combat situation to a child would be a huge chore.  I was watching a program the other night and there was a man getting ready to deploy to Iraq and was having a sit down with his 13 year old daughter.  Both are trying to be strong and brave, and both were having an equally hard time fighting back tears.  Gotta say I was a bit choked myself.
I don't envy any of you that will have to have a conversation like that someday.   :salute:

Wow, my issue is completely different. My problem is trying to convince my mother, who's my sole guardian and an immigrant with no military knowledge whatsoever, to let me join the army reserves. That took some doing... When I got passed that, it was my aunt, who thought I was crazy for wanting to join the military, even if it is part-time. She thought that only poor people and people with problems in their life join the army, because that was the perception of the military back in China. Boy, it took me a long long time to convince them that that wasn't the case.