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Stupid question about Basic - Aggression

spock said:
Thx guys, I guess my description of "gentle" wasn't the best one. I avoid fights to avoid getting into trouble (ie: getting suspended and stuff), I usually try to keep away from the mess of it all, and in school, I try to deal with others in non-violent ways, even if they're acting aggressive towards me, once again, because I myself don't want to get punished by the authority because I retaliated (remember in school, how they said you should always try to solve things in a civilized matter? I took that to heart). That being said, if necessary, I can and will defend myself and my dignity. But thank you guys for the heads up.

Sounds like you'd do fine, judging from my own basic (it was officer basic, though, so it might be a little different). You'll get ribbing - from the instructors and your buddies - but I never found it to be too excessive. Some people tend to catch more s--- than others, but that's usually a function of their performance (or lack thereof) rather than their character. Having a laid-back character is a good thing, as long as you put the drive in when necessary. It helps you deal with stress. If you put in your best effort, keep standard (or better), and keep on top of things, you shouldn't have any problems with anyone worth their salt.

Thx guys, but I'm curious, what were the worst BMQ experiences you guys have had. It might prepare me for the real thing, at least give me an idea of it. I'm joining the reserves by the way.
Waking up at 4:45am, and hiking with all my kit to the bus stop every morning. The course was a breeze, getting across the city was the challenge...  ::)
spock said:
Thx guys, but I'm curious, what were the worst BMQ experiences you guys have had. It might prepare me for the real thing, at least give me an idea of it. I'm joining the reserves by the way.

Stop worrying man, you got a messed up attitude you're scared shitless before even getting on the course im on BMQ and people dont say shit unless youu f*ck up I wont lie we have one guy hes a f*ck up and he takes a lot of shit from my section because we're always doing extra push ups because of him he's always late fucks up inspections, doesnt clean up after himself, buttons undone..if you do that stuff and youre told to correct it like this individual and you still manage to fuck up then done blame your buddies..blame yourself...and dont worry this aint jarhead you dont get some shiet engraved into u just do your shit and stop being a p*ssy.
Watching John G**y get fired into his locker by the MCpl, have the locker flung about, and us having to free the fellow later, after the MCpl had left.  But, these are not cro-magnon days any more, and you wont be attending BMQ with the cast and crew of Full Metal Jacket (well worth watching if you want to see what basic used to be like).

In Battle School I had a Sgt tell me he was going to touch me.  I backed up a step, thinking he was going to fondle me.  I sought clarification, and he informed me that because of enforcement of human rights he couldn't just hit the lint ball of my epaulette, so he was asking permission to remove it.  I replied that I probably would have been more comfortable if he had simply knocked it off with his pace stick.  He responded by throwing all of my FNC1 EIS out the window into 4 feet of mid-winter Manitoba snow. I acknowledged with steadfast silence.

I've done three basic courses.  BMT/GMT as a reserve, Basic Trg in Cornwallis, and Basic Officer Trg in Chilliwack.  All three had their ups and downs, and if you ask each person here to describe theirs, you will get as many different answers.  Ultimately, there is a lot of fun to be had, and a lot of difficulties to swallow.  Sometimes it will feel like you are drinking from the fire hose, but eventually, they turn of the water.  Its not so bad.
spock said:
I just handed in my application for the reserves yesterday, but I was wondering, in Basic, will the guys pick on you if you're not aggressive? I'm 17 and a pretty gentle guy, I've never gotten into a fight ever in my life. My mom was asking about it, I told her not to worry, since it is the canadian military and hopefully they won't tolerate that kind of crap. But I still want to make sure.

The Cdn military is no different from the US military in terms of aggressive tendencies. Unacceptable behaviour, in the CF, no... Just keep records of everything bad that happens, have 50 or so witnesses willing to back you up and yes, you can successfully report unacceptable behaviour to your superiors. Don't worry about a thing, your superiors won't care.
-spock- I just handed in my application for the reserves yesterday, but I was wondering, in Basic, will the guys pick on you if you're not aggressive? I'm 17 and a pretty gentle guy, I've never gotten into a fight ever in my life. My mom was asking about it, I told her not to worry, since it is the canadian military and hopefully they won't tolerate that kind of crap. But I still want to make sure.

[Mod edit - completely inappropriate. Welcome to the warning system]
mac10inmymullet said:
Well spock, I see you've never been in a fight before. Since your still in high school, you should find a guy that picks on kids all the time. Call him on it and start a fight. Try to kick his butt in. If you like fighting, join the army. If it makes you feel uncomfortable, then maybe you should look elsewhere. If you win this fight though, you'll feel proud and cool. You will even have more ladies talking to you and checking you out. Thats how she goes bud. Thats how she goes. Contrarey to religious and popular belief, it is survival of the fittest.
mac, I'm not sure who you are or what kind of experience you have thanks to your blank profile. However, fighting people does not make you proud or cool. Get off your high horse and stop abusing spock for being a compassionate person. It takes a big man to knock somebody out, it takes a bigger man to see that it's not worth the effort and walk away. Perhaps you can learn from that instead of being all macho on the internet. I for one have never been in a fight and I've been in the army 3 years and I feel I made the right choice. Fighting does not the soldier make. Pick your fights carefully.
Big Foot said:
mac, I'm not sure who you are or what kind of experience you have thanks to your blank profile. However, fighting people does not make you proud or cool. Get off your high horse and stop abusing spock for being a compassionate person. It takes a big man to knock somebody out, it takes a bigger man to see that it's not worth the effort and walk away. Perhaps you can learn from that instead of being all macho on the internet. I for one have never been in a fight and I've been in the army 3 years and I feel I made the right choice. Fighting does not the soldier make. Pick your fights carefully.

I totally agree with you. I once saw this kid in High School that just moved from Serbia or Poland or something smacking and calling names to this hot chick. I beat him to hell and knocked out like 4 of his teeth. If you wouldn't have done the same then...well, time to rethink your morals about always walking away.
mac10inmymullet said:
I totally agree with you. I once saw this kid in High School that just moved from Serbia or Poland or something smacking and calling names to this hot chick. I beat him to hell and knocked out like 4 of his teeth. If you wouldn't have done the same then...well, time to rethink your morals about always walking away.

Yep.  That makes you my hero.... ::) 

I have no doubt that the nationality of your victim was as relevant to your story as the fact that the chick was *hot*.

I suggest you get a grip on yourself before you start lecturing others here about morality. 

To be frank, the last person I want in a uniform is someone who is incapable of self-discipline in difficult times.
mac10inmymullet said:
If you wouldn't have done the same then...well, time to rethink your morals about always walking away.
Not once did I say I always walk away. However, there are better ways of dealing with bullying than escalating force. I see absolutely no need to use excessive force in the situation you have just described. I think it is you who needs to re-think their morals.
Mullet if you don't stop acting like the neighbourhood thug with all your tough talk here you will soon wear out your welcome.

Start reading the Guidelines and the FAQs provided.

MSN and ICQ "short hand" -  http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/33247.0.html

Regarding the use of "MSN speak" versus the employment of prose which is correct in grammar, spelling and punctuation, please see: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/34015/post-260446.html#msg260446

Army.ca Conduct Guidelines: MUST READ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/24937.0.html

FRIENDLY ADVICE TO NEW MEMBERS - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/24937/post-259412.html#msg259412

Recruiting FAQ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/21101.0.html

I may not be army green but I know that self-discipline is the first thing a new CF member needs. Getting into fights or starting some does not sound very disciplined to me. Perhaps you would like to define discipline for us?

Truth Duty Valour
I love the great old jacking up if you didn't want to kill people you should have joined the police force, which then made me realize that in a few years I should join the RCMP.
mac, I'm not sure who you are or what kind of experience you have thanks to your blank profile. However, fighting people does not make you proud or cool. Get off your high horse and stop abusing spock for being a compassionate person. It takes a big man to knock somebody out, it takes a bigger man to see that it's not worth the effort and walk away. Perhaps you can learn from that instead of being all macho on the internet. I for one have never been in a fight and I've been in the army 3 years and I feel I made the right choice. Fighting does not the soldier make. Pick your fights carefully.

I totally agree with you. I once saw this kid in High School that just moved from Serbia or Poland or something smacking and calling names to this hot chick. I beat him to hell and knocked out like 4 of his teeth. If you wouldn't have done the same then...well, time to rethink your morals about always walking away.

Here's another situation for you, a guy was yelling at this girl that I was with, and I told him to stop and leave. He came up to me and started pushing me around, instead of getting into a fight with a drunken idiot I simply told him that I was going to get the police only a block down the road. I don't believe in walking away, but if something bad is happening to another person theirs always a better solution then fighting. As well if you seriously injure a person during a fight, or even kill a person how would you feel knowing you ruined your own life as well as somebody elses.
"As well if you seriously injure a person during a fight, or even kill a person how would you feel knowing you ruined your own life as well as somebody elses."

- Well, you have to consider a lot of things there, but what if you did NOT kill/disable the perp when you were legally allowed to do so, and next week he went out and ran over family of five with his souped up Civic? Or raped some kid?
C'mon TCBF, we "nintendo generation" types have been raised with Barney and Care Bears.

We don't fight, we talk and negotiate, and shake hands and everyone is happy.  ::)

For those of us back in the real world, violence is a rare but necessary evil. I'm pretty sure I would not be standing here today if I had let a number of young gang members surround me in a club here in Edmonton. I hit them back first - and the rest decided I was'nt worth the trouble. I have no doubt if I'd turned my back to walk away, there would have been a knife stuck in it. The people you need to worry about don't play by the rules.

Violence is a tool of last resort, used to protect life and property.
I stood toe to toe with numerous recruits at BMQ asking me what I am looking at or telling me they are gonna punch my face in going and alot of other people who told me they were gonna fix my attitude problem.

Never got into a fight though.

But then again I am a magnet for that kind of stuff,  throw a uniform on and it adds to the fun.