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Tattoo Photo Thread

Petamocto said:
Cheers for finding common ground on a thread, my friend.  It only took a dozen rehearsals, but we nailed it.


"I feel a great disturbance in the Force. As if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced."
Teeps74 said:
*For the record... Dole cocktail juice blown out through the nose, from laughing while drinking sucks...

Thanks for the laugh The Crowe.

Anytime. I was chuckling when I wrote it.

Towards_the_gap said:
Doesn't stop me from trying though.......

Journeyman said:
or even a former-thumperhead who now deploys to 5-star hotels merely because his trade wears flight-suits.  ;)

Hate the game, not the player.

I didn't read it to imply that any of you sensitive folks lacked professionalism, in the sense of being careless or incompetent.

Thank you Journeyman!  ;)

gunshy ;D
orange get your coat of arms on your chest! along with the family name motto.
This is the tattoo that will get you the most respect in the military:


Or not.
WSaunders said:
orange get your coat of arms on your chest! along with the family name motto.

Were you replying to CFN Orange, the original poster in this thread?

Are you aware he posted that  on January 28, 2004?

He also hasn't been active on the site since March 22, 2006.

Your advice may be a little late, but welcome to the site and thanks for participating.

im getting this done tomorrow
If that is your service number, I recommend blurring it out..  and I also wouldn't get my service number tattooed, but thats just me.

Whats the meaning behind the wings and star?
Ya thats my sn, but i was medical discharged and my file erased, so its a meaningless number to anyone but me. as for the wings and stars, thats just a personal thing.
Think again, your files (medical and personnel) can't just be erased.  They are legal, military documents and it must be retained and accessible for many years.
I've a few ideas for tattoo's but am worried about what they'll look like down the track. I've been in the Army 6 years now and am full of that green blood that flows through the institutionalised. I'm however, realistic enough to know that getting my unit hat badge tattooed above my left eye on my forehead is a bad choice.
I've always been tempted by getting the Corps badge on the inside of my bicep with smaller unit badges (4/19PWLH and 2/14 LHR (QMI)) flanking it, showing where I've been and who I've been with.
I love my Corps and I think that while the inside of the bicep will obviously be noticible it wont be too in your face. "Quiet professionalism" I think.

Either that or I could just get a massive pirate ship, being crewed by a skeleton captain, with "I love mother" down the side of it and instead of a main mast it'd have my service number! Then I'll have a battle scared Australian flag flying on it, representing all the battles I havent been in and shouldnt claim credit for. And I'll have to throw in a few "White Pride" references. And maybe the ship can be on fire! And there will be a dolphin jumping out of the water next to it... Yeah, I'll definately get that. That way I fit all the stereotypes in in one go! :p
I guess that means you'll be staying in for awhile to pay off the loan you'll have to take out to get that last one done?

My Two Cents

For anyone thinking of getting ink for the first time, I've noticed alot of advice that all says the same thing IE. "get something meaningful" my kids berthdate, flag of country I'm registered in ect.

I'm going to offer an alternitive idea, the tattoo you get should be entirely meaningless. Lets say you get some religious iconography proudly drilled into your flesh, and in ten years change your mind about said convictions (not my god, i voted for the other guy) well you then become a buddhist with an image of an ancient jewish guy getting tortured. However if you find a great artist and get a piece of meaningless art on your body, well then its always just going to be a piece of art, no matter how many personality changes you go through. I think most people gravitate towards astrological signs, tribal lines, or typical flash because they want a tattoo and yet possess no imagination what-so-ever; well thats why you pay the artist so much freaking money. You are commissioning an artist to create something for you. so give him/her an idea of some theme, general size and placement and the honus is on them. and if you dont like what they come up with, get em to draw it again!

But what do I know, lost count of tattoos after about sixty hours...
The Crowe said:
THIS I would love to see.

*drunken night - notices a pair of cadpat trousers in the corner*

'Man, I could really save time out in the field if I got this tattoo'd onto my face!

*runs off to tattoo shop*

*explains to artist - holds out a pair of combat trousers*

*lifetime of regret once sober; only magnified when they replace cadpat*

For the record, a buddy of mine has a sizeable amount of cadpat tattooed on his body.

When he first got it, "Show us your tattoo!" was immediately followed by an enthusiastic showing off of said tattoo.

Now "Show us your tattoo!" is followed only by an irritated "I don't have a tattoo".

It's actually quite a good job done on it though...
a Sig Op said:
For the record, a buddy of mine has a sizeable amount of cadpat tattooed on his body.

When he first got it, "Show us your tattoo!" was immediately followed by an enthusiastic showing off of said tattoo.

Now "Show us your tattoo!" is followed only by an irritated "I don't have a tattoo".

It's actually quite a good job done on it though...

I don't think it's just the Cadpat. The Jimmy in the middle, followed by "Signals Operator" across the top ices that cake. Or the Tattoo artist at Wasaga that laughed at him...