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The Caledonia, Ontario Superthread.

Maybe if the Government of the time had resolved the claim 20 or however many years it has been allowed to fester it would not have come to this.
OPP stop man from raising Canadian flag


May 25, 2009
The Hamilton Spectator
CALEDONIA (May 25, 2009)

A man was subdued by police during an attempt by a Caledonia group to raise the Canadian flag across from Douglas Creek Estates yesterday.

Neil Dring, editor of the Grand River Sachem, a local paper, said about 25 people attempted to march from the Lions Hall to a hydro pole across from the site of protest where about 40 First Nations people had gathered.

Dring said about 40 Ontario Provincial Police officers were on hand to discourage Canadian Advocates for Charter Equality (CANACE), led by Merlyn Kinrade. The group wanted to "symbolically" demonstrate that the town is still subjected to what they called two-tier justice.

"The natives were very upset," Dring said. "They said it was inciteful and they would never raise their flag in downtown Caledonia."

During the march, a yard sale was held at the home of Dana Chatwell and Dave Brown, whose home is next to Douglas Creek Estates.

Dring said a man attending the yard sale ran onto the Douglas Creek site with a Canadian flag when OPP officers ran to subdue him. He was not apparently connected to CANACE.

Other than that, the event went almost unnoticed, according to Dring.

The OPP could not be reached for comment.
McGuinty and Fantino are the ones at fault because of their inaction and condonance. Ottawa owes Ontario nothing for this. It should have been shut down the minute it started. McGuinty has to learn how to grow a pair. He can't put a ban, the only thing he knows, in place so he is lost as to what he can do. Let it be his legacy.
"Ontario police banned Canadian flag in occupied areas of Caledonia, court hears: HAMILTON -- Recent videos of two flag-waving marches along the main street in Caledonia, passing a site that has been occupied by native protesters since 2006, were shown in court on Thursday, starkly highlighting the different reactions of police to aboriginal marchers and Caledonia residents.:"

( An old topic, but I think this is where this update should go. )

"Helpless: Caledonia’s Nightmare of Fear and Anarchy, and How the Law Failed All of Us.":

November 14, 2010
"Christie Blatchford event shut down: Campus leftists are again showing their desire for free expression and free exchange of ideas, by shutting down yet another event that they don’t particularly agree with.":

"What was scheduled as a speech by Globe and Mail columnist Christie Blatchford turned sour tonight as protesters opposing the journalist's new book Helpless: Caledonia’s Nightmare of Fear and Anarchy, and How the Law Failed All of Us took over the stage.":

Apparently free speech only applies to those you want to hear..... ::)
Hey!  The OPP actually did something in Caledonia. 


A stunning development in Caledonia. We’ve learned that the OPP has raided a Catholic church and seized computers that are alleged to have contained child porn.

Police aren’t saying exactly what is on the computers, but they do say they were seized and are now being analyzed by both their crime unit and their child exploitation unit.

The OPP confirmed that it took the computers from St. Patricks Church in Caledonia which is right next door to St. Patrick’s Elementary School.

We tried to contact the priests who preside at St. Patrick’s Church but the phone would only go to voice message. And emails sent to the priests weren’t replied to.

On the church website the pastor is listed as Father Mario Fernandes. He became the parish priest in spring of last year. The other priest is Father Ronald M. Sequiera, a 34-year old priest from India who joined the church in August of 2013.

St. Patrick’s Church falls under the jurisdiction of the diocese of St. Catharines.

An official, speaking on behalf of Bishop Gerrard Bergie said that the diocese is aware of the allegation that child porn was on a computer at the parish office, and that computers at St. Patrick’s were confiscated, but they do not have any more information than that and they have not been in contact with St. Patricks Church as the investigation continues.

No charges have been laid. The police tell me this is an on going investigation. Their technology information department is working on it but have given no timeline about when they expect to wrap up their investigation and decide whether to lay charges.

Bruce Monkhouse said:
Hey!  The OPP actually did something in Caledonia. 


A stunning development in Caledonia. We’ve learned that the OPP has raided a Catholic church and seized computers that are alleged to have contained child porn.

Police aren’t saying exactly what is on the computers, but they do say they were seized and are now being analyzed by both their crime unit and their child exploitation unit.

The OPP confirmed that it took the computers from St. Patricks Church in Caledonia which is right next door to St. Patrick’s Elementary School.

We tried to contact the priests who preside at St. Patrick’s Church but the phone would only go to voice message. And emails sent to the priests weren’t replied to.

On the church website the pastor is listed as Father Mario Fernandes. He became the parish priest in spring of last year. The other priest is Father Ronald M. Sequiera, a 34-year old priest from India who joined the church in August of 2013.

St. Patrick’s Church falls under the jurisdiction of the diocese of St. Catharines.

An official, speaking on behalf of Bishop Gerrard Bergie said that the diocese is aware of the allegation that child porn was on a computer at the parish office, and that computers at St. Patrick’s were confiscated, but they do not have any more information than that and they have not been in contact with St. Patricks Church as the investigation continues.

No charges have been laid. The police tell me this is an on going investigation. Their technology information department is working on it but have given no timeline about when they expect to wrap up their investigation and decide whether to lay charges.

Whoopee!! A bunch of unarmed priests. Probably thought they were going to vote for Tim Hudak.
I'll just leave this here
