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The Poppy Selling Superthread- Merged

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Coffee for the canvaser who is standing out there in the cold.

I know of 2 or 3 outdoor places where canvassers are standing out there in the cold. buy a poppy (though I already have) and give em a coffee while on my way to work...

I place Xtra poppies on people who ask me about em... I tell em the story, pin it on them and encourage them to support cause & buy a poppy for someone else.
redleafjumper said:
Springroll, there are many things one might do.   You may not know this but as a former cadet with a set amount of service you are eligble to join your local legion as a voting associate member.   That would be a good start.   Second, volunteer a few hours to help on the campaign.   Many of the volunteers are older and some of the lifting, toting tasks are easier done by younger folks.   Driving canvassers, looking after poppy trays in hotels restaurants or bars, or even making a donation in addition to the small poppy donation would all help.

Thanks for asking!

I didn't know that i could join with my cadet service..thats cool!
Guess I have another task to add to my list...thanks for answering.

Good idea Geo, I think I will do that next time I see one. Thanks for the idea!
Poppy money is also used for student bursaries and to help with donations and funding for local mediacl equipment.
I went canvassing on the weekend, it is heartening to see so many people, some with very little, be willing to give.
was asked to speak to ma boy's class @ school....
ended up talking / taking questions from pert much entire high school....
though presentation was done in French, was well received & students were attentive. Positive!

Throat was parched.... (need beer :))
Right on Geo, people with your experience are sorely needed to do that job.  I have a slide show that I do for school groups of a visit I took to Europe several years ago to various Canadian Battlefields and war cemetaries from WW1 and WW2.  It is pretty humbling stuff.  I will be doing one presentation of it to a group at a senior's home.
When I picked my daughter up from Kindergarten today she noticed my poppy.  She said, "Daddy, those are to help us remember right?" 
I asked her what we are supposed to remember.
She said "They are supposed to help us remember all of the people that died so that we could be free in Canada."
Brought a tear to my eye.
She has a good teacher.
No poppy without permission, news site told
Last Updated: Tuesday, November 8, 2005 | 2:29 PM ET CBC News
Article Link

Bourque Newswatch Website

The Royal Canadian Legion has told an Ottawa-based internet news site to stop using its poppy image to commemorate Remembrance Day.
Pierre Bourque removed the Canadian poppy symbol from his website and replaced it with a British poppy image after warning e-mails from the legion's poppy and remembrance committee.

The committee said unauthorized use of the poppy symbol could reduce the flower's value as a symbol of war remembrance, according to e-mail excerpts that Bourque posted on his site.

"The poppy is a trademark of the legion and anyone who wants to use it has to apply," wrote Bob Butt, the communications director of the organization's Dominion Command. "Otherwise it would be all over the place."

Butt's e-mail added: "Sorry, I know your heart and many others are in the right place."

Though Bourque has taken the Canadian poppy image from his site, he defended his use of the graphic in a message posted on his site over the weekend.

"Bourque Newswatch was merely promoting Remembrance Week and the Royal Canadian Legion, and honouring those men and women who have fought and given so much for us," he wrote. "Nothing more, nothing less."
More on link
what is wrong with this picture.....
"reduce the flower's value as a symbol of war rememberance"
"otherwise it would be all over the place"

Without saying that the use of the poppy in the display of a commercial web site is wrong, don't we want to have the poppy predominant between oct 28th and nov 11th?  In everyone's mind? Make everyone remember?
It's all about lawyers and copyrights. Nothing to do with right and wrong. All the wrong people are being singled out on this one, on both sides. Someone should be bashing in the heavy oak door, that the penny pinching, bottom line, administrators (mostly all civie now) hide behind. Veterans no longer run the august organization that was once a proud RCL. It's been taken over by usless hangers on, that don't know why the org was formed in the first place, or what it truly stands for.
recceguy said:
It's all about lawyers and copyrights. Nothing to do with right and wrong. All the wrong people are being singled out on this one, on both sides. Someone should be bashing in the heavy oak door, that the penny pinching, bottom line, administrators (mostly all civie now) hide behind. Veterans no longer run the august organization that was once a proud RCL. It's been taken over by usless hangers on, that don't know why the org was formed in the first place, or what it truly stands for.

Here here,

I second that motion,

Support of the Troops, specifically new veterans is not asa it once was, and I say this with eperience.


The poppy has become institutionalized.  It's the thoughts and the memories, the learning and the teaching, that counts.
Between Oct 28th and Nov 11th, I'd like to see the Poppy "EVERYWHERE".

For, as they say, "LEST WE FORGET".... (as the Legion appears to have forgotten)
Well, that sure gives me second thoughts about putting on a poppy. Maybe I'll just wear a yellow ribbon instead. Or maybe I just need another coffee.

My Dad, a Vet. insisted every year that we, and his grand children after us, wore a poppy. I don't think he'd have been pleased. Incidently, he was Past President of ANAF, and wouldn't join Legion.

I have a problem with them claiming that the POPPY is trademarked. It is a flower, not something they drew up out of their minds. Personally I would tell whomever contacted them from the Legion to stuff it as they have really no legal avenues to pursue.
GAP said:
The committee said unauthorized use of the poppy symbol could reduce the flower's value as a symbol of war remembrance, according to e-mail excerpts that Bourque posted on his site. 

What a crock.  While the legion may own the rights to selling a plastic poppy immitation, it certainly should not be able to claim the right to the image across Canada.  What next, sueing nursery schools when the kids draw pictures of poppies for Remembrance Day?  As recceguy said, its not about right/wrong, its now about making a buck.


I did a small bit of searching and found Mr. Butt's offical Legion email address, just incase anyone here would like to let the man know of their opinions of this matter.

I poked around online and found this:


It appears they can do this. I found another site that says the poppy was copyrighted in 1948. Not right, but there it is.

All those who think they shouldn't hold a copyright should keep quiet then when a website like this pops up...............cause it will.


                                        PEACE OUT
Hawk said:
I poked around online and found this:


It appears they can do this. I found another site that says the poppy was copyrighted in 1948. Not right, but there it is.


It looks like they may have copyright's on their VERSION of the poppy


However the generic image of a poppy that we all know and love should have no rights reserved.

(yes I realize that is a picture of an actual wearable poppy, however could not quickly find a drawn image of the poppy (that was different than the one that Bruce posted above), like the one in the lest you forget avatar for this site.
I joined the RCL 26 years ago because of the good things they did for WW1 and WW2 vets, some of whom were my relatives.  As those vets died off, a new generatrion has kept the Legion keep branches afloat in dozens of small towns across Canada for the benefit of those old vets still alive.  That is changing.  As soon as smoking was banned, the crowds started thinning out and dying off.

Perhaps it is time for a new generation of veterans to join and carry the torch.  Any organization must change to stay relevant and new blood is needed to carry on.

But: In Canada, WW1 produced 600,000 veterans and WW2 almost a million. There is nowhere near that many CF vets being produced at once today.  

If we don't feel the Legion is responsive to are needs, then we should join it and change it.

Will that happen? Probably not.  Our greatest generations of yesteryear were our joiners, our builders and our organisers.  Something about having survived the wars and the 'Great Depression' of the 'Dirty Thirties'.  Boomers and younger mostly 'cocoon' in their residences, surrounded by their electronics.

We have yet to experience our generation's greatest trauma.