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The War in Ukraine

From Don's Weekly, 21 October 2024: Part 3

In February 2024, Russia had 1,130 MRL’s in Ukraine. At least 426 have been visually confirmed as destroyed. The Kiel Institute believes Russia is producing 13 systems a month and that 80% of those produced are refurbished from storage. Jompy believes they are producing more. Most of the stored systems are gone but they have been pulled not just to replace losses but to expand the number of systems in use.

In 2022, Russia was producing 250,000 152 mm rocket rounds and 33,000 122 mm rocket rounds a year. They are expected to build 1,325,000 152 mm rounds and 800,000 122 mm rounds in 2024. This may seem like a lot of ammo but if just 200 systems fire a complete salvo of 40 rockets a day, they would consume almost 3 million rounds. One of the reasons why Russian may not be producing more MRLS is that they have plenty on hand for the quantities of ammo they are producing. At this point ammo is the limiting factor, not vehicles.
614 decent tanks remaining out of 6336 prewar in storage
2263 decent IFV/APCs remaining out of 16212 prewar in storage

next year should be interesting. Will we see NK or Chinese tanks/IFV/APC?
614 decent tanks remaining out of 6336 prewar in storage
2263 decent IFV/APCs remaining out of 16212 prewar in storage

next year should be interesting. Will we see NK or Chinese tanks/IFV/APC?
They only need to outlast Ukraine’s ability to sustain its military. Russia has calculated, correctly, that with a nuclear deterrent they don’t need to keep very much conventional powder dry.
I think you give small UAS ‘drones’ too much credit, and the larger DoD contractors not enough.

1) The basic ones really are not that hard to counter. It is more a testament to poor leadership in the West that Ukraine doesn’t have a slew of SkyRanger and MSHORAD (both DE and Gun/Missile) systems to counter this.

2) Unlike the ‘workshop’ UAS, Western systems are highly evolved. Secure comms, with non spoof able navigation, and a lot of redundant features for safety.

Yes we need to make more and make them cheaper, but again, the West is at the mall, not at war.
All valid, but the 'system' to develop new drones and field is currently is too slow and bureaucratic

614 decent tanks remaining out of 6336 prewar in storage
2263 decent IFV/APCs remaining out of 16212 prewar in storage

next year should be interesting. Will we see NK or Chinese tanks/IFV/APC?
Nk most likely, but I would assume troops mostly.
2022 North Korean Army's strength 780,000 regular and 7,620,000 reserves troops, 4,500 tanks, 2,700 various other AFV, 9,000 Artillery tubes (unknown towed to SPA), and 6,500 MLRS.

I mean less troops for Nk means less mouth to feed right?
They only need to outlast Ukraine’s ability to sustain its military. Russia has calculated, correctly, that with a nuclear deterrent they don’t need to keep very much conventional powder dry.
well outlast our will to support Ukraine maybe. Probably unlikely that anyone had intended to conquer Russia. Never did I expect to see NK troops fighting alongside Russians in Ukraine or for that matter the material support from Iran and NK
Nk most likely, but I would assume troops mostly.
2022 North Korean Army's strength 780,000 regular and 7,620,000 reserves troops, 4,500 tanks, 2,700 various other AFV, 9,000 Artillery tubes (unknown towed to SPA), and 6,500 MLRS.

I mean less troops for Nk means less mouth to feed right?
The frogs and grasshoppers of NK salute you!
Russian use of poison gas now confirmed by both sides.

Serious question here.
If the newly arriving NK troops and any further arriving ones, are used in the form of 'security troops' or 'garrison troops' in the occupied portions of Ukraine or for guarding important infrastructure in those areas, does anyone have a guesstimate of how many Russians that would free up for front line combat duties?
Serious question here.
If the newly arriving NK troops and any further arriving ones, are used in the form of 'security troops' or 'garrison troops' in the occupied portions of Ukraine or for guarding important infrastructure in those areas, does anyone have a guesstimate of how many Russians that would free up for front line combat duties?
I would suggest you need to prepare for a 1:1 ratio. So 12,000 ish.
614 decent tanks remaining out of 6336 prewar in storage
2263 decent IFV/APCs remaining out of 16212 prewar in storage

next year should be interesting. Will we see NK or Chinese tanks/IFV/APC?
thinking about this and was wondering what Russia's losses have been lately

so 100+ tanks a month
and 340 IFV/APC a month

maybe not a year from now but 6 months and every Russian will ride a steel horse into battle
Nooooooooooooot great optics, especially as UKR presses the West for more help ....
Tin foil time. As well as shoring up Russia, NK troops gain some combat experience to bring to the table should China start something with Taiwan…
so 100+ tanks a month
and 340 IFV/APC a month

maybe not a year from now but 6 months and every Russian will ride a steel horse into battle

Motorized Rifle Division's worth of equipment on a monthly basis.

The 1942-style motorized infantry division, as in "mostly walking, but with some trucks," might be making a comeback.
Nooooooooooooot great optics, especially as UKR presses the West for more help ....
I would say that is the wrong spin.

Corruption existed, was discovered and punished (forced out). The "cast the first stone" quote comes to mind. Corruption exists in the west and with respect to those involved in the US 'military/industrial complex' who have not inappropriately enriched or empowered themselves, there is a lot of institutionalized/normalised corruption here too. With a lot less visible punishment.
Tin foil time. As well as shoring up Russia, NK troops gain some combat experience to bring to the table should China start something with Taiwan…
Perhaps at the senior officer level, I have my doubt any field grade or enlisted will survive long enough (and be trusted enough by Kim) to ever see NK again.

But as to the concept, yes. But realistically a week or 10 days worth of combat losses by Russia is relatively unimportant (200k plus might be). Far more important under my tin foil hat is the probing effect on the west's (read US/UK/D) courage to do more than whine a little and go back to watching their favorite sport on TV.

Iranian weapons/advisors, NK troops, and Chinese hardware are all involved in a European land war, one that is rife with ethnic cleansing yet after almost 3 years the west ignores its own petrocarbon/weapons components and other sanctions and actively helps fund Putin's Imperialistic and genocidal war.

I mean seriously, Snake Sullivan/the Biden administration forbids English and French weapons that have a few US sourced chips from being used in Russia against Russians but allows Russia to use those same chips in its weapons in Ukraine against Ukrainians?

There is good reason for Putin to believe that the west is spineless, afraid to act and too in love with their own standard of living to be willing to risk anything in the present for future stability.

My unfortunate prediction after 34 months of watching this dumpster fire of foreign policy missteps and military inaction us that, absent a RADICAL, EXTENSIVE and kinetic change in policy/commitment by whichever administration starts working in January, one that will require significant public education and buy-in due to the negative affect on our personal comfort and financial situation, Russia will win.

Ukraine will continue to bleed and die in a neverending resistance, many millions more refugees will leave Ukraine for western Europe, and we will see a further expansion of Russian territorial ambitions within 30 years. And also the proliferation of openly nuclear armed states, many more regional ethnically based conflicts, likely an attempt to reunify Taiwan into China, the breakup of the proven to be impotent NATO alliance and the retreat into isolationism/protectionism of the US and regional clusters within Europe.

Bidens channeling of Chamberlain will have caused the loss of WW3 before the west even recognised it was in a war. Precisely the opposite of what the administrations advisors and 'experts' tried to achieve with their escalation management plan (I really cannot call it a 'strategy').

Metaphorically the US is the abused teenager living with an alcoholic stepfather who is afraid to say or do anything to awaken or annoy the Soviet bully even though they are strong and fit enough to thrash him and have friends from school willing to help.

It must be absolutely infuriating for any professional (and non political) military senior officer who served at all during the cold war (Ben Hodges et al) to see everything they were prepared to fight and die for thrown away by self serving and fearful politicians only concerned with their next election and staying on the gravy train.

We have put managers instead of leaders in positions of power, both civilian and military, and ceeded the initiative to authoritarianism. Where is the Biden of 30 years ago? Where are the vets of the Cold War or combat vet politicians when their insight is needed?

Selfishly I am glad I will not live long enough to see this all play out but I am afraid my niece (a 153M) and her generation will be paying for my generations political naivety.

Start at 10 minutes or so:

And this:

I like the quote, "you are either sitting at the table or you are on the menu" - non nuclear state actors are now discovering they are on the menu while the authoritarian nuclear state actors are looking around for their next meal and the rest of the nuclear states are looking at the menu and thinking about their allergies.

Ukraine needs the bomb, soon, or a full NATO weaponry release or we (the west) will all pay far more dearly in the future. Article 5 has become a joke - just read the actual text of 5 and 6 then imagine how current political establishments will interpret them - the EU treaty is MUCH more concrete/less open to equivocation and more powerful than a NATO without the US throwing its weight into Europe.

And to those in uniform who I hear at work almost every day complaining about the billions 'given' to Ukraine and complaining about the reduction in their capabilities or training budgets etc, stop relying on the media (left or right) and open your eyes/mind. You are feeling the effects of political decisions within the defense establishment about resource allocation. Very little MONEY was given to Ukraine, and none of the announced (sometimes repeatedly with no clarification it is the same money) funding was taken back by the White House from the Pentagon.

What the much hyped billions are is funding for contracts with the US defense industry to procure replacements for outdated or expiring systems and (buzzword alert) 'effectors' that would have been spent regardless. But politically the powers that be are milking the Ukrainian situation to get jobs in their home districts and to lubricate the lobby machine (corruption in all but name).

Rant Off

(Totally not a JFKSWCS production)

Methinks F and UK should dismantle the Storm Shadows/Scalps, remove the US chips, and ship the rest to Ukraine as a demilitarised bunch of scrap parts. Pretty sure Ukraine will find a way to reactivate them. Likely with the same chips procured via the same channels Russia uses. But then they would be indigenous Ukrainian weapons and not subject to a US veto.
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