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Tim Hortons hiking prices on coffee, bagels

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Glad we got that one cleared up, now back to our regularly scheduled topic  ;D
Rants fuel Tim Hortons Facebook groups

Marianne White ,  Canwest News Service
Published: Friday, January 11, 2008
There seems to be more than coffee brewing at Tim Hortons.

Frustrated employees have banded together on the popular social networking site Facebook to give cranky customers the basic rules on how to order
their daily fix if they want to get good service. A trip to Tim Hortons is part of the daily routine for many Canadians, but it doesn't necessarily seem to
be the warm and fuzzy experience the commercials make them out to be for people on both sides of the counter.

Facebook hosts more than 500 groups about Tim Hortons, some appreciative, some definitely not.

"This is for everyone who gets fed up with people who don't know what they want, and for workers who have to put up with this everyday. If people
would just listen to these rules when ordering the world will be a better place," writes Janice Morgan, who identifies herself as the administrator of
one group called Tim Hortons Rules of Ordering and More that has some 3,400 members.

The 80 rules or so spell out how to make your visit to Tims more efficient: "When you want a coffee with no sugar, do not say no sugar it sounds like
your saying 'one sugar', " or "If you don't say you want anything in your coffee don't expect to get anything in it, we can't read your mind" and "Stop
telling us to 'stir it well' there is no button on the cash register for that."

Although somewhat amusing, the rules are from people who identify themselves as Tim Hortons employees and who clearly wish customers would
spend a day in their shoes. "Almost everyday someone is rude to me and my coworkers," writes someone who identifies herself as Meghan Watts.
"We try hard to get everyone's order right, but we do make mistakes from time to time. That's no reason to jump down our throats, yelling at us and
trying to get free coffee."

In other Facebook groups such as Poor Souls Who've Worked at Tim Hortons, I Survived Making Ice Caps (iced cappuccinos) in the Summer (Tim Hortons
employees) and I worked @(at) Tim Hortons and SURVIVED!, cranky workers share horror stories about testy clients.

A worked identified as Nick Bolarinho wrote that one customer threw his iced cappuccino in his face and yelled "this is shit!" Another says that he still has
nightmares about his former Tim Hortons job. But the coffee slingers are not the only ones airing their beefs on Facebook. Frustrated clients also have their
support groups such as Tim Hortons Screws up my Order Every Time and Tim Hortons Service Sucks.

"Once I ordered a medium coffee, muffin and a bottle of water and I actually got two apple juices (in a bag), a large hot chocolate, a bagel and a muffin
(not the one I asked for). They even charged me for what I did order...," complains a Kristine Julian from Halifax. Someone identified as Rachelle Richards
sums it up this way: "unhappy employees makes for shitty customer service, and therefore unhappy customers."

But there is a silver lining for Tim Hortons employees. Many Facebook groups, like Addicted to Tim Hortons, are very positive and they seem to always have
time for Tim Hortons.

The public affairs director for Tim Hortons didn't return calls Thursday.
Sometimes the service at Tim's really does leave a lot to be desired. One thing they seem to have stopped doing all together is putting a napkin in with your order. It's too late when you're on the highway looking for somewhere to wipe your hand! (I know I know...I shouldn't eat and drive but it happens)
It shouldn't be up to the customer to know how to order coffee more efficiently...this is a retail business where they are there to serve you not to complain about the way you order your goods. Rudeness and disrespect from a customer is never acceptable in my opinion; throwing a drink in someone's face is an assault and the police should have been called.
In many of these fast food places, though, the employees seem to think the place is set up for their convenience and benefit rather than serving the public.
I recently was in a Tim's where the staff were carrying on loud conversations, and having a great old social time while all the tables and floors looked like they hadn't been cleaned in a decade. The supervisor was obviously not doing his/her job. It was difficult for me and my wife to have a conversation the noise level of the staff was so high. We were the only ones in the store so I guess they thought it didn't matter.

Having said that the Tim's just down from my house is run very well with helpful and courteous staff. I guess the old management/ leadership principles are in force at that one because they are a great gang who recognise you when you go in and are very helpful and courteous.
"Boycott Tim Hortons" group in facebook (138 members today)


Reason no

7. Blood money.
Speaking of nationalism, we are always criticizing corporations that are profiteering from the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Did you know
there is a Tim Horton’s store in the military base in Kandahar? I kid you not. Even scarier is that employees there (once you factor in the
monthly living stipend) are making about the same as military officers. Even scarier still: The Canadian Federal government subsidies the
operation of the Kandahar outlet by the order of 4-5 million CDN per year.

They are upping the prices again!  >:(  I went into Timmies on base here on Pet and they have a sign up saying how due to incease in costs the prices will be going up slightly
Infantry_ said:
They are upping the prices again!  >:(  I went into Timmies on base here on Pet and they have a sign up saying how due to incease in costs the prices will be going up slightly

Did it say anything about whether or not this is a nation-wide hike?

I'll check tom, But it's the generic one they used last time they hiked them up
Just went out and got a XLG DD and still the same price as before $1.75
I have to say, the service from the local Timmies at CFB Edmonton is absolutely by FAR the best I've ever had and seen! They are incredibly fast, to the point that you've barely offloaded you're change to them and they're handing you you're order and you don't even know what to do with it it came so fast! It helps that they have 4 people on drivethru every morning so I think they have a very efficient system worked out, but the Timmies on base is known to be the best in all of Edmonton!
I'd have to agree that the speed is amazing, but the price is quite a bit higher here than ontario, and we have less tax in edmonton.... though getting thru the lineup in less than 5 minutes is well worth it.
R215 Pte Joe said:
I have to say, the service from the local Timmies at CFB Edmonton is absolutely by FAR the best I've ever had and seen!

Isn't that a Robin's Doughnuts at CFB Edmonton?
Shamrock said:
Isn't that a Robin's Doughnuts at CFB Edmonton?

Actually no, they built a Tims infront of the canex store (the one with TV's and stuff) and the robin's closed down.
Jager said:
Actually no, they built a Tims infront of the canex store (the one with TV's and stuff) and the robin's closed down.

Guess the Robin lay an egg >:D